Take Along A Spring





Yang Fann thought it was Rakshasa Woman who was attacking him, but who knew it was a lackey.    


Under the shine of the stars in the sky, a big guy and Yang Fann were facing each other from a distance. Yang Fann had already seen his face and realized that he had seen this guy before.    


Yang Fann was confused. He did not know why this guy ran to the Poplar Gully and even ambushed him from behind. The big sized man was also dumbfounded, thinking that it was Rakshasa Woman.    


"Brat, you're not sleeping yet and you're back? "Oh, I see. You're here to sleep, aren't you?" The moment the big bloke opened his mouth, the scent of a genuine roasted animal filled the air.    


Yang Fann was angered by the big guy and laughed: "This is my house, alright? I haven't asked what you are doing here, but you asked me instead."    


"You brat, you don't sleep in the middle of the night. You're sneaky and don't look like a good person. "Since you made a mistake, I won't disturb your sleep. Continue, brother!"    


The big bloke turned around and left after saying that. How could Yang Fann let him leave? In such a remote place like Poplar Gully, who would come here and wander around in the middle of the night without sleeping?    


"Hold it right there. Don't put your elbow in first. It won't be too late after you explain yourself!" Yang Fann also pulled up his northeastern accent. He swung his arm in front of the big bloke to stop him.    


Looking at Yang Fann's sloppy attitude, the big bloke chuckled: "Brat, you have guts. It seems like you want to spar with me?"    


As soon as he finished his sentence, the big bloke suddenly kicked towards Yang Fann's stomach. As early as in the Happy Bar, Yang Fann had used them to discipline Wang Zheng, and at that time, the Tough Man of Northeast thought Yang Fann was evil, he didn't expect that the mission this time was to stand close to Yang Fann's hometown, and was just thinking of a chance to beat him up, then this kid delivered himself to the door.    


Seeing that the big guy dared to sneak attack him again, how could he be polite with him? No matter what the big guy wanted to do with Poplar Gully, Yang Fann was prepared to take him down first. Before confirming the relationship between this guy and Rakshasa Woman, Yang Fann would definitely not let down his guard.    


In order to avoid exposing his strength, Yang Fann didn't clash head on with the big bloke. Instead, he dodged to the side and dodged a kick aimed at his lower abdomen.    


While dodging the big bloke's attack, Yang Fann suddenly stepped forward, raised his leg and bent his knees, then ferociously hit the big bloke's crotch.    


"Brat, you're ruthless!" The big bloke was shocked by Yang Fann's quick and violent action. His crotch was one of the weakest parts of a man's body. If he got hit by Yang Fann's knee, he would kneel down immediately no matter how much training he received.    


Before one of his legs fell off, the huge bloke couldn't use a method to stop Yang Fann's knee strike. He could only cross his hands and press them down, wanting to block Yang Fann's attack.    


The big guy's hands were down, his chest and face were open, and he was punched on the bridge of his nose by Yang Fann. Blood immediately spurted out of his nose, tears flowed down, and he lost his fighting strength.    


Yang Fann saw that the big bloke didn't fall, so he quickly punched again. The punch hit his chest and made a dull thud. The big bloke fell on his back. It seemed like he wouldn't be able to get up for a while.    


In the blink of an eye, the winner was decided. At this time, another big guy rushed out from behind a brick wall not too far away. With just a glance, Yang Fann was able to clearly see that guy's appearance, and he was one of the few Tough Man of Northeast.    


It was unknown whether it was because Tough Man of Northeast didn't like Yang Fann, or because there was a combative gene deep in the bones of Northeast people, but the moment this big guy who hid behind a brick stack came out, he immediately rushed towards Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann didn't think that this guy was here to shake hands with him. Just by looking at his pair of bell-like eyes, he knew that this guy did not have any good intentions.    


Because Yang Fann's body was being modified by the Spirit Spring, he couldn't use Lisa or Rakshasa Woman as a reference to determine the strength of the man he just fought against.    


In any case, Yang Fann felt that if these Tough Man of Northeast were as good as the guys he beat up, then as long as they didn't take out their guns, he would be able to take care of them all.    


Since the opponent didn't take out his weapon this time, Yang Fann didn't kill him. He quickly took a few steps forward and kicked out almost at the same time as the opponent.    


The result showed that Yang Fann still kicked his opponent and the opponent didn't even manage to hit the corner of Yang Fann's pants.    


Just when the big bloke remembered that he was kicked by Yang Fann, he got another two kicks on his thigh. This time, he was in so much pain that he couldn't stand up anymore.    


After knocking down two people, Yang Fann didn't rush to check on their situation, but carefully observed their surroundings. Who knows if these two guys were in the same group as Rakshasa Woman, even if they weren't in the same group, it shouldn't be just the two of them. Tough Man of Northeast had a total of five people, since there were two here, where could the other three hide?    


"Tell me, where are your accomplices? I'll break your dog legs if you don't say it! " Yang Fann was not trying to scare them. It was related to his and his family's safety. Not to mention breaking one of their legs, he could even kill if he was in a hurry!    


Tough Man of Northeast and Tough Man of Northeast wanted to say a few more fierce words, but with Yang Fann's pair of scarlet eyes, they immediately knew that things were not going well. Tough Man of Northeast and Tough Man of Northeast wanted to say a few more fierce words, but with Yang Fann's scarlet eyes, they immediately knew that things were not going well.    


"Brother, don't be angry, we were sent by the country to protect you." The second big guy that rushed out was slightly less injured, he took out a small notebook from his pocket and threw it towards Yang Fann.    


Although Yang Fann didn't have much combat experience, he had read a lot of movies, TV, movies, and novels. Yang Fann didn't have much combat experience, but he had watched a lot of movies, TV, and novels.    


In the modern age, it was a high-tech era. Some country's leader's brother was killed by a bottle of poison at the airport, so Yang Fann didn't dare to casually touch the enemy's stuff.    


Yes, before knowing each other's true identities, the two of them were his enemies. Yang Fann was inexperienced and inexperienced in this area, so he had to be careful. This was not only related to his own life, but also to the safety of his family!    


"Bro, you're really careful. Are you afraid that I'll poison your ID?" You've watched too many movies, right? How can there be so much deadly poison to detoxify? "    


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