Take Along A Spring



Someone called Bai Mei to harass her, so she muted her phone. She answered too many of these calls and didn't take them to heart at all.    


However, a short while later, Bai Mei's phone received a message. Although her phone had been muted, the screen lit up when she received the message and Bai Mei still found out.    


In order to avoid missing out on important text messages, Bai Mei still opened it to take a look.    


The content of the text message was very simple. It only contained five words: "I want to kill you!"    


It turned out to be a threatening text message.    


A CEO like Bai Mei would never be scared by a ridiculous threatening message. Ever since she took over the Crystal Palace, she had been threatened countless times. If she was scared, then Bai Mei would have already quit.    


It was the same this time. Bai Mei indifferently deleted the text message and prepared to shower and sleep.    


However, just as he placed the phone on the bedside table, the screen lit up again.    


Yang Fann wasn't planning to look at it anymore, but after some thought, he felt bored, so he decided to take another look and blacklist the number of the phone that sent the message.    


As a result, when Bai Mei saw the contents of the second text message, she immediately became upset.    


"White Snow, if you don't want anything to happen to her, then listen obediently."    


White Snow was Bai Mei's sister, her own sister, the kind that crawled out from a mother's stomach.    


Why did Bai Mei agree to marry the old pervert outside her fifties at the age of twenty to the original owner of the Crystal Palace? Wasn't it for the sake of her family?    


If the old pervert had directly coerced Bai Mei, she would rather commit suicide than give in.    


However, the old pervert somehow found out about Bai Mei's family situation and found out that Bai Mei was a very emotional girl. Thus, he used her family as a threat, allowing Bai Mei to agree to his shameless request.    


Bai Mei was born into a very ordinary family. Both her parents were ordinary workers in the factory. Other than her, there was also her younger sister by six years.    


Originally, the family was not rich, but they were happy as well. Bai Mei and Bai Mei were both pretty girls, but they were also obedient.    


However, the weather was unpredictable, and people had their misfortunes. During Bai Mei's internship at university, her parents and younger sister were in a car accident.    


Although everyone was still alive, their injuries were severe and they needed a large amount of treatment.    


Bai Mei's father carried Bai Mei's mother in a tricycle during the car accident. The couple happily picked up Bai Mei's sister and brought her home from school.    


The culprit was a rich second-generation, he had connections and background. In the end, Bai Mei's father took responsibility for the whole incident. The culprit had only given him a token ten thousand yuan and he had never met Bai Mei again.    


Bai Mei's grandparents had left early, and her grandparents were just ordinary people with honest relationships. Her parents didn't have siblings, so what could Bai Mei, a female student who was currently interning, do?    


If she had to apply for administrative reconsideration, then she could go against the wits of the fuerdai who caused the trouble. That would be an international joke, the fuerdai would not find trouble with Bai Mei, and it would be impossible for them to find trouble with her.    


However, the treatment fees for her parents and sister were outrageously high. Even if she sold her house, it wouldn't be enough. Bai Mei's family lived in a county town, so her house didn't have the value of a house with Jiangnan City.    


At this moment, the former boss of the Crystal Palace, an old pervert in his fifties, came to find Bai Mei. At that time, Bai Mei was intern at the Crystal Palace, and he told her that as long as she agreed to marry him, he would pay her to treat her parents and sister.    


If things went according to how the dog blood developed in the movie and TV series, the old pervert would pay the money to treat Bai Mei's parents. If Bai Mei agreed to marry the old pervert, then it wouldn't be considered as a threat or coercion.    


Just as Bai Mei was at a loss as to whether she should agree to the old pervert's conditions, her university classmate and good friend Lin Xiaoling gave her an idea.    


Lin Xiaoling didn't provide Bai Mei with enough treatment fees, and her family wasn't rich either. Tens of thousands of yuan was alright, but if there was more money, she wouldn't be able to afford it. After all, Lin Xiaoling was just an intern.    


Lin Xiaoling suggested that Bai Mei raise money through the media.    


Bai Mei's family would be saved even if one in ten was a good person and one in ten was willing to donate money to her family. Bai Mei's family would be saved if Bai Mei's family members were to be saved.    


At that time, Bai Mei was still incredibly innocent, and the serious injuries of her parents and sister had already thrown her into chaos. At that time, Bai Mei was still extremely innocent, and the serious injuries of her parents and sister had already caused her to be thrown into chaos.    


Lin Xiaoling was indeed worthy of being a Deputy Manager in Fuhua Hotel Restaurant at such a young age. When she was in university, she was talented, but she first promoted it in her own school, preparing to use her school's influence to bring the media to the forefront. She wanted to make a massive donation that would not only solve Bai Mei's desperate situation, but also promote her positive powers.    


Lin Xiaoling's plan was very good, and it went smoothly. After her promotion, the school was very generous to the students. If things kept going this way, it would definitely not be a problem to collect the treatment fees from Bai Mei's family in a short period of time.    


However, just as Lin Xiaoling's plan was starting and just as it was starting to have some effect, both the school's propaganda and the social media, who had already heard the news, suddenly went silent.    


No matter how hard Lin Xiaoling tried, she was unable to carry out her plan. Even Lin Xiaoling herself had been threatened and was constantly being threatened by people on the phone.    


Lin Xiaoling was very smart. While she pretended that she was no longer running around for Bai Mei's matter, she secretly inquired about the reason.    


In the end, Lin Xiaoling actually managed to find out the truth of the matter.    


It turned out that the one behind all this was the old pervert from the Crystal Palace, as well as the rich second generation who had forced Bai Mei's parents and sister into the hospital.    


When the old pervert heard that Lin Xiaoling was looking for media help for Bai Mei and wanted to collect the treatment fees for Bai Mei's family members through a donation, he decisively made his move.    


While using his connections to stop the school and the social media from publicizing Bai Mei's incident, the old pervert found the young rich man and told him that Bai Mei was spreading the matter to the media. If he didn't want to be turned over the case, he had to take the appropriate measures.    


The results were as one might imagine. One was the chairman of a four-star hotel, and the other was a rich second-generation who could push away all the blame. With the two's energy combined, how could Bai Mei and Lin Xiaoling, two female students, contend against each other?    


As a result, all publicity about Bai Mei had disappeared in an instant, and the expensive treatment fees of Bai Mei's family members had also disappeared.    


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