Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was nicknamed Crazy Yang, he was so mad that even he himself was afraid of her. In this fit of rage, he did not care if the woman in front of him was his elder or not, or if she was Jin Cuier's mother.    


"Hey, Aunt Tiezhu, don't blame me for being naughty. I saw Cuier a few days ago, and she broke her leg. She was almost forced to marry an old man who could be her father at her age, and together with her grandfather and grandchildren, they didn't live a normal life. Don't you know that she still owes several tens of thousands of yuan in debt?"    


"Ah!" It seemed that this was the first time Mother of Cuier had heard of Jin Cuier's current situation. Her face paled and her lips trembled, unable to speak.    


Who knew that Yang Fann's following words would make her even more heartbroken: "Life is a bit more difficult, but Cuier has already become the jinx of a thousand men. She said that her father is the nemesis of their family, and that very few people in the entire Jinjia Viilage care about them anymore.    


"Forget it, Aunt Tiezhu. I won't say anymore. When I'm free, I'll go visit her. Ai …" Yang Fann felt that he talked a bit too much today. If he had the intention, then he didn't need to say it. Mother of Cuier had already gone to see him.    


Yang Fann paid no more attention to Mother of Cuier who was standing blankly on the spot. He went to the place where he had received the stream water last time with a depressed mood and continued to move the Dispersive Flower Creek water there. He wanted to finish the soil improvement as soon as possible and upgrade his Space of Jade Pendant.    


The animals were all very intelligent, especially the four little ones who had lived in the Space of Jade Pendant after drinking Spatial Spring Water s. Be it the running Black Bear and Xue'er, or Xiaoming and Xiaohong who were flying in the sky, they all seemed to have felt the depression of their master, Yang Fann.    


When Yang Fann sat by the Dispersive Flower Creek, starting to move the stream, the depression he had just felt was gradually forgotten. Looking at the thriving scene in the air, no matter how depressed he was, it would all become clear now.    


The speed at which a plant grows in space far surpasses the speed of growth in the outside world. As for the exact number, Yang Fann did not know, but after calculating the factor of the time acceleration, there are still a few dozen times faster than the outside world.    


In other words, plants that would only grow in a year in the outside world would be able to grow in almost ten to fifteen days within the Space of Jade Pendant. If they were to be watered with Spatial Spring Water, the speed of growth would be even faster, but he did not know if the spirit energy and Spirit Spring would be completely used up.    


As the sun was setting in the west, Yang Fann stood up and walked downstream along the Dispersive Flower Creek. He came to his house and prepared to go down to the pond to fish.    


When Yang Fann arrived, Yang Xiangdong and Yang Sanmao were both there. Most of the water in the pond had already been sucked out, and some figures of fish could already be seen. Some of them even had overturned stomachs and floated on the surface of the water.    


"Brother Fan, should we continue drawing water, or should we fish now?" Seeing that Yang Fann had arrived, Yang Sanmao hurriedly asked for his opinion. After all, Yang Fann was the financial backer, so it was up to them to decide who should pay the price.    


"Let's fish them up now, otherwise the water is too shallow, some of the fish will still die. Let's pick up some of them first, as for the rest of them who are good at making loaches, it won't be too late to fish them tomorrow morning." When Yang Fann saw Yang Sanmao had prepared all the tools needed to fish, he decided to do it now.    


Yang Fann didn't let the restless Yang Xiangdong into the water, instead, he went into the water with Yang Sanmao and four or five other helpers who were holding tools to fish. Everyone stood in a row and fished from one end of the pond to the other.    


Grass carp, carp, silver carp, carp, green carp, black eye, goya, white stripe...    


Of course, there were also large carnivorous fish like black fish and catfish.    


Not long later, Yang Fann and the others fished out hundreds of pounds of all kinds of fish.    


Yang Xiangdong was prepared. He borrowed several big buckets in the village and filled them with clean water for the fish.    


By the time it got dark, they had already fished out about seven or eight hundred catties of fish. This pond had not been taken care of for many years, so it was rare to find so many fish.    


Looking at a bucket specially used for holding black fish and catfish, Yang Xiangdong said with emotion, "If I knew there was so much meat inside, I would have cleared the pond long ago. After all these years, who knows how many fish were eaten by them."    


It was already dark and the fish in the pond were pretty much scooped out. The remaining small fish and shrimps, as well as the eel and mudfish that drilled in the mud, as well as the small black fish and black fish eggs, had to be completely drained before they could be sterilized.    


According to the rules of Poplar Gully, there were no wages to help clear the pond to fish.    


Of course, that was not the case with the fishes that were raised. In this kind of wild fish pond, the helpers would only bring some fish home, because the wild fish were all different in size and variety, especially in a place like Poplar Gully where no fishmongers would come.    


Yang Fann didn't break the rules, what kind of salary was he going to pay? Otherwise, what would the other villagers do in the future? However, Yang Fann gave a few helpers a lot of fish. Each of them got 20 to 30 catties, which was about two to three times more than helping others fish.    


Doing things sometimes isn't just about being kind. In the worst case, doing bad things can also happen to someone who is kind.    


In the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a law in the Lu Kingdom. People of the Lu Kingdom had become slaves abroad. If someone could redeem them, they could pay a ransom in the national treasury.    


Once, Confucius's disciple, Zigong, redeemed a citizen of the country of Lu abroad and refused to accept state compensation upon his return.    


Confucius not only did not praise him, but even criticized him, saying that henceforth, the people of Lu would no longer be willing to redeem their fellow countrymen who had become slaves.    


And one of Confucius' other students, Zilu, saved a drowning man once. That person thanked him and gave him an ox, which Zilu accepted.    


Confucius praised him, saying that the people of Lu would certainly be brave enough to save those who had fallen into the water.    


The "Savior of Zigong" had done a good deed. He should have been treated as a model of morality, so why would the teacher criticize him instead?    


Zi Gongzi's mistake was to raise the moral standard that everyone could have reached to a level that most people would not have been able to reach.    


The most evil thing in the world is the morals that defy common sense and human nature. To elevate the moral standard infinitely, or to regard one's private virtue as a public virtue, the two methods can only achieve one result: to embarrass the moral, to make the common people change color after hearing about the moral, and to go far away from the moral!    


If he wanted to do something good, he could do it secretly. What would happen if he brought it to the surface? What would the others do?    


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