Take Along A Spring



Bai Mei came over quickly. Before Yang Fann and Wei Xiaorou could finish their meal, she and another girl appeared at the Old Oak entrance.    


When Wei Xiaorou saw White Snow leaning on her walking stick, the displeasure she felt disappeared without a trace. She really didn't expect Bai Mei's sister to use a walking stick. Such a beautiful girl, what a pity!    


Yang Fann dared to say that of all the people he knew, Wei Xiaorou's heart was the best. From the moment Wei Xiaorou saw the change in White Snow's gaze, she knew what she was thinking. She must be feeling guilty for not letting Bai Mei come just now, instead of using a weird gaze to examine his legs like many customers in the restaurant did.    


What a good girl! Who knows which beast she will benefit from in the future. With such a kind heart, don't be fooled by others. I have to watch over the girl. Good cabbages can't be eaten by pigs!    


At this moment, Yang Fann's attention was not on White Snow, who was meeting for the first time, nor Bai Mei, who was looking at him affectionately, but on Wei Xiaorou. All he was thinking about was how to prevent the cabbage from being eaten by the pigs.    


"Yang Fann, you actually dare to stare blankly when two beauties are standing in front of you? Do you not want to stay here anymore?"    


A slender hand waved in front of Yang Fann, waking him up from his thoughts.    


"Eh? Girl, why did you come here? I didn't see you come in just now, it seems like I didn't invite you in? " Yang Fann looked at Lin Xiaoling with a weird look in his eyes. He didn't seem to welcome her at all.    


"Surnamed Yang, you're treating so many beauties to a meal, you actually didn't call me elder sister. Now that elder sister came uninvited, why aren't you apologizing yet? You actually dare to talk to me in such a tone, do you not want to be involved?" Lin Xiaoling's eyes were wide open as her chest heaved in anger, making Yang Fann's mouth go dry. Women were just a kind of creature that he could not afford to offend. It was too scary.    


"Haha, you are Snowy, right? I often hear your sister mention you. You're even more beautiful than your sister, you live up to your name! "    


Yang Fann ignored Lin Xiaoling and Bai Mei, instead, he stood up and greeted White Snow. He even enthusiastically pulled out a chair and invited White Snow to sit.    


"Xiao Xue, what do you want to eat? "There's no need to be polite. Just order whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you today."    


White Snow was tall, at least 1.7 meters or more, slightly taller than her sister Bai Mei. She was only slightly thinner than Bai Mei. Although she lacked Bai Mei's charm, she had a bit more purity.    


White Snow had no makeup, but she was as beautiful as her sister. She had the kind of "water that flows with a hibiscus" that allows people to observe from a distance but not play with it. Although her expression was a bit cold, she still smiled and greeted Yang Fann.    


However, the moment White Snow sat down, her attitude changed and she went straight to the point: "You are Yang Fann? The guy who makes my sister unable to eat or sleep all day? "    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann was a bit confused. This girl is very direct, she actually didn't follow the rules and played the cards. It was your sister who told you to watch the video, okay?    


Bai Mei didn't expect her sister to say that either. She instantly blushed and didn't know what to say.    


Lin Xiaoling was also very surprised at the side. She had known Snow White for more than a day or two, and Snowy was not the kind of person to make people feel embarrassed in front of others. What was going on today?    


Even Wei Xiaorou, who was a straightforward person, felt that Baixue was being a little too excessive. This girl was so direct that it was unbearable. What was she trying to make your sister unable to eat or sleep?    


I can't eat nor sleep, so why isn't there someone who can stand up for me?    


At this moment, Wei Xiaorou felt jealous of Bai Mei. She had never met a sister who spoke up for her like White Snow did. Her brother talked about military matters all day and had never cared about her in his life.    


After being stunned for a moment, Yang Fann suddenly laughed: "Xiaoxue, you're so awesome, you took the initiative the moment we met. Do you know what your sister wants you to do, so she can suppress me first and make it easier for you to move around?"    


Since White Snow didn't give him face, there was no need for Yang Fann to hide anything for her. He might as well expose her little thoughts, no matter how mature and smart she was.    


"Humph!" White Snow didn't refute Yang Fann when he saw that his understatement had been seen through. Instead, he snorted coldly to show his nonviolent attitude of not cooperating.    


Yang Fann didn't understand, wasn't it better for less people to know about the matter between White Snow and Wang Kun? Why did the ladies bring Lin Xiaoling over, and now, Wei Xiaorou was beside them. With so many people watching, how could they talk to White Snow about Wang Kun?    


Bai Mei greeted Wei Xiaorou first. After all, Wei Xiaorou helped her when she was released that day, so regardless of whether Wei Xiaorou and Yang Fann would make her suffer or not when they ate together, the basic courtesy was not lacking. Bai Mei was someone who knew how to repay favors, not someone who was merciless.    


After that, Bai Mei unexpectedly did not hide the fact that someone else was present, and directly told White Snow about Wang Kun, "Xiaoxue, I originally wanted Yang Fann to tell you about it, but I didn't expect that your Sister Wei was also here. Your Sister Wei is a really good police officer who has fought with gangsters before, why don't you let her tell you about Wang Kun's situation, so you don't know that Yang Fann and I colluded and lied to you."    


"Wang Kun?" Wei Xiaorou's attention was immediately attracted by the name Bai Mei mentioned. She did not know why Bai Mei wanted her to tell her sister about Wang Kun's situation, but after thinking about it, Wei Xiaorou understood that Wang Kun was known as the fangirl of flowers, and something must have happened between him and Bai Mei's sister. Bai Mei wanted her to prove to her that she was exposing Wang Kun's true identity.    


In an instant, Wei Xiaorou's sympathy for White Snow increased by a huge amount. Originally, this girl's legs were already disabled, but now she was harmed by Wang Kun, that playboy. How could the girl live now!    


Wang Kun, the heinous bastard, didn't even let the disabled go. He was simply worse than a beast. If it wasn't for Yang Fann secretly pulling her under the table to signal her not to be so violent, Wei Xiaorou would have immediately slammed the table to catch her!    


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