Take Along A Spring



Zhang Xiuxiu passed a napkin to Chen Ergou while she constantly looked at Yang Fann with her eyes. The university student whom she didn't fall in love with when they first met was now looking to have such a temperament.    


Through the constant modifications made by the space Spirit Spring, Yang Fann was no longer the same as before. He didn't need to wear the international brand name, the international brand name, or drive a top tier luxury car. Just by standing there, one could tell that Yang Fann was different from other people.    


Yang Fann's unique temperament originated from his strong self-confidence, his robust body, his mental and physical strength that far exceeded that of an ordinary person, and his indifference to everything after possessing a precious treasure.    


In terms of fantasy, to ordinary people, Yang Fann was a crushing defeat on the level of life. If ordinary people met Yang Fann, it would be equivalent to a low level life meeting a high level life.    


Using Buddhist theory to explain, Yang Fann was born of the heart and had a strong state of mind. He looked just like how he was now, different from ordinary people.    


Using the scientific God Church's explanation, Yang Fann's psychological hint or something like that would only be seen on the surface. Anyway, Old Ox was right.    


Of course, Zhang Xiuxiu didn't understand these profound theories. All she knew was that Yang Fann was good-looking, not only good-looking, but also drove a car, had recently made a fortune, built a big yard, and even set up a big company. Just the company's gate alone cost over a million yuan, and the company's staff were dozens of people.    


It was nonsense to say that Zhang Xiuxiu didn't regret it. Xiuxiu had asked the Yang Fann family for ten or two hundred thousand yuan for the betrothal gift, which was why the marriage had been ruined. Now, it seemed that one or two hundred thousand yuan was nothing.    


What's more, because Chen Ergou said he worked at the police station, Xiuxiu and Chen Ergou didn't even want a penny of the gift money.    


At that time, if Zhang Xiuxiu knew that Yang Fann's car alone could be worth tens of millions, she wouldn't have let her mother decide what to do even if she beat him to death.    


Zhang Xiuxiu was not stupid after the contact they had during this period of time and had already known what Chen Ergou was doing at work at the police station. The so-called "family meal" could not even be considered as an official soldier, it was just a temporary constable that could be fired at any time by the police station, and the salary was pitifully low. Sometimes, on one night at Shencheng, she would earn more than Chen Ergou's monthly salary.    


Luckily, Chen Ergou would be able to deal with the situation, which made Mother Xiuxiu extremely happy. Moreover, it was bad enough to be able to subdue Zhang Xiuxiu.    


As the saying goes, "Men are not bad, women do not love". With Zhang Xiuxiu's rich life experience, only scum like Chen Ergou could have her. Otherwise, he would have been bullied to death by her if he tried to find an honest man.    


Originally, no matter how much regret Zhang Xiuxiu had, she could only hold her nose and accept it. After all, it was impossible for Yang Fann to look for her again, and Chen Ergou wasn't that easy to get rid of either.    


However, today, Yang Fann appeared in front of her in an extremely flirtatious manner, while her future husband Chen Ergou was squatting on the ground like a pitiful pug, tears flowing down his face.    


Zhang Xiuxiu could not accept such a contrast. She wanted to throw Chen Ergou to the side and run over to ask Yang Fann if he was still willing to marry her even if she didn't want a single cent of the betrothal gift money.    


If it wasn't because she was afraid of Chen Ergou's revenge, Zhang Xiuxiu would really dare to do that. With her rich life experience, it didn't matter to her whether or not Chen Ergou and herself. She also didn't think that Yang Fann would take it seriously.    


Zhang Xiuxiu, who came from a wealthy background, was already used to relationships between men and women. She didn't think that a woman having sex with a man meant anything at all. On the contrary, she thought it was very normal, probably a little better than a handshake.    


Originally, Zhang Xiuxiu was secretly delighted. She thought it was because Yang Fann still cared about her, which was why she purposely messed with Chen Ergou.    


However, it was only when Chen Ergou forcefully endured the snot and snot on his face that he managed to get the motorcycle to a safe place. Yang Fann drove the Ford Raptor away gracefully without even looking at Zhang Xiuxiu once, which caused her to feel a sense of frustration from the bottom of her heart.    


He thought that some beauty missed him again, so he didn't expect that it was a woman who swore to take care of him, still acting like a rogue old driver. As he drove, he hummed a random melody.    


"Play drums and slow gongs, stop the gongs and drums and listen to the singing, all sorts of gossip and songs, listen to me singing 18 times …"    


"I reached out my hand to touch the silk on my sister's face. Dark Cloud flew for half a day and touched the front of my sister's head. The sky is full of people …"    


They had to rely on Chen Ergou's temper to call the people from the Chenjia Ridge to stop Yang Fann's Ford Raptor and give him a good beating.    


However, Chen Ergou did not dare to do that. He truly did not dare to do that. Not to mention how strong Yang Fann's own fighting strength was, just based on the relationship between Yang Fann and Lee Mingxuan, he did not dare to do anything to Yang Fann.    


Don't look at how Lee Mingxuan had left, he was no longer the director of Qingshan Town Police Station, but that was Gao Sheng, the director of Xincheng County Public Security Bureau. Although he was only a deputy, he was still much more powerful than the director of Qingshan Town Police Station!    


A hoodlum like Chen Ergou was most afraid of people wearing police uniforms, not to mention that he was an accomplice in the Qingshan Town police station. He understood the power of the police more clearly and knew what would happen if he offended them.    


If Chen Ergou was just an ordinary civilian, he wouldn't mind. The police wouldn't look for trouble with an ordinary commoner, but as a hoodlum, any random excuse could be taken by the police to the point that even his mother wouldn't recognize him!    


Therefore, Chen Ergou still didn't do anything even though he knew he was hit by Yang Fann just now. He didn't complain in front of Zhang Xiuxiu either. He was also smart enough to know what was on her mind from the slight changes in Wu Tie's appearance.    


You're really regretting it now, regretting that you didn't agree to Yang Fann's marriage. Little Waves, you just have to wait for me, you dare to look down on me, see me play you to death!    


Many years ago, Chen Ergou had the guts to bring a few hooligans to intercept the junior high school girls who had just finished school. Chen Ergou had the guts to bring a few hooligans to intercept the junior high school girls who had just finished school, and it was even towards the small forest.    


Zhang Xiuxiu hoped that she could get along with Chen Ergou. She thought that he was pretty cute, but she didn't know that he had already fallen into a pit of fire. Sooner or later, he would be cheated to death by a scum like Chen Ergou!    


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