Take Along A Spring



The burlap sack placed in the back row of Passat was shaped like a human. If Yang Fann guessed correctly, the burlap sack contained a person, and it was very likely that it was Bai Mei.    


With Zhang Hao's influence in the Jiangnan City, it was not too simple to investigate the relationship between Yang Fann and Bai Mei. Not only was it the Partner of Yang Fann in the Crystal Palace, Bai Mei also often went out to eat and drink tea with Yang Fann. A beautiful female boss like Bai Mei would definitely have plenty of discussions behind her back.    


From the looks of it, Bai Mei was not violated. She was probably transported here directly through the city and was then forced to call Yang Fann to force him to leave the city. Before he hit Yang Fann with his dumper, he didn't even have the time to touch Bai Mei.    


Perhaps it was because it heard the movement outside, but the sack suddenly moved. The person inside was struggling, but the mouth could only emit a "wuwu" sound due to the gag.    


Knowing that the gunny sack wasn't filled with a gang of gangsters, Yang Fann was relieved. Instead, he used the dagger he got from the two kidnappers to cut the rope at the entrance of the sack. With a light pull, the sack was opened.    


"Sofia? Why is it you? "    


Opening the sack, Yang Fann also clearly saw who was inside. He never expected that the one he thought was Bai Mei would be Sofia!    


Sofia's mouth was stuffed with a towel, but her eyes were not blindfolded. She also saw Yang Fann, and her eyes were filled with surprise and surprise.    


Originally, Sofia thought that someone would open the jute bag, then it would be an invasion on her. She was ready to struggle to the death, but she didn't expect that the one to open the jute bag would not be the kidnapper, but Yang Fann!    


Yang Fann's brain was very smart. After a moment of blankness, he finally understood what was going on.    


This group of people must have followed him last night and mistook Sofia for his girlfriend when they saw him drinking at Happy Bar with her. That was why they planned to kidnap Sofia and use her as a bait to force him out of the city. They also wanted to give up their Ford Raptor and create a traffic accident with their dumper on the way, crippling or even killing themselves.    


What a vicious mind, what a good plan, who knows which bastard planned it? It was really smart, but it was too bad that it wasn't the right place to start.    


First, he pulled the towel out of Sofia's mouth, then Yang Fann pulled her out of the jute bag. Sofia's hands and feet were not tied, it seemed like they were afraid of being found out by others.    


Even though Sofia was a strong girl, she was still frightened by the kidnapping. As soon as she was pulled out of the sack by Yang Fann, she threw herself into Yang Fann's arms and started crying.    


Abduction of a girl was not only a risk of being torn apart, but also a common occurrence. It was easier to expect the kidnappers to talk about justice and honor than to hope that the hungry wolves would not eat meat.    


Especially for a pretty girl like Sofia, who was a half-breed, being in the hands of the kidnappers was like being in a wolf's den. The chances of her being able to maintain her innocence was even less than winning the lottery.    


Sofia also thought a lot about how she was still a virgin and wanted to be ruined by a few dirty kidnappers. If she knew it would be like this, she might as well invite Yang Fann to her apartment last night.    


Rather than giving away the dirty kidnappers, it would be better to hand him over to Yang Fann, who looked more pleasing to the eye.    


Although Sofia hadn't fallen in love with Yang Fann nor thought of giving her first time to him, Yang Fann was undoubtedly the best choice compared to her current situation.    


If something happened with Yang Fann last night, would he be living in his apartment?    


If Yang Fann had stayed in his apartment last night, would he have woken up early to train?    


If he hadn't gotten up early to practice, how would he have met the kidnappers?    


The more Sofia thought about it, the more she felt that she did the wrong thing. If only she had invited Yang Fann to her apartment last night.    


In the Happy Bar, he experienced a good mood that he had never experienced before. That feeling was different from the good mood he had had in the past, faint happiness, faint excitement, faint restlessness, and even faint anticipation.    


It was said that when danger was approaching, people would think of a lot of things. Sofia was wrapped in a closed gunny sack, her eyes could barely see anything. The two kidnappers in the front row also barely spoke, making her even more nervous.    


Apart from thinking about her happy childhood and her kind parents, Sofia thought about what happened last night when she was drinking with Yang Fann at the Happy Bar.    


As the minutes and minutes passed, Sofia knew that her danger level was rapidly approaching. Because the noise outside the car was gradually becoming more and more inaudible, and the sound of cars going wrong in the car opposite her became less and less. She should have already left the Jiangnan City Region already.    


Finally, the car stopped. Sofia heard the two kidnappers say, "Wait here." Then, the two kidnappers stopped talking.    


After a while, the two kidnappers started to talk to each other again, speaking in Jiangnan dialect. Sofia could only understand the gist of it.    


As expected, one of the kidnappers got off the car and went around to the back door, opening the door of the car to untie the burlap sack. Sofia knew that she was in real danger this time, perhaps the next second, the burlap sack would open and she would see the face of the kidnapper and be violated in the most shameless way!    


Just when Sofia was determined to struggle to death, the kidnapper's cell phone suddenly rang. He stopped untying it, picked up the phone and said something. Then he closed the door and sat back in the front passenger seat.    


After that came the conversation between the two kidnappers. Although most of the conversation was incomprehensible to Sofia, she could tell that the two kidnappers were very nervous as if they were waiting for something.    


Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle could be heard from afar, and they soon arrived at the vicinity. Perhaps the kidnapper's accomplice had arrived?    


Sofia's heart sank more and more. She could not handle the two kidnappers herself, but now there was another one. She might really be done for this time!    


However, the motorcycles that had arrived at the vicinity didn't come directly, but started to circle around the car instead.    


Sofia, who was already in despair, found it strange. She wondered what kind of tricks the kidnappers were playing. Why did they ride the motorcycle and circle around the car?    


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