Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was a person who distinguished between kindness and hatred. He was deeply grateful to Wei Changqing for helping Bai Mei break the siege at the recruitment dinner. Even though Wei Changqing might have done it unintentionally, Yang Fann still had to acknowledge his kindness.    


As for why Yang Fann would want Bai Mei to thank Wei Changqing, that was a matter of distance. After all, in Yang Fann's mind, Bai Mei was closer than Wei Xiaorou.    


As soon as Yang Fann's Ford Raptor stopped, before he could get off the car, a little girl at the entrance of the district waved at him. It was Wei Changqing's granddaughter, Little Nannan.    


Beside Little Nannan was Wei Xiaorou, who was wearing a sportswear. Even though Wei Xiaorou was wearing a sportswear today, it couldn't cover up her good figure.    


Wei Xiaorou's figure was not like the traditional devilish figure, with her protruding and enchanting curves. Instead, it was a combination of strength and charm, full of youthful vigor.    


When Yang Fann got off the car, he immediately carried Little Nannan and walked her around three rounds. He was so happy that Little Nannan giggled. "Big Brother, you're so bad. Why haven't you come to see Little Nannan for so long?"    


Yang Fann was exasperated. What's wrong with that? He was one generation lower than Wei Xiaorou: "Call me uncle, you can't call me big brother. Do you understand?"    


"Got it, big brother." Little Nannan's voice was crisp. As she casually agreed, she even naughtily turned Yang Fann's hair into an explosion.    


"It's not big brother, it's uncle." Yang Fann repeatedly emphasized that he couldn't mess up the issue of seniority. Otherwise, he would be at a disadvantage.    


"It was aunt who told me to call you big brother. She said if I didn't, she wouldn't take me out to play." The child was the most honest and sold Wei Xiaorou on the spot.    


"Heh heh, heh!" As long as Little Nannan was around, Yang Fann didn't dare to talk too much and could only make a fierce face towards Wei Xiaorou. If Wei Changqing were to learn from her, it would be terrible for him. If Wei Changqing misunderstood that he wanted to pick up his daughter, the probability of his misfortune would probably reach 90%.    


The first time he met someone who wanted to pick up his daughter, no matter what occupation a father was in or what identity he held, his reaction would always be the same. He would oppose her and would resolutely oppose her!    


Some people said that their daughter was their father's little lover in his previous life. These words were not just for show, but to express their father's love for their daughter in a different way.    


It had taken him ten to twenty years to raise a daughter of his own. Suddenly, he had to get along with another man, and his father wouldn't be able to accept this, especially when it was the first time someone wanted to pick up his daughter.    


Therefore, if the girl he was pursuing had never been in a relationship, then the possibility of being made difficult by his father-in-law on his first visit must be very high. He had to be mentally prepared for this.    


Only after adapting repeatedly would a father be willing to hand over his daughter. If he wanted to swindle her away in a fair and square manner, he would need to have a certain amount of patience in order for his parents to adapt to the situation.    


"Do you hear me? Little Nannan is already calling you big brother. I'm her aunt, you have to call me aunt from now on, understand?" Wei Xiaorou smiled brightly, as if she were still a child.    


"Calling you 'grandaunt' is so unpleasant. How about I judge you based on your real age? Call you auntie. You're not young anymore anyway, so you won't lose out even if I call you auntie."    


Yang Fann laughed innocently, but Wei Xiaorou felt that he owed her a beating. She ignored the people coming and going at the entrance of the residential complex and whipped Yang Fann with her leg!    


"Aiya, the police are hitting me!" Yang Fann jumped back and dodged Wei Xiaorou's kick that brought along a strong wind. He carried Little Nannan and rushed into the district.    


"Wow! Big brother's running so fast! Big brother, you can do it! Auntie is going to catch up to us!"    


Little Nannan shouted with all her might in Yang Fann's arms and clapped her hands vigorously. She grimaced at Wei Xiaorou, who was chasing after her, "Aunt, you can't catch up to us. You can't catch up to us anymore!"    


When they were almost at the Wei Family, Yang Fann had no choice but to stop, otherwise the Wei Family people would see them chasing each other with full speed. Yang Fann did not want the Wei Family people to misunderstand that they were having an affair with Wei Xiaorou, because Yang Fann would not take the blame for Wei Xiaorou's future boyfriend and use his reputation to crush Wei Changqing's desire to protect his daughter.    


Other than Wei Xiaoyong, the rest of the Wei Family s were all there. Perhaps because they knew that Yang Fann was coming today, Wei Changqing also rarely stayed at home.    


"Sister-in-law, this is a gift for you. Thank you for your contribution to the family planning policy." Since Wei Changqing was still upstairs and Wei Xiaoyong wasn't at home, Yang Fann made a joke with Wei Xiaorou's elder sister-in-law. Sometimes, a little joke could help them get closer, so it wasn't a flowery joke.    


Yang Fann handed a small jar of Spatial Honey to Wei Xiaorou's sister-in-law. Last time, he gave it to her in the name of a gift to Little Nannan, so Wei Xiaorou's sister-in-law must have tasted the benefits of the Spatial Honey. Seeing Yang Fann smile like a flower, Yang Fann didn't think that the other party was interested in him.    


Yang Fann had already eaten a lot of Spatial Honey and knew that this was a good thing. The spatial pollen the Spatial Bee collected in the Space of Jade Pendant and the Spatial Honey that it brewed would have a 20 to 20% effect on spatial Spirit Spring. It wouldn't even be enough to be called god's nectar.    


Right now, the honey that Yang Fann brewed from the two boxes of Spatial Bee s that he had planted on Pear Ridge was still a pure Spatial Honey s. This was because the food that was grown on Pear Ridge were also spatial vegetables.    


Of course, the Spatial Honey in the Space of Jade Pendant were still of a higher grade than the Spatial Honey in the Pear Ridge. This was because the Space of Jade Pendant was a pure dimensional plant which was bred with 100% of the spatial Spirit Spring. This kind of plant pollen was of a higher quality than other spatial plants.    


She happily accepted Yang Fann's Spatial Honey. Indeed, she had been thinking about Spatial Honey for a long time, ever since she drank the honey Yang Fann sent her last time, she found that her skin had become noticeably whiter and more delicate. It was better than going to the beauty salon to do cosmetics.    


Women were almost always the same. It was fine to not let them eat, and it was fine to not let them wear it. As long as it could make them beautiful, they could pay any price.    


"Little Nannan, guess what kind of gift uncle brought you?"    


"Mm …" Honey? "The last time it was honey, very sweet honey, but mother wouldn't let Little Nannan eat too much, saying that it will grow insect teeth."    


Little Nannan was like a greedy little cat. She looked at the Spatial Honey in her mother's hands and her eyes lit up.    


No wonder Wei Changqing wanted it from her. As expected, women are creatures that have no reason to talk about, and in the face of something that can make one beautiful, no one can do anything about it.    


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