Take Along A Spring



Xiaoming and Xiaohong, the two old eagle s, never thought much of their master, Yang Fann. If it wasn't for the allure of the Spatial Live Fish, they wouldn't even care about this guy that couldn't even fly.    


Yang Fann pointed at the two old eagle flying around in the sky and cursed. The two old eagle swooped down and pulled up, but it was just playing with Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann was really angry. After making the two old eagle eat so much of the spatial food and drink so much of the spatial Spirit Spring, if there were still two ingrate, Yang Fann would rather kill them and eat the meat.    


Don't think that Yang Fann was just joking. Ever since he was young, he had followed the villagers into the mountains to gather herbs, and he had been the victim of many birds and beasts in the mountains. Yang Fann was not like those guys in the city who would usually treat a small spider as a pet.    


Yang Fann used to keep two old eagle s to hunt and guard the door. If the two beasts didn't listen to him, or even tried to take advantage of him, Yang Fann, and dared to oppose his master, Yang Fann, he would definitely eat them.    


Women's kindness isn't Yang Fann's style. Yang Fann's ancestors and fathers were all hunters, so he could barely be considered half a hunter. Who had ever seen a hunter be soft-hearted to birds and beasts? Unless it was a female who was pregnant with a baby, or a female bird who was cuddling, all of them were targets they had to kill.    


After such a long period of training and using the Spirit Spring to develop their intelligence, seeing that the two old eagle were still not familiar with each other, Yang Fann truly wanted to kill them.    


After all, the two old eagle were beasts. Although they had drunk the Space Spirit Spring and their intelligence was much smarter than others of their kind, they could not compare to Yang Fann, the spirit of all living things.    


Forget about two feathered beasts, even humans, such as Rakshasa Woman and Lisa, who had received professional training and had many lives on their hands, would be played to death by Yang Fann with Space of Jade Pendant without knowing it.    


Thus, when the two old eagle swooped down and wanted to continue teasing Yang Fann like before, their tragedy happened.    


With Yang Fann's current ability, the Spirit Body could move seven meters away from his body.    


Within a radius of seven meters around his body, Yang Fann's Spirit Body could move about as he wished. As long as it was within this range, the items within would not exceed a certain amount of weight.    


When the two old eagle, Xiaoming and Xiaohong dove within seven meters of Yang Fann, they suddenly felt their bodies tighten. The two old eagle immediately realized what was going to happen, it was not the first time Yang Fann brought them into the Space of Jade Pendant, so they could not be more familiar with this feeling.    


The two old eagle were extremely shocked, of course they knew that as long as they were within the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann would be an invincible existence, and would have long since kept them in space. It was just that they underestimated Yang Fann's ability, because every time Yang Fann would only store them in space when he came into contact with their bodies, and he never used the method of detaching the Spirit Body.    






Chirp Chirp...    


Chirp Chirp Chirp...    


The two old eagle panicked. They had been whipped a lot by Yang Fann, so they knew that once they entered Space of Jade Pendant, they would definitely not be able to escape after a fierce beating. Being whipped by the willow branches was not a pleasant feeling, they did not want to experience that feeling at all.    


However, the two old eagle still underestimated the misfortune they were about to encounter. Yang Fann wasn't simply whipping them like before, but Yang Fann was preparing to eat meat!    


Yang Fann had never tasted the meat of old eagle before, so he let the two old eagle continue to disobey him. Sooner or later, they would fly away, he might as well just eat them right now, or else he would be able to eat a meal of meat.    


Within the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann was like a god. He first grabbed the most disobedient male eagle, Xiaoming, and the Spirit Body swept over him. Within the Space of Jade Pendant, Yang Fann was like a god, first grabbing the most disobedient male eagle, Xiaoming.    


The animal's sharp instinct told it that this time, Yang Fann was different from every other time. In the past, it just wanted to teach it a lesson, but this time, Yang Fann's whole body was emitting killing intent. He was really going to kill it!    


Many animals were intelligent, and their instincts were much stronger than that of humans. For example, large animals like horses and cows could predict in advance when they were sent to be slaughtered. Some of them would even stop eating and drink a few days before they met their masters.    


Many low level animals had the instinct to predict danger. Before rain, ants would move, and before flood, animals would head higher into the mountains, these were all innate abilities of animals. After drinking the space Spirit Spring, the old eagle that had developed intelligence was no exception.    




It was scared to death. Facing death, there was no animal that did not fear. Death was the ultimate anxiety of all intelligent life forms. Unless it had a firm conviction, anyone would be afraid when facing death.    


However, since Yang Fann had already made up his mind, he wouldn't change his mind just because of a flat fur animal barking twice. As long as he lets it go now, this little guy might become even stronger next time.    




Yang Fann rolled his Spirit Body and a steel knife flew into the air and slashed at Xiaoming's neck. Yang Fann did not like to eat meat with blood in it, so he was prepared to let it shine.    




Just as Yang Fann was about to kill Xiaoming, Xiaohong, who was trembling in fear, rushed over and threw herself at his feet. No one knew where she learned this from, but she desperately nodded at him as if she was kowtowing and begging for mercy.    


"Hmm? You even know how to plead on behalf? "    


He would even kowtow and plead for mercy on Xiaoming's behalf. Honestly speaking, raising two old eagle s by himself consumed a lot of resources, and just the Spatial Spirit Spring alone were all drunk by them. Killing them was indeed a bit of a waste.    


Now that Xiaohong's intelligence was a bit beyond his imagination, Yang Fann hesitated. It would be a waste to kill two old eagle just like that, so he should give them another chance to make up for it.    


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