Take Along A Spring



When Lee Dagang arrived at the backyard after smelling the fragrance, Yang Fann was doing his best in the kitchen.    


A spoon was thrown into the air and a large piece of golden scrambled eggs made a sizzling sound. He flipped his body in the air and landed back into the pot. He didn't even manage to splash out any oil stars.    


With a swipe of the shovel, the scrambled eggs in the wok had been split into small even pieces. With a flip of the spoon, all the eggs landed in an empty bowl beside him.    


After the scrambled eggs were fried, the spoon was as clean as a mirror. There was not even a single star left on the top of the scrambled eggs. Yang Fann had used his culinary skills to the extreme. Lee Dagang, Bai Mei and the two accountants were stupefied and couldn't say anything for a long time.    


This was the most realistic example of a foodie, a pheasant made from the taste of space food and the water of Spirit Spring. The eggs served were considered to be exceptionally delicious, and there was no need to taste them at all. Just by smelling the taste of the scrambled eggs, it was enough to make one's appetite boil, and one would want to immediately rush up to eat them!    


Although it was delicious, it was not enough to show its perfection. As a true foodie, one must make the perfect ingredients more perfect in order to be worthy of the ingredients, oneself and everything in the world.    


First, he fried the egg and put it aside. Then, Yang Fann cut a piece of fresh meat into thin slices and mixed it with some wine and starch before marinating it.    


Yang Fann cut a tender cucumber with thorns on the top into a rhombus-shaped piece, chopped a scallion into pieces, cut some yellow cabbage into pieces and tore the black fungus that had already been blasted into pieces.    


Then, Yang Fann poured some space peanut oil into the frying spoon. After the oil was heated up, Yang Fann put the shallot into the frying pan, then poured the tenderloin into the frying pan to stir-fry the color. Then, he quickly put in the wood ear and yellow flower pieces to stir-fry a few times, mixed some soy sauce, salt, sugar and a little bit of water, and continued stir-frying for another two minutes.    


Finally, Yang Fann poured the egg and cucumber slices into a frying spoon. After stir-frying, he sprinkled the starch on top of the egg and mixed it with a portion of delicious, fragrant, and fragrant Wooden Whisker Meat was ready!    


It was probably due to the fact that the scrambled eggs looked like melilotus. As for why most people called it the wood tassel now, some said it was a crosstalk, but Yang Fann didn't know what its original name was.    


In the north, south, and north of the Great Wall, as long as it was a Chinese, there were many people who liked to eat this dish called Wooden Whisker Meat.    


During production, the seasonings could be added or subtracted according to the taste, such as those that liked to eat sweet, those that liked to eat sugar, those that liked to eat sour, or those that liked to eat vinegar. There was no fixed method, as long as one put one's heart into it, one could make a delicacy.    


If Lee Dagang and Shen Yun, as well as the accountant that he brought, were interested in the meat, then Bai Mei was interested in how to make a small piece of meat that was so fragrant.    


Firstly, it was Bai Mei's own occupation. Secondly, Bai Mei also wanted to show off her skills in front of Yang Fann in the future.    


Didn't some idiot say that in order to grab a man's heart, one had to grab his stomach first.    


Bai Mei could tell that Yang Fann was a foodie. To a foodie, a woman who could cook delicious food was undoubtedly their favorite.    


If Bai Mei wanted to really enter Yang Fann's life, she had to take advantage of the situation and play to her own advantage, trying to dilute her age and the shortcoming of her previous marriage.    


"Yang Fann, I can make Wooden Whisker Meat too, but why isn't there the same fragrance as you?" Bai Mei decided to shamelessly ask and secretly learned from Yang Fann. She needed to learn a few moves as soon as possible so that she could catch this man's stomach in the future.    


Yang Fann laughed and immediately began lecturing. For some people who liked to be teachers, asking a question that they were good at was tantamount to scratching their itch. They were really proud of themselves.    


"Listen up. First of all, the egg I'm using is not an ordinary egg. It's a mountain egg I found in the mountains. How about it? Just these few authentic eggs are far superior to those ordinary eggs or those fake eggs! "    


Yang Fann pointed at the eggshell in the trash can and showed it to everyone, "Also, when you're frying the eggs, add a little water and a few drops of cooking wine in advance. This way, the scrambled eggs won't have a fishy taste and will have a soft taste."    


"Normally when you're cooking, there are usually steps to cook eggs. I suggest that you first cook the eggs well and serve them, then cook the other ingredients, add salt, and then pour the scrambled eggs back into the wok." Eggs can easily absorb salt, or they can become very salty. "    


As Yang Fann spoke, he started to fill the plate with stir-fry meat, "That's right, if you want to use fresh yellow flowers, you must first boil them and then soak them in cold water for more than two hours. Also, you must change them a few times, otherwise, some substances in the fresh yellow flowers might cause us to be poisoned."    


Yang Fann's cooking speed was not as fast as others. When everyone found him, there were already three dishes ready. They were placed on the table, emitting an alluring fragrance, waiting for those who understood them to taste them.    


The Herbal Tea Eggs Mountain Chicken Soup, the oyster sauce lettuce, the steamed river fish, and the woody pork from before. Once the four main dishes were done, Yang Fann quickly made a sweet tomato and a fruit platter.    




A jar of Spatial Medicinal Wine was placed on the table by Yang Fann, which he had already prepared beforehand. It was impossible for him to take something out from the Space of Jade Pendant in front of everyone.    


"Everyone, you've worked hard. What are you waiting for? Come on, your hands are too slow. If you're embarrassed, then I'll eat first!"    


Yang Fann opened the wine jar and poured half a cup of Spatial Medicinal Wine into each of the five empty cups.    




Lee Dagang could no longer hold it in and was the first to rush over. Forget about the space vegetables, just the aroma of the Spatial Medicinal Wine was not something that he, a little drunkard, could resist.    


Seeing Lee Dagang move, the rest of them were finally free. They all impatiently sat down by the table and watched Yang Fann eagerly, waiting for him to move the chopsticks first.    


Yang Fann looked at him and thought, "Oh wow, these people are rather reserved. Then this bro won't be polite. I've been busy for a long time and I'm already hungry."    


"Come on, let's have a drink first and then we'll eat." Do as you please, but don't get yourself drunk and have to work in the afternoon. "    


Yang Fann raised his glass, touched the crowd and gently drank a mouthful. To others, Spatial Medicinal Wine were the highest quality delicacies, to Yang Fann, the taste was also good, and it was just as satisfying to drink it.    


In the end, before Yang Fann could put down the wine cup, he was stunned. Including Bai Mei, everyone drank up except for himself. Not even a little bit was left!    


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