Take Along A Spring



After dinner, everyone looked at Yang Fann with interest when they left. At first, Yang Fann was confused, he didn't know why these guys looked at him in such a weird way, but after everyone had left, he gradually recovered. It turned out these guys were all thinking about how to sleep with Bai Mei tonight.    


Yesterday, Yang Fann and Bai Mei returned home late at night with Rakshasa Woman as a potential threat, so they only chatted inside until dawn. Today, they couldn't afford to stay for another night.    


The location of Poplar Gully was remote, and there were very few cultural and entertainment events. Fellow villagers rarely had the chance to gossip, and usually, whoever's mother had laid a double egg would be treated as news, not to mention Yang Fann who had brought an object as beautiful as a fairy.    


The second time Bai Mei came to the Poplar Gully, many people were still envious, jealous and resentful. The first time, Bai Mei came was already breathtaking, but this time, she still shocked many people.    


It was not a good thing for women to be too beautiful. Sometimes wars would take place between countries because of one woman, and many heroes ended up with women.    


Fortunately, although Bai Mei was pretty, she didn't have a flirtatious way of speaking. If there was an outsider present, Bai Mei would become dignified, elegant, and dignified. She was just like a lady from a noble family, not as lively as when she was alone with Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann secretly despised Bai Mei many times. She was indeed a demoness. Perhaps this was the ideal wife that many men dreamed of going to the kitchen and rolling around in a big bed.    


Bai Mei's cooking skills were mediocre, but that was up to whom. Compared to Yang Fann, the glutton, and Zhong Runjuan, the one who was raised to be a glutton, Bai Mei was not bad at all.    


As for the hall, everyone could see that Bai Mei was practically impeccable when it came to handling objects. At the very least, no one could surpass her in Poplar Gully.    


Yang Fann didn't know about rolling around in a big bed, but he had never experienced it personally, nor was he able to blindly judge. There were many embroidered pillows in the world, and all men had silver pewter spearheads.    


Actually, Yang Fann had always purposely avoided Bai Mei. It had something to do with her being almost perfect, and sometimes even Yang Fann felt that it was unreal. How could a girl as good as Bai Mei fall for him?    




As for whether Bai Mei was a widow or not, Yang Fann himself didn't really care. Even Little Dragon and Woman was bagged by others, so there couldn't be anything perfect in the world. Yang Fann also couldn't find a perfect woman.    


If Bai Mei was a little more realistic, like playing around with Yang Fann, or even having some minor ailments, Yang Fann would be more receptive to her. Too perfect always gave people a vague feeling, and Yang Fann didn't push Bai Mei down because he wasn't confident.    


Yang Fann was too thin-skinned to do that kind of thing, so she went straight to Yang Sanmao's house to sleep. Just like the last time when Bai Mei came, Yang Fann gave her his little nest.    


If Lee Qian knew that Yang Fann said she was thin-skinned and had to spit on his face, who knew which bastard broke his body? But now he said she was thin-skinned, how shameless!    


Cough cough … This was why Yang Fann had always let Lee Qian do as she pleased. At the same time, it was also because Yang Fann didn't eat Bai Mei or any other beautiful women. Yang Fann felt guilty for breaking the body of the daughter that his parents had raised for more than 20 years!    


As soon as Yang Fann entered Yang Sanmao's house, Yang Sanmao shouted, "Brother Fan, you're really great, but I can't let you off. You should go back to sleep, otherwise, I'm afraid that my sister-in-law will give me shoes!"    




Yang Fann jumped onto Yang Sanmao's broken bed and kicked Yang Sanmao, who was smiling mischievously, under the bed. Yang Fann took over Yang Sanmao's bed and told him to sleep on the sofa.    


Ever since he had grown up, Yang Fann had never been in the habit of sleeping on the same bed with a man. The last time Bai Mei came, Yang Fann slept on Yang Sanmao's bed while Yang Sanmao slept on the sofa.    


In fact, there were many places in Yang Sanmao's house. Yang Fann could sleep in another room, but those rooms had been abandoned for years. No one cleaned them. They were dirty and messy, lacking in popularity. They were very uncomfortable.    


The more people lived in the Yang Residence, the better. The more people lived in the Yang Residence, the more positive the house would be. The house that no one lived in for many years would become gloomy, and one would feel uncomfortable upon entering it.    


In the middle of the night, Yang Fann suddenly sat up from the bed. He heard a dog barking in the village.    


Yang Fann slapped his forehead in annoyance. What a mistake to drink so much. He drank too many cups during dinner and actually forgot about the main business.    


Why did he come back to the Poplar Gully? He wasn't here for sightseeing or to check out the courtyard. He wasn't bringing Bai Mei here to show off, but to protect his parents.    


But now, under the strange gazes of the villagers, she actually came to Yang Sanmao's house to sleep. If Rakshasa Woman touched her own home in the middle of the night and was not there, what if Black Bear and Xue'er couldn't stop her?    


Black Bear and Xue'er were powerful, and Rakshasa Woman might not be their match, but Black Bear and Xue'er had never seen anyone fire a gun before. If Rakshasa Woman had a gun, the inexperienced Black Bear and Xue'er would definitely be at a disadvantage.    


Thinking of this, Yang Fann could no longer sleep. He put on his clothes, put on his shoes, and tiptoed out of Yang Sanmao's house, walking towards his home under the sky full of stars.    


In order not to alarm his parents, Yang Fann became very careful when he arrived at his house. If he wanted to climb over the wall, the gate was already very broken. As long as he opened the door, it would make an unpleasant noise that would definitely wake his parents up.    


Yang Fann wanted to jump over the wall, but he suddenly felt a vicious wind blowing from behind him. His keen senses told him that this gust of wind was definitely not a natural wind formed by nature, but rather some air flow created by something approaching him at a high speed.    


Without time to think, Yang Fann reacted instinctively. He didn't turn around immediately, but squatted down and jumped to the left, dodging the attack from behind.    


Yang Fann's body that had been modified by the Spirit Spring was so tough that it could make one's hair stand on end. He quickly jumped seven or eight meters away, and while he was still in the air, he turned around and met face to face with the thing that was attacking him from behind!    


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