Take Along A Spring



According to Yang Fann's original intention, he didn't need to drink, he just needed to drive away, there was no need to find a substitute.    


However, Sofia was a principled girl and would never agree to Yang Fann's driving. Yang Fann was helpless and had to ask the waiter at the door of the Happy Bar about it. After spending a hundred yuan, he hired an old driver in his forties to send him and Sofia home.    


The old driver was good at driving and drove fast and steadily. Yang Fann first asked him to drive Sofia home before sending him off.    


Sofia's home was near Sanjiang Vocational Training School. It was a single person's dormitory assigned to her by the school and a small one-bedroom apartment.    


When they arrived at the place, Yang Fann walked Sofia out of the car. Before leaving, Sofia took the initiative to shake Yang Fann's hand. This made Yang Fann slightly disappointed. Didn't they say that French women were very open-minded? I don't dare to think about the legendary French kiss, but I should at least give him a big hug.    


Every time he saw Yang Fann, he would give him a big hug, making Yang Fann feel that the French women were all so passionate. Maybe hugging them was just a very normal form of etiquette for them, like shaking hands with a Chinese.    


No matter how rich or how open, there would always be people who were conservative. Although Sofia was born in France, which was famous for romance, her mother was still a Chinese after all. Moreover, she was a traditional Chinese.    


Sofia had been taught by her mother since she was young. One could imagine what kind of girl she was. She was even more conservative than many Chinese girls. She definitely wouldn't hand over her first time so easily.    


Yang Fann compared Foreigner Anna and Sofia, who were both born in France, to each other. Foreigner Anna was a woman with a girlfriend, so how could she compare to Sofia?    


After seeing Sofia into the apartment, Yang Fann turned around and got on the car, and left after sending him to Urban Village. Yang Fann got off the car and walked casually towards the place he rented, the Urban Village street was narrow, but he couldn't stop the Ford Raptor, so Yang Fann always parked his car outside the Urban Village area and walked home on foot.    


Don't look at me as a sheep    


The intelligence of the sheep be unthinkable    


The sky is high and the mood is wild    


Chase down the sun every day    


Early the next morning, the phone beside Yang Fann's bed suddenly buzzed before Yang Fann got up.    


The sun rose early in the summer. Yang Fann opened his eyes and looked out the window, feeling that it was only about 6 o'clock. Who would call him so early in the morning?    


The call connected and a rough voice came out of the phone, "Yang Fann, listen carefully, I have your woman right now, so I don't want anything to happen to her. I can go to Fuqiang flour factory in the suburbs and not drive, and I can't call the police.    


Yang Fann was confused. Why did this sound so familiar? I seem to have heard of it somewhere before …    


Damn, when Rakshasa Woman kidnapped Bai Mei, she probably meant this. Could it be that Rakshasa Woman came back again?    


Thinking about this, Yang Fann suddenly became alert. It would be bad if that pervert Rakshasa Woman came back, but she had a grudge with him and wanted to vent her anger on him and his family. Being able to escape to foreign countries under the blockade of so many soldiers, it could be seen that Rakshasa Woman's strength was as abnormal as her character.    


If she came back, he couldn't stay in the Jiangnan City anymore and had to return to Poplar Gully to protect his family!    


Suddenly, Yang Fann was out of sleep. He jumped up from the bed and was about to give Bai Mei a call to confirm if his guess was right.    


A sound rang out …    


Two …    


Three sounds...    


The ringtone from the phone was like a knife, cutting Yang Fann's anxious heart. As the ringtone rang more and more, Yang Fann's heart also sank.    


It's over, something happened to Bai Mei again!    


Thinking about the consequences of Bai Mei's death in Rakshasa Woman's hands, Yang Fann shuddered. Previously, Rakshasa Woman had belittled him, and there was also Lisa's sudden appearance, which saved Bai Mei. Even then, her face was ruined.    


When he thought that she might be in danger, he became extremely anxious. If it was someone else, Yang Fann would not be as anxious as he was now. It could be seen that he had already treated Bai Mei as his woman in his heart.    


Since he had already treated Bai Mei as his own woman, why should he worry that Bai Mei would misunderstand his intentions in plotting against her crystal palace and deliberately alienate her? Although he had not decided to marry Bai Mei yet, his woman was still his, and he was worried that Bai Mei's woman was simply unnecessary, causing the two of them to become estranged, which was not at all his usual style.    


Thinking of this, Yang Fann suddenly felt enlightened. Bai Mei was already his, so why should he pretend to be a little girl? Bai Mei was his, everything she owned was his, the Crystal Palace was nothing, even her sister White Snow was his … " "A dowry!"    


That was close. Yang Fann felt that he was almost evil. White Snow was Bai Mei's sister, just like how Mother of Cuier was Jin Cuier's mother. He couldn't have any ideas about them. If that happened, he wouldn't be a beast!    


But with the song as proof, he wasn't delusional himself. The song was singing, "If you want to marry someone, don't marry them. You have to marry me, bring a million gold coins, bring your sister and drive that carriage over here …"    


Yang Fann's mind was in a mess, but his actions were not slow at all. He quickly put on his clothes, let alone eating, he even rushed out of the room without washing his face.    


Yang Fann, the rich and strong flour factory's owner, knew the address. Last time, he threw the bald youth and a few other hoodlums there. Yang Fann's golden cup car was theirs. It was an abandoned factory, and it was said that some unknown stories often happened inside.    


Since Rakshasa Woman didn't want him to drive the car, Yang Fann didn't force him to drive, nor did he call the police. His current self-confidence was stronger than usual, even if he had to face Rakshasa Woman, that powerful pervert, Yang Fann wasn't afraid. If he really couldn't do it, then he would use his ultimate killing move to pull Rakshasa Woman back into the Space of Jade Pendant. No, it was raging!    


Ga Ga!    


Ga Ga Ga!    


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