Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann was so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood. Bai Mei was the first to attack, and she actually found the rented house in Urban Village, in order to return to Poplar Gully with Yang Fann.    


Bai Mei understood Yang Fann's temperament very well. She knew that he probably wouldn't bring her to the Poplar Gully this time, so she used this tactic.    


However, what Bai Mei didn't expect was that when she excitedly wanted to give Yang Fann a surprise, she actually found two girls sitting inside Yang Fann's Ford Raptor!    


Bai Mei knew these two girls well and knew that they were from the same hometown as Yang Fann, but Bai Mei didn't know the details of Jin Cuier and her daughter. Fortunately, she knew that Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier were mother and daughter and didn't misunderstand Yang Fann's flirting with a pair of sisters.    


Even though Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier were mother and daughter, Bai Mei didn't have to worry about Yang Fann killing two birds with one stone. Just Jin Cuier alone was enough to make Bai Mei feel a deep sense of crisis.    


Compared to her, Jin Cuier had the advantage that she was young, so young that it made people feel sorry for her.    


Other than being young, Bai Mei was confident that she wouldn't lose to Jin Cuier in any way. However, it was precisely this point of being young that made up for no other advantage.    


Time was everyone's natural enemy, especially women. Even if they had devastatingly beautiful women, their beauty was unparalleled under the heavens. With the passage of time, they still lost all their splendor and became extremely ugly.    


No matter how confident Bai Mei was, she would not be able to make up for the weakness of being a few years older than Yang Fann.    


Of course, apart from being older than Yang Fann, Bai Mei's greatest disadvantage was that she had ever been married. As a widow, she was not as competitive as a young girl like Jin Cuier.    


Bai Mei knew her own limitations. If she didn't have to be Yang Fann's mistress, Yang Fann would be happy to accept her.    


However, what kind of woman was born with a cheap bone and was willing to be a mistress instead of a concubine?    


Even the ugliest woman, the oldest woman, the woman who had lost her husband, yearned for a decent marriage and a decent life after marriage.     


Some people say that dissatisfaction is the wheel of ascension, if all humans are very contented one day, I think it will be the end of humanity.    


Yang Fann refused to bring her to the Poplar Gully, but wanted to bring Jin Cuier and her daughter along. This made Bai Mei's heart feel extremely sour, to the point that she was gnashing her teeth in pain, as if she had eaten a big plate of cabbage.    


"President Bai, I'm sorry. You saw it too. We still have things to do, so we won't keep you for dinner. Please go back. Goodbye!"    


At least, in Bai Mei's eyes, he was asking for it. Since she took the initiative to come over, he still did not plan to bring her to the Poplar Gully. Was she really so unattractive to him that she was already kicked out of the competition?    


How could Bai Mei know Yang Fann's thoughts. Indeed, he was unable to bring Bai Mei back to Poplar Gully. There was no path from Qingshan Town to Poplar Gully, so he could only circle around from there.    


Every time Yang Fann took advantage of the fact that there was no one around, he would put the Ford Raptor in the Space of Jade Pendant and ride a motorcycle to traverse the mountains. In the end, he would turn into a Ford Raptor.    


Yang Fann was taking Jin Cuier and Jin Cuier back with him today, but in reality, he couldn't drive a Ford Raptor. He was prepared to park the Ford Raptor on the Qingshan Town and ride a motorcycle to return to Poplar Gully with Jin Cuier and Jin Cuier.    


As for how a motorcycle would take two people along, that was Yang Fann's problem. Those who understood would naturally understand, while those who didn't could use all their energy to think.    


It was impossible for Yang Fann to tell Bai Mei about his thoughts. Naturally, Bai Mei had misunderstood Yang Fann. Tears welled up in her eyes. If it wasn't for her strong personality, she would have cried a long time ago!    


Yang Fann's observation skills were sharp, of course he knew Bai Mei was mistaken, but he didn't have any intention of explaining it to Bai Mei. Yang Fann's observation ability was sharp, of course he knew that Bai Mei was mistaken, but he didn't have any intention of explaining it to Bai Mei.    


It was a rare opportunity to be a bosom friend in life, so Yang Fann was not disappointed. Bai Mei was only a woman who could develop into her own woman, and her own woman was not necessarily a bosom friend.    


If it were easy to find a soulmate, there wouldn't be Yu Boya and the Zhong Zi period to spread the thousand years of love story.    


Of course, many people didn't think that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziquan were lovers. Because they were both male, many people subconsciously or intentionally ignored the sad love story of them from meeting each other to knowing each other, from knowing each other to being in love.    


If these people could be more objective and admit that there was a bent guy in the world, then they could completely understand Bo Ya's true purpose in playing the zither. If they didn't have that relationship, then why would Yu Bo Ya play the zither?    


Under Bai Mei's complicated gaze, the Ford Raptor rushed out of her vision like a prehistoric monster.    


"Elder Brother Fann, why don't you let Bai Mei come back to Poplar Gully with us? Did you two have a fight? "    


Jin Cuier was kind-hearted. She didn't seem to realize the threat Bai Mei posed to her. Among all the women Yang Fann knew, Jin Cuier was the one with the least wild ambition as his official wife, followed by Qin Mengyao.    


Of course, Mother of Cuier didn't count. Not only did she not have the wild ambition to be Yang Fann's legal wife, she didn't even have the ambition to be his mistress. Mother of Cuier wasn't a slut, so why would she fight over a husband with her daughter?    


"Kids, why are you worrying so much? The main topic is to review your lessons properly."    


Could Yang Fann say that he didn't let Bai Mei go back to the Poplar Gully because the motorcycle couldn't carry three people? It doesn't seem right to not be able to take three people and two people, right? If it was a family of three, it would be fine. Children could be in the middle, but what was wrong with bringing Jin Cuier and her daughter together? It was not healthy at all!    


Therefore, Yang Fann took out the adult method to deal with children and changed the topic. Since Jin Cuier couldn't beat him, he had no choice but to tell her.    


In the end, Mother of Cuier was more experienced than Jin Cuier. She gently pulled at Jin Cuier's arm, preventing her from mentioning Bai Mei again.    


Mother of Cuier felt that Bai Mei was her daughter's competitor. It would be best if Jin Cuier didn't mention her in front of Yang Fann, because Jin Cuier's words might be counterproductive. Not only could she not help Bai Mei, but she might even make Yang Fann misunderstand.    


One had to say, Jiang was still older and more experienced. Even though Mother of Cuier was usually lukewarm, she actually knew it better than anyone else.    


Yang Fann was very observant, how could Mother of Cuier's small movements escape his eyes? She quietly pursed her lips. You still don't know your brother, how could your brother vent his anger on her just because of a single sentence from Cuier!    


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