Take Along A Spring



While Yang Fann was carefully riding the motorcycle around Passat, Sofia, who was in the jute bag, was waiting for the final moment in her despair.    


Sofia knew that the person riding the motorcycle in circles was definitely not a police officer. All Chinese police officers drove police cars and the sound of their sirens was a sign of their actions.    


At first Sofia thought it was an accomplice of the kidnappers, but soon she stopped thinking so, because she heard two of them talking nervously, and one of them seemed to be trying to make a phone call, but the call never came through, and something seemed to have happened.    


Sofia's hopes were rekindled. Although she didn't know who was riding on the motorcycle, she was sure they weren't with the kidnappers. Otherwise, they wouldn't be so nervous.    


Sure enough, the sound of motorcyclists shouting could be heard. They were also speaking in Jiangnan dialect. Although Sofia didn't understand what they were talking about, she could understand the gist of it. They were probably riding motorbikes to get the people in the cars to leave.    


Sofia felt that the person on the motorcycle had a familiar voice. She had heard it before, but it was in a dialect, and the distance was very far. Furthermore, the sound was distorted through the window, making her unable to remember where she had seen the owner of the voice before.    


Sofia was trying to figure out who was shouting when she suddenly heard a bang, followed by the sound of broken windows, followed by the frightened shouts of the two kidnappers. The car suddenly became a mess.    


Sofia didn't know what had happened, but her voice was too noisy, making it impossible for her to tell what was going on in the outside world.    


Sofia could hear the wails of one of the kidnappers, followed by the sound of the car door opening as another one joined in.    


A moment later, Sofia felt the back door open. It was probably the door opened by the motorcyclist, because both of the kidnappers were still wailing. Obviously, it wasn't them who opened the door.    


Worried that the person wouldn't notice her, Sofia started to struggle desperately, trying to attract her attention. Fortunately, her hands and feet weren't tied, although the sack was too tight, she couldn't take out a towel from her mouth with her hands, so she could still struggle a few times.    


As expected, the gunny sack was opened very quickly. Sofia thought the person who opened it was a police officer, the person who opened it was the same underworld person, and even the person who opened the sack was a sadist murderer, but she didn't expect it to be Yang Fann!    


When he was on the verge of despair, Yang Fann, like a legendary heroic knight, knocked down two kidnappers and saved him from the fire.    


At this moment, Sofia felt that Yang Fann's figure was so tall, his eyes were so determined, and his face was so charming!    


Heavens, Sofia felt as though her heart was about to melt. She had never experienced this kind of feeling before. It was like an arrow had pierced into her heart, and her chest felt like a frightened little deer was running around randomly, causing her entire body to gradually heat up!    


There was a saying that a beauty loved a hero, this wasn't something that was randomly made up.    


The so-called beauties all had high standards. They weren't people that could casually fall in love with a man. There weren't many men who pursued them, and there were definitely some that were outstanding.    


Therefore, beauties who have been highly regarded by outstanding men are often carefully chosen when choosing a target for their hearts' pleasure, and are easily developed into a peddler. This is called being cheap, and one would never easily fall in love with a man, no matter how outstanding that man is, because beauties believe that there will be even better men waiting for them in the future.    


However, if there was a reasonable price for one to pay, there would be an impulsive love at first sight. Although beauties had high standards, they also had a problem, and were often impulsive. To put it bluntly, their emotions were quite strong.    


Heroes who could turn the tide and save others from fire and water were especially tempted by beauties.    


Beauties were usually helpless before these heroes, especially in this era where pretty boys were everywhere, but true heroes were pathetically few. Once they met a true hero, pretty girls would often fall for him.    


During Sofia's most desperate and most helpless moment, Yang Fann saved her. Not only did he protect her innocence, he also saved her life. To Sofia, Yang Fann was a hero, a great hero who saved her body and her soul!    


Towards such a hero, how could Sofia, who was half-French, not be tempted? French was romantic and full of unique feelings towards heroes.    


Yang Fann's observation skills were very sharp. He soon noticed that Sofia was looking at him differently from before. As someone who had experienced the past, how could he not know what this gaze meant? Yang Fann couldn't help but scream, it seems like his brother is in trouble again!    


But Yang Fann knew that Sofia must have misunderstood. Once she knew that the reason for the kidnapping was due to her being implicated by him, he didn't know what kind of mood she would have, and would she look at him with such a gaze, perhaps she would hate him?    


Yang Fann patted Sofia's back to calm her down while he took out his phone and started to call Wei Xiaorou.    


The reason why Yang Fann didn't call 110, but instead called Wei Xiaorou directly, was mainly because of Zhang Hao.    


Yang Fann didn't know the extent of Zhang Hao's influence. Since Zheng Tao's relationship with the Director of the Riverside Region was not ordinary, perhaps he could help two of his men get out of this predicament.    


Although Yang Fann knew that it would be difficult to overthrow Zhang Hao with just two kidnappers, it would still give the police more evidence. Even if it was only his subordinate's criminal evidence, it would be easier for him to deal with Zhang Hao in the future.    


Therefore, these two kidnappers had to fall into the hands of a real cop. And Wei Xiaorou, was the real cop in Yang Fann's eyes. A good cop!    


"Yang Fann, why did you call me so early? Are you prepared to fulfill your promise? Are you treating me to lunch today?" Wei Xiaorou had the habit of practicing in the morning. At this moment, she was running on a shady path when she suddenly heard a cell phone ring. When she saw that it was Yang Fann's call, she happily picked it up.    


"Girl, I caught two kidnappers. They are Zhang Hao's subordinates, and they kidnapped the French foreign teacher Sofia from Sanjiang Vocational Training School. I don't know if you are interested? If you don't want to take on this case, I can call 110? "    


Yang Fann wanted Wei Xiaorou to take over the kidnapping case of Sofia, but he also wanted to ask for her opinion. If Wei Xiaorou didn't want to take on this thorny case, Yang Fann wouldn't force her.    


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