Take Along A Spring



The words "I'll woo you" completely ignited Yang Fann's anger. In front of the two security guards, he was slapped on the face by Yang Fann.    


His face was swollen to the size of a pig's head, and his mouth was full of more than 20 loose teeth. Excluding the few false teeth he had set, all of Li Da's teeth had been loosened by Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann's slap was very careful. It loosened all of Li Jun's teeth and didn't break a single one of her teeth. That way, she wouldn't even get a slight wound. At most, it would be a financial punishment and she wouldn't have to squat for an entire day.    


However, Li's teeth would soon fall out, and unless it was a tooth, he would have to wear a set of movable dentures.    


"Wuu …" "Sob, sob …" Li Da's stomach was completely stunned by Yang Fann and it took him a long time to wake up from his daze. When he saw Yang Fann was still standing in front of him, he quickly retreated in fright, knocked over two stools and fell onto the floor.    


Li Datou pointed at Yang Fann in fear. He wanted to get the two security guards to hit him, but the two security guards were unable to muster up the courage to do so.    


Just now, Yang Fann's speed when he slapped Li Wei was too fast. It was so fast that the two security guards didn't see Yang Fann's actions clearly, so they knew that they were no match for Yang Fann.    


"Speak, am I selling fake medicine?" Yang Fann kicked Li Datou's leg, causing him to scream out in pain.    


No matter how powerful he was, he still had a backer. After all, even if the Jiangbei City and Public Security Bureau were really opened by his family, he still wouldn't be able to use it at this time.    


"No no …" "No!" Li Jun's entire face was swollen. Although her words were slurred, she was still able to understand the gist of it. If she didn't understand what he meant, she could still point it out.    


"Then what did you say?" Yang Fann did not just slap him a few times, this guy was too unscrupulous. Luckily, he was the one who came here to sell the iron-skinned Dendrobium Officinale, if it was a normal person, he would have been cheated to death by Li Datou.    


"Calculate..." "What number is it?" Li Datou didn't know what Yang Fann was going to do, but his instincts told him that things weren't over yet.    


"Two hundred yuan per gram for my iron skin Dendrobium Officinale, how much time had passed since you personally agreed to buy it? Do you want me to help you recall your memories? "    


Yang Fann didn't show any mercy to a black-hearted boss who dared to rob him in broad daylight. If he let this guy off lightly today, who knows how many more people would suffer in the future.    


Besides, two hundred yuan for a gram of his own iron-skinned Dendrobium Officinale, Li Wei didn't suffer a loss. At most, he wouldn't earn any money. After selling his iron-like Dendrobium Officinale to him, Yang Fann didn't need to look for anyone else.    


At first, Li Datou wanted to go back on his word, but after being kicked a few more times by Yang Fann, he immediately became completely honest. Two hundred yuan for one gram is two hundred yuan, it's better than getting beaten up.    


Yang Fann sold 30 kg of iron skin Dendrobium Officinale for a total of 6 million. This was the most expensive time since Yang Fann had planted the Dendrobium Siderosum. Unfortunately, the process wasn't perfect, which made Yang Fann feel a little regretful.    


With this contract, even if Li Datou wanted to sue him, he could only go to court. Without the contract, Li Datou could deal with him through public security. Although Yang Fann wasn't afraid of public security's private actions when he returned to Jiangnan, it was better to avoid some trouble. What Yang Fann was most afraid of was trouble.    


Of course, Li Datou could call the police after Yang Fann left, and he could also get the two security guards to testify. However, based on his words alone, Yang Fann basically could not be convicted, and the two security guards were also his subordinates, so their testimony's credibility was not high.    


Moreover, the price of two hundred yuan per gram of top-grade wild iron Dendrobium Officinale was not outrageous. The contract was legal and effective, and there were no flaws.    


If the transaction price for each gram was one thousand yuan, far surpassing the market price of a wild top quality iron Dendrobium Officinale, then the contract would no longer be of any use. Yang Fann's actions might very well be classified as extortion.    


When Yang Fann studied law for so long and said that lawyers were professional hooligans wearing legal gowns, although this saying was somewhat extreme, there was a certain amount of truth in it. Ever since the birth of the law, it was used by others, so absolute fairness was impossible, because there was no true absolute in this world.    


"Goodbye Boss Li. I'm very happy to cooperate with you this time. I'll come back again next time. I'm really looking forward to meeting you again." Yang Fann shook hands with Li Datou with a faint smile.    


When Yang Fann's Ford Raptor disappeared from his sight, he looked down and saw that his hand had swollen into a big bun. He was so scared that he broke out in a cold sweat, and in the time Yang Fann had just grabbed his hand, his hand had swollen to such a state. It could be seen how much strength Yang Fann had.    


"Boss, hurry up and call Captain Li. I've already recorded his license plate. Oh right, there's also his bank card number. We can't escape!"    


The two guards surrounded him and started talking to him, trying to get rid of the impression that they were useless in the boss's eyes.    


"I beat you to a pulp!"    


Li Datou slapped the two security guards in the face, "You two were too f * cking dead just now. How dare you watch me get beaten up? I can't take care of that guy, can I not take care of you two?"    


The more Li Jun thought about it, the angrier she got, and the more furious she got. Recalling her arrogant behavior just now, when the two security guards saw her arrogant behavior, they couldn't help but feel like immediately silencing her.    


Fortunately, Li Datou had not lost his rationality, and the two security guards were not someone to be trifled with. Even though they were bribed by him, since they were originally hoodlums, it was fine that he could scold them a few times. In his rage, slapping them was already his bottom line.    


After chasing the two security guards out, Li Datou started to call his cousin, the commander of the Criminal Police squad of the Jiangbei City and Public Security Bureau. Otherwise, he wouldn't be so arrogant.    


When Li Datou's older cousin heard that someone dared to hit his younger cousin and had even been extorted of over six million yuan, he immediately said something fierce. He assured Li Datou that he would definitely capture that reckless guy and vent his anger on him!    


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