Take Along A Spring



No matter how much he paid, he would not have sold his Spatial Medicinal Wine to him. Spatial Medicinal Wine was definitely a first-class item, because there were Spatial Spring Water in there, so not only would drinking it often help his body recover, it would also extend his lifespan. If he drank it year after year, it was not impossible for him to live for a few more years.    


A black-hearted merchant like Wang Dafu should have died early. With his way of doing things, he had done countless heinous things. He only had 30,000 yuan to sell him a jar of medicinal wine.    


Yang Fann did not know that Wang Feng had called Wang Dafu after he left the Crossroads Street Tea House.    


When Wang Dafu heard Wang Feng's report, he immediately became furious. He told Liu Tie to immediately investigate everything about Yang Fann. He did not believe that a country bumpkin would be unable to deal with him.    


On the way back to Poplar Gully, Yang Fann's mood only became depressed for a short while before improving. He had long since expected this day to come when he had activated his Space of Jade Pendant.    


The forest was big and it seemed like there were no birds. If he wanted to get his own ideas, then come on, if he shaved his head earlier, it would be cool, and if he did not shine his fangs, he would think he was a sick cat.    


The next morning, Lee Dagang brought Yang Fann good news. The company's business license had been set up.    


In order to give Yang Fann his license, Lee Dagang specially made a trip to the Poplar Gully and personally delivered it to Yang Fann.    


Looking at the name on the company license for the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, agricultural and side products limited liability company, Yang Fann's heart couldn't help but to become excited. This was the beginning of his true business, and also the first step he had truly taken!    


Other than that, there were still a few licenses for deep processing products, such as Jade Spring Mountain Villa secret tomato sauce, Jade Spring Mountain Villa secret chili sauce, Jade Spring Mountain Villa Secret Seasoning, Jade Spring Mountain Villa secret Health Wine, etc. Most of the time was spent on these licenses.    


"Yang Fann, I spent a total of 86,000 yuan to get these documents. I still have fourteen thousand yuan left in the payment for the activities you wrote for me. I will first charge it to the account and then settle it with the project funds." Lee Dagang handed over an account book to Yang Fann. These were all written by him, some of them had receipts, but most of the accounts had no receipts.    


What account book are you taking? Could it be that I don't trust you? Don't even bother keeping the remaining 10,000 yuan.    


Yang Fann knew that if it was given to a professional agency to handle, the service fee would be at least twice the fee for the certificate. Lee Dagang didn't want any money, so it was all a favor.    


Lee Dagang didn't refuse. He and Yang Fann both knew that 10,000 yuan was nothing to them. There was no need to push it around.    


Since the company was set up, Yang Fann could not fight alone like before. After that, he would stock up and sell, but Yang Fann was prepared to leave the official accounts. The tax that he needed to pay was not a single cent less, and even reasonable tax avoidance was not a single cent less.    


There was also insurance for the employees of the company, so he couldn't lack it. In short, everything was done according to the proper procedures, and he didn't lack the money to save the red-eyed guys time to pick on him.    


Yang Fann, as the general manager of the newly established company, still needed a specific clerk. In addition, he also needed an accountant, who could recruit other people temporarily or send them out through a labor company. It was that simple to start a company now, but for Yang Fann, who specializes in business management, it was like a drizzle.    


Actually, the accountant could also hire a part-time job, such as the village accountant, Yang Tieliang. As long as he was willing to pay him a salary every month, he would be able to help Yang Fann's company.    


Many small companies would hire part-time accountants to save some money. After all, part-time accountants were paid less and didn't need benefits like five insurance and one gold to save a lot of money.    


However, Yang Fann didn't plan to do that. He didn't lack many things, so hiring a part-time accountant was very inconvenient. A full-time accountant could also do part-time jobs, such as personnel, administration, and so on.    


The accountant Yang Fann prepared to go to the Jiangnan City. He had worked at the university for half a year and still had some acquaintances, so finding an accountant shouldn't be a problem.    


Yang Fann was temporarily appointed as Office Director, and was prepared to choose from among the people in Poplar Gully. The first choice was Yang Sanmao, but he didn't know if he was willing to do it.    


"Sanmao, what is this?" Yang Fann found Yang Sanmao and showed him the business license for Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Yang Sanmao took the license and after just a glance, he immediately became happy, "Brother Fan, our company's license is finally done. Great, I wish you a fortune!"    


"Hur hur, Sanmao. Our company is lacking Office Director. I wonder if you are willing to do it?" "The basic salary is three thousand yuan. In addition, there are five insurance and one gold coin, eight hours of work, rest as usual during the holidays, overtime pay, good job and bonus."    


If you want your employees to get more benefits, you can make up for it with a bonus. That way, it's more flexible and motivating than directly setting your base salary as too high.    


Moreover, there were also five insurance and one gold coin. These benefits that only regular units could provide, added together, would amount to more than one thousand yuan. Just 20% of the endowment insurance, the company would have to pay six hundred yuan, there were also medical insurance, work injury insurance, unemployment insurance, and so on.    


Besides, Yang Fann also prepared to pay the housing fund to the employees. Excluding the bonus, Yang Sanmao was almost four thousand yuan a month old.    


According to the current set of Xincheng County, the ratio of five risks to one gold was as follows:    


Endowment insurance: The company pays 20% per month, the individual needs to pay 8%;    


Medical insurance: the company to pay 8% a month, the individual to pay 2%, plus 10 yuan of serious illness management;    


Unemployment insurance: the company pays 2% per month, the individual needs to pay 1%;    


Work injury insurance: the company pays 1% a month, the individual does not pay a cent;    


Birth insurance: The company pays 1% a month, no personal payment, of course, this is the welfare of the female employees, men are not allowed to talk;    


Housing Provident Fund: The company pays 8% per month, the individual needs to pay 8%.    


According to the basic salary of 3000 that Yang Fann gave to Yang Sanmao, the company had to pay him 20% of his old age, 8% of his medical treatment, 2% of his unemployment, 1% of his work injury, and 8% of his housing fund. In total, he had to pay 39% of Yang Sanmao's basic salary, or 1,170 yuan.    


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