Take Along A Spring



As soon as Yang Fann heard the siren, he immediately called Ma Wensheng, who was guarding the door, to tell him that if any police officers came looking for him, he would bring them to the Pear Lingnan Slope.    


Not long after, Ma Wensheng appeared on the mountain with several fully armed policemen. The policemen's gazes were attracted by the witch with a rag stuffed in their mouth and their hands and one of their legs tied together. They thought Yang Fann was a criminal and the woman that was tied up was the victim, so they immediately pulled out their pistols and ordered Yang Fann to let them go.    


Yang Fann was speechless. Did he look like a bad person?    


It wasn't that the police didn't have good eyesight, but the image of the witch was too unique. Anyone who saw her from a distance would think of a young man with a ponytail as a victim. Yang Fann, who looked energetic while sitting at the side, was definitely the murderer.    


The image of the witch was too deceptive. No need to say anything, just by looking at her peach blossom eyes, it was obvious that she was a sissy. In addition, she wore a glossy ponytail. She was even more sissy than a sissy.    


Yang Fann raised his hands to indicate that he was unarmed, then shook his phone, indicating that he was the one who called the police: "Comrade Police, I'm the victim, he's the one who wants to kill me, please don't be fooled by his appearance!"    


At this time, Ma Wensheng also testified on the side that Yang Fann was the boss here and the ponytail was an outsider.    


With Ma Wensheng, the security guard for Jade Spring Mountain Villa, as a witness, the police finally believed that Yang Fann was the victim. Even so, they did not completely let down their guard, and the others did not move or put away their guns.    


When the police found the gun and dagger on her body, they immediately tensed up as if they were facing a great enemy. They originally thought that it was just an ordinary intentional murder case, but they didn't expect it to be a gun-wielding murder case.    


Although the gunner had been caught by some unknown means, the policemen were still somewhat afraid. If there were to be a shooting case with a bad character in their territory, the responsibility would definitely be very heavy!    


Thinking about the scene of the gunner not being caught and instead having a gunfight with him in the mountains, the policemen felt a chill run down their spines. The police were not soldiers, not to mention secret agents, they would be injured and sacrificed just like the other criminals, they were all the sons of their mother's father, who was not afraid of death, thinking about the colleagues they had sacrificed all these years, it was impossible to not be nervous.    


The witch had a document on her body, but it wasn't as eye-catching as a dagger. If it was anyone else, they would have to take their weapon. However, before they could figure out what was going on, the witch's ID card hadn't been discovered yet.    


Actually, Yang Fann had already thrown his ID card into the bushes in the distance before she woke up. The purpose of this was to delay the time when the police found out his identity.    


Ka-cha! *    


A pair of handcuffs handcuffed Witch. Although Yang Fann had already tied his hands and one leg with nylon rope, the policemen had to be careful of a gunner. If anything happened to him at this moment, it would be considered an injustice.    


At the same time that he cuffed the spirit demon, a police officer was already reporting to the headquarters that a gunman had been found in Qingshan Town, asking them what to do next.    


As for the rag in her mouth, a police officer was just about to pull it out when Yang Fann told him that he wanted to bite his tongue and kill himself when she was caught. The police immediately stopped.    


Hearing Yang Fann's words, the witch almost died of anger. You are the one who wanted to bite your tongue to commit suicide, your whole family wants to bite their tongue to commit suicide!    


Because Yang Fann had reported that someone wanted to kill him, the one who came out to alarm him was not the normal 110 special task force, but the official police officer. Moreover, the Deputy Chief of the Xincheng County Supervisor of Criminal Police was none other than an old acquaintance of Yang Fann, the son of Qingshan Town Elder Lee Zhongyi, Lee Mingxuan.    


A case of murder with guns was definitely a big one in Xincheng County. The captain immediately reported it to the Deputy Chief of Police, Lee Mingxuan.    


When Lee Mingxuan heard that the victim was his younger brother Yang Fann, he immediately drove his car and brought his subordinates over to Qingshan Town. At the same time, he ordered the on-site police officers to control the situation, they must not destroy the scene, and must protect the safety of the person involved!    


During this period of time, the higher authorities were in the midst of Xincheng County examination, and along with them walked a large group of reporters who were called 'Uncrowned Kings'. Right now, they were demanding that the government be made public, and that the law be enforced publicly as well.    


Therefore, when Lee Mingxuan personally led people out of the Xincheng County Public Security Bureau, saying that he was going to handle a murder case with guns, a few reporters who were coincidentally squatting in the Public Security Bureau heard the news and quickly followed him.    


In China, where gun control was strict, being able to encounter a murder case was definitely big news. Also, it just so happened that the inspection team had the freedom to shoot.    


With the order from the Deputy Chief, the policemen at the scene did not touch the demoness, as they were afraid of damaging the scene. They didn't even take out the rags in his mouth.    


Just like this, many domestic and foreign agents were terrified by the news. The famous Blood Demon Lady watched helplessly as a large group of police officers and reporters swarmed over. Under the flickering lights, a few police officers lifted him up and left on a stretcher.    


The spirit demon lady was carried away, leaving behind a few experienced old men. As the person involved, Yang Fann naturally could not stay out of it and was brought to the Xincheng County Public Security Bureau to take a statement.    


Before getting on the car, Yang Fann told Lee Mingxuan that his parents might be in danger. He also secretly told Lee Mingxuan that Rakshasa Woman was back and asked him to send someone to protect his family.    


He knew who Rakshasa Woman was, and upon hearing that the pervert woman had snuck back into Huaxia, he immediately became very worried. Right now, he was in charge of every inch of the Xincheng County, and if that pervert discovered something wrong, he could very likely be unlucky, especially since he was the Deputy Chief of Criminal Investigation.    


Knowing the feud between Rakshasa Woman and Yang Fann, Lee Mingxuan did not dare to be negligent. Even without his relationship with Yang Fann, he could not ignore Yang Fann's request. He had already been reminded that if something happened to Yang Fann's family because of his inaction, he would definitely not be able to bear the consequences.    


Lee Mingxuan left the two policemen crouched at Poplar Gully, nominally to protect Yang Fann's family and to guard against the gunmen's accomplices, but in reality, it was to intimidate Rakshasa Woman. With fully armed police here, no matter how powerful Rakshasa Woman was, she wouldn't dare to jump out in broad daylight.    


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