Take Along A Spring



Deputy President Chen wanted to get close with Bai Mei. How could Yang Fann let him do as he pleased? In some aspects, Yang Fann was too generous, but in some aspects, he was too stingy.    


For example, on the aspect of women, Yang Fann was more stingy than most of the other men, he couldn't wait to drag all the beauties into his bowl. As for whether they would be able to eat, that was his stomach, not his brain.    


Looking at the big plate that Wu Tie stuffed into his hand and the full plate of food, Deputy President Chen almost cried. For the sake of tonight's banquet, he came here early for dinner, otherwise, at this kind of cold meal, who would be so embarrassed to eat so much. At most, he would drink a few cups of red wine and not fill his stomach in advance.    


Yang Fann had cooked enough food for two adult men and hadn't forgotten to remind Deputy President Chen that the country advocated the action of CD. He must let Deputy President Chen finish the food on the plate, or else it would be a shame to the people, to the country, and to his parents who raised him!    


Deputy President Chen wanted to put the plate on Yang Fann's face, but when he saw Bai Mei staring at him, he immediately put on a smiling face. Ignoring the contemptuous looks from the surrounding people, he started to eat the plate in big mouthfuls.    


"Come, little Chen, try this. Lion's Head, a traditional delicacy of our Chinese. If you want to talk about food, you have to talk about our Chinese cuisine. Little Chen, what do you think?"    


"My god, I didn't expect there to be such a dish tonight. Little Chen, hurry up and try it. This is cold mixed food. This is a traditional Chinese dish, I can't miss it!"    


"Hey, hey, there's also Crystal Elbow. Slow down, Little Chen. There's plenty of food to eat. Don't choke on it."    


When Yang Fann became bad, even he himself was afraid. He picked up those oily and hungry things and put them on Deputy President Chen's plate.    


Deputy President Chen ate fast, and Yang Fann put it on his plate even faster. Deputy President Chen felt that his wrist was sore. If Yang Fann continued to eat, maybe he wouldn't even be able to carry the plate!    


What was even more annoying was how old Yang Fann was, in front of so many people, he was shouting "Little Chen" one after another. He was already over 40 years old, but a 20-year-old kid was patting him on the shoulder and calling him Little Chen.    


Seeing that Yang Fann was still preparing to put food on his plate, Deputy President Chen immediately ran away. Such a big plate of food, Deputy President Chen couldn't eat it at all, yet he felt too embarrassed to put it back and even more embarrassed to throw it away. If he let Yang Fann put more food on his plate, Deputy President Chen felt that he would be choked to death tonight.    


"Aiyo, I'm so tired. I've finally calmed down. I helped you drive away the flies. How are you going to thank me?"    


Yang Fann clapped his hands. He picked up a blueberry from the plate Bai Mei was carrying and threw it into his mouth. While chewing, he licked his lips with his blue tongue and whispered into Bai Mei's ear.    


"You're not good or bad, at most, you can do whatever you want, and they'll let you do what you want, okay?" Bai Mei shyly twisted her body, her pink earlobes purposely moved closer to Yang Fann's mouth, and her voice sounded like she was about to be toyed with.    


Yang Fann felt a surge of anger in his stomach. Looking at Bai Mei's earlobes, which were so close to his ear, he really had the urge to take a bite out of it.    


However, his strong willpower eventually made Yang Fann not bite down. He knew that Bai Mei was testing him by trying to trick him with a beauty in front of this bro. Little girl, you're still young.    


In order to prevent himself from making an unforgivable mistake, Yang Fann deliberately tried to guess Bai Mei's intentions. He imagined her as a vampire that wanted to drain his blood, and he even imagined her as a beautiful snake that wanted to eat his brain!    


After reciting for a long time, Yang Fann finally stabilized his agitated mood and put a distance between him and Bai Mei. This little girl was too seductive and too dangerous to be near!    


"Humph!" Bai Mei looked at Yang Fann with disdain, "Coward, I'll scare you to death!"    


"Miss Bai, our boss wants to talk to you. Is there any time?"    


While Yang Fann and Bai Mei were flirting, another voice suddenly interrupted them. Both of them were so angry that they said almost at the same time, "No time!"    


What a joke, young men and women were the ones that attracted the most attention from each other. Nothing was as important as reproducing a descendant. When young men and women flirt with each other, they would maliciously interrupt.    


"I'm sorry to interrupt, but our boss is very sincere, Miss Bai, please show some appreciation."    


The person who spoke was unyielding, seemingly very polite. Furthermore, it was a woman who sounded very sweet.    


Yang Fann finally got his attention. He turned around and saw a woman who looked like a porcelain doll standing behind them.    


"Mm, you are …" Yang Fann felt that this woman seemed to have seen her somewhere before. She looked familiar, but he couldn't recall where.    


"I'm Mr Yamamoto's assistant, Minako. My boss, Mr Yamamoto, would like to have a chat with Miss Bai."    


The porcelain doll, Minako, was very polite. As she spoke, she wore a smile on her face and had two dimples. She looked very sweet.    


Aha, I was wondering why you looked so familiar. Turns out we've met before, do you still remember, last time at Investment Fair, when your boss Yamamoto Miche was stabbed in the foot by a Pig Slaughtering Knife, I was the boss who sold watermelons!    


Yang Fann was so happy that he didn't even notice when he was holding her hand. As he spoke, he stroked her as if they were old friends that hadn't seen each other for years: "Beauty milk …" Ahem, Miss Nai Zi, your name is very ambiguous. It is very easy to associate it with something very attractive.    


"Cough, cough …" "Hello sir, please take care of me. Can we talk about it in the future? Mr Yamamoto is already waiting for Miss Bai."    


Minako's face turned red. She wanted to pull her hand away from Yang Fann's hand, but Yang Fann's strength was too strong for her to move. She was too embarrassed to do it too obviously, so she could only resist the numbness from her hand.    


"Don't worry, Yamamoto Michenna is a good person, I believe he won't blame you for talking more. This Miss Bai hasn't eaten yet, let's chat for a while. We can meet Mr Yamamoto after she finishes eating."    


Yang Fann acted as if they were old friends, pulling Minako along as he talked about how common it was, "Miss Minako, how old are you this year? Do you have a boyfriend? How long has he been Mr Yamamoto's assistant? Is there anything you aren't used to? Yamamoto Michio didn't say anything rude, did he … "    


Yang Fann didn't notice it before, but the moment Minako introduced herself, he remembered that Yamamoto Miche had brought her and a translator to buy his watermelon. This Miss Minako who looked like a porcelain doll couldn't even speak Mandarin.    


However, how much time had passed and Minako had already spoken Mandarin so fluently. She wouldn't believe it even if Yang Fann beat her to death if she said that she had only recently learned it.    


If you dare to mess with our Chinese, then it will be so easy for us to play with you, oriental woman!    


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