Take Along A Spring



The trafficker ran off in his van. Yang Fann wanted to chase him in his car, but his Ford Raptor was caught by Wei Xiaorou at the sentry box. Just when he was at a loss and was about to snatch a car to chase the trafficker, Wei Xiaorou chased him out of the hospital.    


"Bastard, you actually dare to run. Let's see how you're going to argue now. Come back to the Police Station with me!" Wei Xiaorou grabbed Yang Fann's arm and even tried to carry his arm backwards. Luckily, she didn't have any handcuffs on him. Otherwise, she would have definitely cuffed Yang Fann.    


"I'm busy right now, so I don't have time to chat with a ninny like you!" Yang Fann pushed Wei Xiaorou away and was about to find a car when he suddenly had a flash of inspiration. He reached into Wei Xiaorou's pocket and took out the key to her police car.    


Due to Yang Fann's impatience, his movements were a little bit out of order. When he took out the key from Wei Xiaorou's pocket, he extended his hand a little bit. It was because Wei Xiaorou's pocket was a little deep, and Yang Fann had actually touched a key part of the mystery.    


A strange feeling spread from her lower body to the rest of her bones and limbs. This feeling was strange and fresh, making people feel anxious and fearful at the same time. A girl like her was touched by a disgusting stranger, how could she continue to live in the future?    


Although Yang Fann also felt that he had touched upon a critical part of Wei Xiaorou's secret, the situation was urgent. He didn't even have time to reflect on the super elasticity before he already opened the door of the police car. He wanted to get on the car to chase the trafficker, but instead he thought that rather than chasing after her alone, it would be better to just drag Wei Xiaorou along and push her to the front vat so that he could hide in the back and act low-key.    


Yang Fann chased after the traffickers to save them, not to make a name for himself.    


Thus, Yang Fann turned around and pulled Wei Xiaorou away. He half pushed, half hugged, and pushed her into the front passenger seat. Then he himself got into the driver's seat, lit a fire, and started a police car to chase her.    


"What are you still standing there for? Hurry up and turn on the siren. Can't you see that there's a traffic jam ahead?" Seeing there were too many cars on the road in front of him, Yang Fann shouted at Wei Xiaorou, who was standing beside him in a daze.    


"Oh, got it." Wei Xiaorou's mind was still blank. After being shouted at by Yang Fann, she subconsciously responded and turned on the police light and siren.    


After she turned on the siren, Wei Xiaorou finally realized why she had to listen to him. He had just touched her place and was driving her police car. What was he trying to do? Could he be trying to kidnap me?    


In that instant, Wei Xiaorou's mind flashed with terrifying images. She was the captain of the police force and had seen countless crime scenes where perverts killed women. The scenes were still fresh in her mind, one after another.    


He could fight, but it seemed like this guy called Yang Fann was more powerful and scary. If he didn't find a chance to run now, then he wouldn't be able to escape even if he wanted to!    


When Wei Xiaorou was about to find a chance to jump off the car and escape, she actually realized that she couldn't escape, because Yang Fann had already raised the speed to a point where she couldn't jump off the car. If she jumped down now, she would fall into pieces first without Yang Fann, the perverted sex demon.    


Not only could he not jump off the car, he couldn't even subdue Yang Fann. With his current speed, if he was not careful, he would end up with a car being destroyed or someone killed. He might even implicate someone innocent.    


He was at a loss! A loss!    


Wei Xiaorou was caught up in a deep dilemma. For a moment, she lost her mind and didn't know what to do.    


At this moment, Yang Fann shouted at her, "Idiot, why are you standing there? Don't you have a talk system? Hurry up and inform your accomplices to stop the car!"    


"Oh, got it." She turned on the intercom system in the police car, but she didn't know what to say. She turned around and asked Yang Fann, "Didn't you want to kidnap me? Why did you let my accomplices …" "No, a colleague stopped the car?"    


"Oh my god!" If it wasn't for the fact that he was chasing after the traffickers, Yang Fann would have found an axe and split Wei Xiaorou's little brain to see if it was brain or mineral water inside. He thought of all the nonsense, "Is it to stop the traffickers' cars, not this police car!? I'm not trying to kidnap you, I'm chasing the traffickers, understand? "    


"Oh, why didn't you say so earlier? Why are you being so fierce?" Wei Xiaorou mumbled. Just as she was about to speak to the intercom, she suddenly asked Yang Fann, "What kind of car did the traffickers drive?"    


Yang Fann was so angry that he almost vomited blood. This girl was too preoccupied with chasing him and he didn't see anything: "A white van with the license plate number …"    


Wei Xiaorou quickly used the car intercom system to report the emergency case of the trafficker stealing the baby, telling the nearby police cars to intercept the trafficker's car.    


At this time, he was getting closer and closer to the traffickers' car. If it wasn't for the traffic, with Yang Fann's outstanding reaction speed and his extraordinary body coordination ability, he would have caught up to them a long time ago.    


Soon, they arrived at a crossroad. There were police cars blocking the road, waiting for the traffickers to walk into their trap. The traffickers saw that the situation was not good and quickly abandoned their cars to flee.    


Yang Fann saw that the trafficker didn't forget to carry the baby, so he immediately became angry. He stepped on the brake, and before the police car could stop completely, he jumped off the police car and chased into the alley.    


"Wait for me …" Wei Xiaorou also jumped down from the police car and chased after him with all her might.    


This time, Yang Fann was completely defeated by Wei Xiaorou. He really wanted to turn around and ask: "Sis, we're chasing after the traffickers now, not hiding. Are you sure you want me to stop and wait for you before we go chasing the traffickers?"    


Wei Xiaorou was actually not stupid at all, it was just that she didn't know what was wrong with her today. Thinking of her clumsy performance today, Wei Xiaorou wanted to find a hole to hide in. What was wrong with her?    


Therefore, Wei Xiaorou blamed Yang Fann for her insanity today. If it wasn't for that damned guy who called her when she was on duty at the Crossroads, why would she let the traffickers steal the baby right under her nose?    


Oh right, I was touched by this damned fellow. Don't think that you can get away with it just because you pretended nothing happened. Wait for me.    


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