Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann's return Poplar Gully was nothing strange, but he brought Jin Cuier and Jin Cuier with him. To the people with the Poplar Gully that were relatively closed off, it was not a big deal.    


The news of Yang Tiezhu going to jail had already spread through the Poplar Gully. As Yang Tiezhu's wife, Mother of Cuier seemed to have put a layer of mysterious veil in the eyes of some villagers.    


She was mysterious because she had killed a husband, and he was in prison, and his life was so tough that in the eyes of relatively superstitious people, a klutz like Mother of Cuier was a bit of a mystic.    


In addition to feeling that Mother of Cuier was an ominous woman who kept away from some of her fellow villagers, there were some men who were overjoyed because their brains were not healthy.    


Mother of Cuier's beauty was not just for show. If it wasn't because of fear for Yang Tiezhu, these brats would have already had ideas about her. Now that Yang Tiezhu had gone to jail, Mother of Cuier was like a fish on a chopping board.    


Besides, Mother of Cuier had an outrageously beautiful daughter who was so tender that it would make anyone's heart ache for her. She was such a good girl, who knew which bastard would benefit from her in the future? It would be better for her to take the lead first!    


After being nourished in Jiangnan during this period of time, Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier were like two different people compared to the past. Jin Cuier was younger than the younger family's jade-like daughter, but because she had been doing housework often in the past, her skin had become white and tender. And this was only her exposed skin.    


In the past, when she followed Yang Tiezhu for Poplar Gully, due to her frequent work in the fields and her ordinary clothes, she looked like she was only slightly stronger than an ordinary village woman, but it was also limited.    


However, after being nurtured in Jiangnan and studying for a few months, Mother of Cuier's temperament changed greatly. From being a genuine rural woman, she gradually turned into a mature and charming beautiful woman.    


Especially when she wore the clothes Yang Fann bought for her and Jin Cuier helped her dress up. If the current Mother of Cuier was put together with the former Mother of Cuier, those who didn't know her would think it was two different people.    


If the former Jin Cuier could score 90 points, then the present Jin Cuier could score 95 points. If the former Mother of Cuier could score 85 points, then the current Mother of Cuier could score 95 points!    


In the eyes of many people, Mother of Cuier and her daughter were beauties at the same level. One was mature, one was charming, one was youthful, one had an overbearing figure, one was graceful, one was full of primitive temptation, and one was able to arouse the deep desire for protection in the bones of men.    


However, no matter how beautiful Mother of Cuier and Jin Cuier were, they were not as pretty as the two of them added together. If the killing power of one person was 80, then the killing power of the two of them combined with mother and daughter would be 100. It was simply not the same.    


This was the reason why even Yang Fann, who had a strong willpower, almost lost control over himself. The difference between mother and daughter and a beauty couldn't even be described with words.    


One could imagine how great the commotion caused when Jin Cuier and her sister, who could cause a bloody crime in a large city, appeared in the relatively sealed Poplar Gully. From the old man who was eighty years old to the child who was eight years old, there was not a single person who wasn't respectful towards them.    


Therefore, when Yang Fann brought back this pair of top-notch mother and daughter, the taste was intriguing. In the eyes of many villagers in Poplar Gully, Yang Fann was probably having an affair with mother and daughterzhong's daughter. Otherwise, why would the two women ride Yang Fann's motorcycle together, how could it not be crowded?    


However, there were some villagers who liked to gossip, Yang Fann was not just having an affair with Jin Cuier, it should be related to Mother of Cuier as well. Mother of Cuier seemed to be a completely different person, the clothes she was wearing were obviously not ordinary clothes, in Poplar Gully, perhaps only Yang Fann could afford those beautiful clothes.    


Amidst the discussions, the news of Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier being assigned to work in Jade Spring Mountain Villa suddenly exploded. Jade Spring Mountain Villa was now a heaven in the eyes of the majority of Poplar Gully people, and as long as one had Poplar Gully, there was no one who did not want to work in it.    


After going through a few recruitment attempts, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa only had 30 formal employees now. Every time they recruited a new employee, the Poplar Gully users would break through the roof and burrow in. However, the moment Jin Cuier and her daughter arrived, they would become the Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees.    


In the past, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa had only recruited Poplar Gully people, with Ma Wensheng and a few other security guards being outsiders, the villagers of Poplar Gully could not say much, because the villagers of Poplar Gully were all older, so being a security guard was not really appropriate.    


However, some villagers were unhappy with the recruitment of Jin Cuier and Mother of Cuier. Mother of Cuier could still be considered a person with Poplar Gully, but what about her daughter, Jin Cuier?    


Not to mention Jin Cuier, even Mother of Cuier, a few villagers had their own opinions about entering Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Why can't we enter, a kev's jinx can actually go in?    


Even if you, Yang Fann, are the boss, you still can't be heartless. Put a woman who is related to you into the company, sooner or later, your Jade Spring Mountain Villa will be destroyed by you!    


Therefore, some people with ulterior motives or dissatisfaction started to take action. The way these people dealt with Yang Fann was very simple, but it was also very effective. It was the old method that rural women often used, the root of their tongue.    


If it was just a private conversation, it wouldn't have any effect on Yang Fann, but since these people decided to take action, it wouldn't be as simple as just a private complaint.    


Yang Fann, who had slept with Bai Mei, slept with Jin Cuier;    


What do you mean by "Yang Fann will turn bad if he gets rich"? Not only did he sleep with Jin Cuier, but he also had an improper relationship with Mother of Cuier.    


Yang Fann, the two of them eating together, someone saw the three of them drilling in the grass together;    


There were always rumors going around, and all of a sudden, there was only one reason. It was to discredit Yang Fann and Jin Cuier!    


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