Take Along A Spring



Who was Wei Xiaorou? She was a good cop that hated evil. How could she fear Zhang Hao's revenge just because he had some power? She didn't dare to take over the kidnapping case from Zhang Hao's two henchmen.    


Upon hearing that Yang Fann had caught two kidnappers, Wei Xiaorou's interest was piqued. She asked Yang Fann's current location and just told him not to move around, then hung up the phone in a hurry.    


As far as Wei Xiaorou was concerned, as long as she was a criminal, she would arrest them all. However, with her current position, some people could not move.    


However, since she had conclusive evidence, Wei Xiaorou wouldn't be polite. Regardless of whether he was Zhang Hao's subordinate or Zhang Hao himself, she would still act without hesitation. As long as there was enough evidence to prove Zhang Hao guilty, she, Wei Xiaorou, would definitely have a way to capture Zhang Hao.    


Wei Xiaorou also had strong support from Zhang Hao's background and umbrella. Although the government sometimes emphasized balance, that was only when the lid was not removed. Once it was removed, many things could be done, not only Wei Xiaorou, who was at the base level, but even Wei Changqing, who was in a high position, would get some benefits from it.    


Less than half an hour later, three police cars pulled their sirens as they sped over from the distant road.    


It was said that there were more than a hundred types of sailors. Yang Fann learned this trick from a classmate when he was in university, and it was said that it was used by sailors to bind pirates, but it could also be used by pirates to bind meat tickets.    


No matter who used it, the two kidnappers couldn't escape. Yang Fann left them under the car while he carried Sofia and sat in the car. It was a hot day and there was air conditioning in the car.    


The feeling of having a man to rely on was really good. This was something she had never experienced before. It was both novel and blissful, and it could not help but make her fall in love with this feeling!    


Yang Fann secretly let out a sigh of relief inside, at least they don't have to suffer anymore. Holding a beautiful woman with a curvaceous body in his arms was not as beautiful as he imagined, just forcefully suppressing his impulse to not let his little brother make a fool of himself by standing up was not an easy thing to do.    


Because Sofia is a French national, the kidnapping case is highly regarded by the Jiangnan authorities.    


In order to strengthen the Chinese authorities' determination to suppress the kidnappers and uncover the masterminds behind the kidnappers, Yang Fann secretly gave Sofia an idea. He wanted her to call the French embassy in China and ask for help.    


In China, there were cases of diplomatic affairs that were not trivial. In cases involving foreign personnel, especially in developed countries like Europe and America, there would usually be a very high level Special Investigation Team, and the efficiency in handling cases would be very high. The cases would also be solved smoothly, and the blow towards the criminals would be very severe.    


However, Wei Xiaorou hadn't received any orders from her superiors yet. With the excuse that she had received a report of a crime from the victim, she had only reported it to her leader before rushing over with a few subordinates. She wanted to control the suspect as soon as possible.    


Wei Xiaorou hadn't been a cop for a long time, but she had learned a lot of things. If she wanted to be a good cop, she had to be smarter than criminals sometimes.    


Taking evidence at the scene was very simple, it was obvious what would happen. With Sofia, the client, Passat and other crime scene tools, the two kidnappers, as well as the video footage in the city that could be accessed, this kidnapping case was obvious and there was no difficulty in detecting it.    


Just as Wei Xiaorou had her subordinates take out the evidence on the spot and was preparing to bring the person in question back to Police Station to investigate further, her phone rang. She took out her phone and saw that it was actually from the superior leader.    


Normally, if the leader of the upper echelons gave the order, it would also be Wei Xiaorou's leader who would make the call. Directly calling from a higher leader meant that there must be something very important going on.    


Sure enough, as soon as Wei Xiaorou picked up the phone, Detachment Leader's serious voice came over the phone, "Wei Xiaorou, how was the scene? Is the victim in danger? Did you catch the kidnapper? In any case, no matter what the price, you must ensure the safety of the victims, and if necessary, you can fire your gun, and support will arrive soon, do you understand? "    


Wei Xiaorou was a police officer, and Detachment Leader was the highest ranking officer of the Jiangnan City police force. Of course, there was also the Chief of the Jiangnan City Public Security Department above, but the Chief Officer only cared about capturing the chief, even if there were extremely urgent cases, it was through Detachment Leader. It was impossible for him to pass several levels and directly issue an order to Squadron Leader.    


Wei Xiaorou was not from an ordinary family. She had grown up in the provincial government. Although she was not interested in politics, she had a better sense of politics than ordinary people.    


Hearing Detachment Leader's tone, and thinking back to when Yang Fann had called her and told her that the victim was a teacher from outside Sanjiang Vocational Training School, how could Wei Xiaorou not know the reason?    


He had originally thought that he would have to openly and secretly fight with Zhang Hao, but now, it seemed that everything was set in stone. Even if he couldn't defeat Zhang Hao, his two underlings could forget about escaping the law!    


Wei Xiaorou briefly reported the situation to Detachment Leader and received the standing orders. Detachment Leader said that he would personally bring people over and let Wei Xiaorou control the scene, especially to protect the safety of the victims.    


Wei Xiaorou had no choice but to let her men control the two kidnappers tightly. She could not let any accidents happen to them. If the two kidnappers committed suicide out of fear, she, Wei Xiaorou, would be in grave trouble.    


As for protecting the safety of the client, Wei Xiaorou wasn't worried at all. Didn't you see that Sofia was still being held by Yang Fann? What foreigner? She was just a shameless slut.    


Yang Fann did not tell Wei Xiaorou about the incident of the strong man opening the dumper and knocking into him. After all, there was no evidence, and if the strong man did not die, he might refuse to admit it. If the strong man died, Yang Fann's words would not have any meaning.    


In fact, on the way to Fu Qiang's flour factory, Wei Xiaorou had already seen the dumper that had fallen down in a ditch. It was just that the kidnapping case was urgent, she did not stop to check the situation, but had her subordinates call the traffic police and let her brother handle it.    


The fall of the dumper in the deep ditch was a traffic accident, it had nothing to do with them.    


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