Take Along A Spring



Zhang Hao waited until he was done with his work before he took the phone from the secretary, opened it and called back.    


"Hao-ge, it's Wang Kun. I didn't manage the things you told me."    


The moment the phone was connected, Wang Kun's voice came over. Hearing his slightly trembling voice, Zhang Hao only said a few words: "Come and see me, then he hung up the phone."    


Not long after, Wang Kun with a big pig head appeared in Zhang Hao's office. He was in the building of Tianhao Group when he made the phone call, and since he knew Zhang Hao would definitely meet him, Wang Kun was waiting downstairs.    


"Tell me, why did you fail? What happened to the injuries on your body?"    


Zhang Hao's voice was deep and deep, without any trace of the sunshine or vigor of a young person. He was full of the dignity of a person in power.    


If anyone who didn't know Zhang Hao's background heard this, they would think that he was someone from an aristocratic family who had received a good education since he was young. Who would have thought that he was just a bricklayer who hadn't even finished middle school.    


In front of Zhang Hao, Wang Kun did not dare to hide anything. He told Zhang Hao about how he got close to White Snow, how he threatened Bai Mei, and how he was defeated by Yang Fann alone.    


Zhang Hao's face darkened as he listened. He really didn't expect Wang Kun, who seemed smart, to be able to do something so out of place. If Bai Mei was moving, why did he let Wang Kun get close to the snow?    


This time, the situation was completely ruined by Wang Kun. Not only did it alert the enemy, it was also recorded in the video. Once Bai Mei's backer, Xiong Baiwan, showed his strength, even he, Zhang Hao, would have to suffer.    


Even if Xiong Baiwan wanted to touch Zhang Hao, he wouldn't be able to get any evidence. Furthermore, he wasn't particularly afraid of Xiong Baiwan, as long as it wasn't his father, as long as it wasn't Xiong Baiwan's father, he wouldn't be able to do anything to him.    


If Wang Kun didn't have any use for him, Zhang Hao really wanted to sink him into the pig cage. Zhang Hao really wanted to make a fool of himself in front of those ignorant girls.    


"Forget it, you don't need to worry about this matter anymore. Go and rest." Zhang Hao waved his hand to tell Wang Kun to scram. He got angry the moment he saw this guy. Don't think that he wouldn't know that he was flirting with his secretary and that he would kill him one day.    


Wang Kun walked away from the door. Just as he was about to leave, Zhang Hao suddenly said: "Oh yeah, call Fu Qiang over."    


He was also one of the four so-called 'King Kong'. Zhang Hao told him not to bother about it in the future, but to let him go in instead. The meaning of the beating was very clear, it was to tell him that Wang Kun was not as good as him.    


The four King Kong under Zhang Hao were all people that had been with him for several years, and each of them had some ability. The four King Kong were all people that had been with him for several years, and each of them had some ability.    


As Wang Kun went downstairs, he dialed the number for the top student. It was the sound of "hehe" on the phone. It seems like that kid was training the manager.    


Unlike Wang Kun, who spent all his energy on women's stomachs, most of his strength was spent on training. It was because of his long and arduous training that gave him his current status, and Wang Kun knew that if his method of picking up girls wasn't useful, Zhang Hao would have already been removed from the top four.    


After Fu Qiang answered Wang Kun's call, he quickly appeared at the door of Zhang Hao's office. Zhang Hao waved him over and showed him a photo.    


In addition to the photo, there was also another piece of information. It was to let Fu Qiang take care of the person in the photo for a short period of time. The time limit was three days.    


After looking at the photo and reading the information again, he directly placed it in the paper shredder in the corner before bidding farewell to Zhang Hao.    


Zhang Hao was very satisfied with his subordinate. Not only could he fight, but he was also very careful. As long as he was told to do something, none of them could be done.    


He was around 1.9 meters tall, with broad shoulders and a thick back. His burly figure was like an iron tower, and when he fought, he looked like a brown bear. Therefore, he had the nickname of 'Big Bear'.    


Like Wang Kun, Fu Qiang also retreated from Zhang Hao's office and gently closed the door.    


Suddenly, Fu Qiang changed from being submissive just now and pinched the female secretary's butt with a smile. He then reached his hand into the female secretary's collar and searched until her cheeks were flushed red and her eyes blurred before leaving with her head held high.    


Originally, he thought Wang Kun was too audacious and dared to tease his secretary. Who knew that the person who really had a relationship with his secretary was the strongest guy he trusted the most. Perhaps, if Zhang Hao got excited, he would get a myocardial infarction or something like that before he reached the age of 30, making his huge family business and many women surrender to him.    


Don't look at me as a sheep    


The intelligence of the sheep be unthinkable    


The sky is high and the mood is wild    


Chase down the sun every day    


Yang Fann had just fallen asleep when his phone rang. He took the phone from the bedside and was immediately excited.    


"What can I do for you?"    


"Old... Boss, Zhang Hao might have to let the strong deal with you, so you have to be careful during this period. "    


"Alright, I got it. Send me a copy of the photos and information of the additional fighters."    


"Yes sir!"    


People were born and killed every minute in the world. To the vast Earth, the birth or death of one or two humans was nothing at all.    


However, for a family, or for a human individual, the addition of a new member, or the disappearance of an old member, is an extraordinary event, something worth remembering forever.    


On this night, Yang Fann had a dream.    


Once again, he dreamt of his second uncle's daughter, Little Cousin, who had been lost by him.    


Of course, all of Little Cousin's lost responsibilities couldn't be blamed on Yang Fann. However, Second Aunt obviously didn't think so, and Yang Fann himself didn't think so either.    


In Yang Fann's opinion, if it wasn't for his greed for fun, which made Little Cousin go home alone, she wouldn't have lost it.    


Actually, Yang Fann didn't even think about what he could do when he was seven or eight years old. If he met a trafficker with Little Cousin, it would be great if he didn't get kidnapped, let alone preventing the trafficker from abducting Little Cousin.    


In the dream, Little Cousin was dressed in rags, crying at him, screaming for her brother to save me, her brother to save me.    


Yang Fann wanted to run over and hold her back, but Little Cousin kept getting further and further away from him before finally disappearing into the darkness.    


"Ah!" Yang Fann cried out in surprise and woke up from his dream. He realized that everything that just happened was just a nightmare. However, he felt a chill on his body. When he touched it with his hand, he was already covered in cold sweat!    


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