Take Along A Spring



Lin Xiaoling was still a student after all. Even if she were to find out the truth behind this matter, she would not be able to do anything to the boss of the Crystal Palace and the rich second generation.    


Lin Xiaoling had no other choice, and Bai Mei, who was in a complete mess, had no other choice.    


Bai Mei knew it was an old pervert's trick, but she still agreed to marry him in the end because she had no other choice. It would be impossible for her to revive her parents and sister without a large amount of money.    


If it was Bai Mei herself, she would rather die than agree to marry the old pervert, but her family was more important than herself. Moreover, it was her parents and sister combined, and as long as she could gather the money to treat them, she would let Bai Mei sell all her organs.    


Just like that, Bai Mei was forced to agree to marry the old pervert. Although the old pervert really did give money to Bai Mei's family to treat her, the hatred Bai Mei had for the old pervert did not decrease in the slightest.    


Therefore, Bai Mei only hated the old pervert and didn't feel any gratitude at all.    


In actuality, Bai Mei didn't need to be grateful to the old pervert. Bai Mei was already kind enough to not take action and strangle such a despicable person to death.    


For someone like the old pervert, who would rather kill others to achieve his unspeakable goal, it was definitely not a coincidence that he would fart on the day of marriage. It should be a type of necessity.    


Fortunately, Bai Mei's sincerity to save her family, even if it meant sacrificing herself, had moved the heavens and earth. Her parents and younger sister had both walked out from the gates of hell.    


In the end, because of her injured lumbar nerves, her lower limbs became a bit inconvenient to move around. However, her family of three managed to survive. Bai Mei's parents miraculously recovered without any disability.    


Bai Mei's sister, White Snow, was a very strong girl. Although her lower limbs were a bit inconvenient and she needed the help of a walking stick, she still insisted on attending a normal school.    


From junior high, all the way to senior high, they finally managed to pass the Jiangnan University examination. It was as if they weren't afraid of being mocked by others, like injured weeds, and no matter how others viewed them, they still strove to blossom with the most beautiful colors in their lives.    


Therefore, both Bai Mei's parents and Bai Mei herself doted on White Snow very much. They were very careful with their words and actions, afraid that they would hurt this strong girl.    


However, now that Bai Mei had received a threatening text message, and it was even a message from her beloved sister, White Snow, threatening her, she had to pay attention to it.    


A person who knew his family's situation was secretly threatening him, and was even spying on his family. This was a very scary signal, and it was possible that Snowy might really be in danger.    


The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. Bai Mei didn't care if it was already late at night, she just called home.    


It was Bai Mei's mother who answered the phone. Her own daughter had called her in the middle of the night, giving her a fright. She thought that something had happened to Bai Mei.    


Bai Mei's parents felt that they owed their two daughters a lot, not to mention their youngest daughter, who rode on her father's tricycle. Bai Mei's parents felt that they owed their two daughters a lot, not to mention their youngest daughter, who rode on her father's tricycle.    


Bai Mei's parents felt very sorry for their eldest daughter. In order to treat their injuries, their eldest daughter would rather marry an old man thirty years older than her. Although the old man had died, their eldest daughter had also become a widow, causing Bai Mei's parents' hearts to fill with guilt. They felt that their family owed their eldest daughter.    


Bai Mei had never told her parents about the pain in her heart because she was afraid they would be sad.    


Like an old pervert plotting behind his back, Bai Mei had never mentioned this to her parents, lest they feel that they owed her more. Her parents were already upset, so Bai Mei had to bear all the pain herself.    


Bai Mei didn't say anything else over the phone. She just made up a random excuse and said that she had dreamt of White Snow becoming a student union official. She called him to ask if it was true.    


Knowing that her eldest daughter was worrying about her youngest daughter again, Bai Mei's mother lowered her voice and told Bai Mei that she was right. Bai Yi had really become a cadre of the Student Union, and was also the Deputy Minister of Propaganda, but she wouldn't let Bai Mei know that she wanted to give Bai Mei a surprise when she returned home.    


Hearing that White Snow had really become a student union official, Bai Mei was very happy and asked her mother, "What is Snow White doing now?"    


"Go to sleep, what else can I do? It's not like you don't know Snowy, you're very obedient and never stay up late to play games." "Un, that's not right. The light in Snowy's room is still on. She's probably still learning."    


Bai Mei and her mother chatted for a while. In order to not disturb her family's sleep, Bai Mei hung up the phone, knowing that her little sister was safe. She was really afraid that her little sister would be in trouble again.    


Although her little sister seemed to be very strong and had lived a much better life than most of her peers, as her big sister, Bai Mei knew the bitterness in her little sister's heart. As someone who had suffered a lot in her heart, she knew that her little sister had a heavy shackle in her heart.    


Just as she hung up the phone, Bai Mei received another text message.    


This time, Bai Mei did not hesitate and quickly opened the text message.    


"Have you already called home to confirm that nothing has happened to White Snow?" "Haha, unless she doesn't go out, as long as she goes out, you will know how powerful I am!"    


This time, Bai Mei did not continue to sink into the abyss. Instead, she directly called the number indicated by the text message.    


However, the other party hung up the phone. Bai Mei called several times but the other party refused to answer.    


"Stop calling, who told you not to answer my call just now. We can talk about it later. I'm going to make you unable to eat or sleep. This is the punishment for not answering my phone." "Haha, hahahaha!"    


This was the last message Bai Mei received. After that, the other party's phone was turned off. Bai Mei called a few times, but the other party's phone was still turned off. Helplessly, she could only send a message and ask what the other party wanted.    


After sending the message, the other party did not reply for a long time. It seemed like his phone had really shut down and could not receive any text messages. Naturally, he would not reply.    


It really was as the other party had said. Bai Mei lay awake, tossing and turning in her bed, wondering who the person sending the text message was. What was his purpose? Was it a real threat or a prank?    


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