Take Along A Spring



When Yang Fann arrived at Qingshan Town High School, Lee Dagang had already arrived. He stood at the school entrance, eagerly awaiting his arrival.    


"Big one, didn't you go drink flower wine last night? "Why did you arrive earlier than me?" Yang Fann knew Lee Dagang was a night owl. If there was nothing to do, he wouldn't wake up until noon.    


"Boss Yang summoned me. Not to mention drinking the flower wine last night, I, Lee Dagang, would have to get up to see you even if we went to bed last night."    


With that, Lee Dagang looked at Bai Mei with a smile, "Sister-in-law, you have to be optimistic about this guy. Boss Yang had secretly written love letters to girls in high school. He was very flowery and dishonest."    


"I wonder what kind of beauty could move our Boss Yang's heart?" Bai Mei looked at Yang Fann with a smile that was not a smile. One of her hands had already reached out and pinched Yang Fann's waist. Regardless of what Lee Dagang said was true, she had to wring it out first to enjoy the moment.    


Even with Yang Fann's abnormal physique, he still felt the slight pain. As for the pain he was showing his teeth to Bai Mei, it was just to show Bai Mei that he couldn't let a beauty down as if nothing had happened, right?    


Yang Fann discovered that Bai Mei's hand strength was quite strong. At this moment, he actually started to mourn for Bai Mei's future husband. He wondered which unlucky fellow had the luck to taste Bai Mei's culinary skills. It must be very satisfying, right?    


F * ck!    


Yang Fann actually discovered a very scary thing. Maybe he was a little bit jealous, since it was not in line with his small goal of owning a forest. Ever since he broke up with Lee Qian, it was Yang Fann's basic principle to not hang himself on a tree.    


Thinking of this, Yang Fann quickly changed the topic, "Big man, have you contacted Old Principal yet?"    


"No, since the old man is old, I usually don't disturb him. I only deal with a vice principal, I've already informed the vice principal, and he should be here soon."    


"Mhmm, let me give Old Principal a call. Old Principal hasn't reached the stage where he can't move yet. It's good for my body to get more activity, so I haven't seen him for a long time."    


Yang Fann to Old Principal Lee Zhongyi quite respect, but also very grateful, can say, without Old Principal's selfless help, do not have his Yang Fann today, for a period of time did not see him, rather miss him.    


Just as Yang Fann was making a call to Old Principal, the Vice Principal that Lee Dagang contacted had arrived. The Vice Principal was also an old man from Qingshan Town High School, so of course he knew Yang Fann.    


Lee Zhongyi just happened to be at home. He didn't wait for Yang Fann and Lee Dagang to pay him a visit before coming to meet them. When he heard that the school windows had all been changed, Old Principal was overjoyed.    


In order to prevent others from saying that he was the one who held power, since the change of windows was the responsibility of the vice principal, Lee Zhongyi didn't ask about it. He also knew that he was about to leave and was seizing the opportunity to train his successor.    


Looking at the new windows and doors of each classroom, Lee Zhongyi sighed endlessly. He had spent so much effort and failed to accomplish the task, but who would have thought that it would be done by one of his students. Lee Zhongyi didn't have any other thoughts, he only had one word — gratification!    


When Lee Zhongyi saw that the teacher's office had been replaced with a new window, he said with a sigh, "Now our school finally has the confidence to compete with those recently graduated university teachers. How many times have I ran these few years ago? When they saw the broken hardware in our school, they refused to come at all! "    


The vice principal felt sorry for Lee Zhongyi and hurriedly comforted him, "Old Principal, those young university teachers are inexperienced and can't be of any use. They might as well be our school's old teachers."    


"Humph!" Lee Zhongyi became anxious when he heard that, "What do you know? Teaching is different now. How can those old antiques in our school know how many new methods and things are there? How could the students who were taught not to inject fresh blood, not to introduce new teaching methods, and to compare themselves to the children of the city after they left? It's not like you don't know how much harm it can do to the children to be mocked by the people in the city as a country bumpkin! "    


"Yes, yes, yes. I was short-sighted. Old Principal's right in teaching me a lesson." After being scolded by Lee Zhongyi, the vice president's face was full of fear. It could be seen that Yang Fann truly felt ashamed and wasn't pretending to be Old Principal. It could be seen how much respect the vice president had for Lee Zhongyi.    


Yang Fann was moved by Old Principal's boxing heart. He said to Lee Dagang beside him, "Big guy, you should change all the desks and teacher desks into new ones." By the way, the blackboards, too, have been replaced with new blackboards. And the walls of the classroom and office, too, have been repainted. Right, and … And … Wait till I remember. "    


At this moment, Bai Mei, who was beside Yang Fann, said, "Yang Fann, why don't you reorganize the dormitory for the students and staff, what do you think?"    


"Right, right, right. Did the big one hear that? Let's do it!" Yang Fann clapped to show his goodwill. Bai Mei was indeed someone at the level of a boss. She was considerate even when she thought about it, even knowing what he was thinking. How considerate!    


At this moment, Yang Fann even had the urge to make Bai Mei his secretary. If he didn't feel like he was not as rich as Bai Mei, he would have actually mentioned it.    


"This is?" At this time, Lee Zhongyi shifted his attention to Bai Mei. At first, he thought Bai Mei was brought over by Lee Dagang, but he didn't expect her to be together with Liu Tie. He had to take a good look at her and see what kind of woman she was, whether or not she was worthy of his good student.    


"She is …"    


Just as Yang Fann was about to introduce Bai Mei, he was interrupted by Bai Mei. "Hello, Old Principal. I'm Yang Fann's girlfriend, and I often hear Yang Fann mention you. I've come to see you today, and this is a gift for you. It's not worth much, but it represents my feelings. Please don't turn your back on it!"    


Bai Mei stepped forward and handed the prepared gift to Lee Zhongyi. With a dignified tone, proper behavior, and a pressing noble aura, she had an indescribably good temperament.    


After listening to Bai Mei's self-introduction, Lee Zhongyi became more than half satisfied with her. What kind of person is Lee Zhongyi? Even though he has never ridden on a Mercedes-Benz before, he has seen a lot of people in his life.    


Bai Mei's actions and words clearly showed that she had a good upbringing. In addition to her decent speech and generosity, she matched her favorite disciple Yang Fann. It was simply more than enough!    


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