Take Along A Spring



"Yang Fann, I advise you to prioritize the overall situation and not make enemies with the people. Hurry up and give your Jade Spring Mountain Villa to everyone, and once everyone makes a move, you won't have any face left!"    


Yang Tieliang stood at the front of the crowd and imposingly issued an ultimatum to Yang Fann, "I'll give you a quarter of an hour to consider. If you're still unrepentant when the time comes, don't blame your fellow villagers for not showing mercy!"    


"Haha, in less than a quarter of an hour, I can tell you right now, if you want to take back your Jade Spring Mountain Villa, you can as well. Pay the penalty in full in accordance to the contract, or else, you will be robbed.    


As soon as Yang Fann spoke, the black bear and Xue'er, who were crawling at his feet, stood up. The two Mountain-guarding Dog s were full of spirituality and had long felt the malice of Yang Tieliang and the group of villagers. As experienced hounds, Yang Fann did not speak, nor did they express anything.    


Black Bear and Xue'er could clearly feel it. They stared at Yang Tieliang, who was standing at the front of the crowd, with their scarlet eyes. As long as Yang Fann gave the order, they would rush over without hesitation and use their sharp teeth to tear open his throat and drink the hot, sweet blood!    


In the eyes of Black Bear and Snow, the blood of ordinary animals was beautiful.    


In order to cultivate the wildness of the two Mountain-guarding Dog s, Yang Fann had them eat raw meat, drink fresh blood, and eat countless hare pheasants. For Black Bear and Xue'er, raw meat and hot blood were their food, even humans were no exception.    


Black Bear and Xue'er stood up, scaring many villagers into retreating. There was no one who didn't know Yang Fann and the other Mountain-guarding Dog in Poplar Gully, and knowing how powerful they were, catching wild rabbits was as easy as eating and drinking. No dog in the village dared to show their teeth to them.    


Even if they were Black Bear and Xue'er's parents, Black Bear and Xue'er would only listen to Yang Fann and would not buy anything from anyone.    


Yang Tieliang was impassively cheering for the villagers, preparing to let everyone charge forward. Yang Fann just had some ability, how could he withstand the besieging attacks of more than a hundred people?    


However, when Black Bear and Xue'er's blood-red eyes were fixed on his throat, Yang Tieliang was like an old rooster whose neck had been strangled. Just as he finished his sentence, the second half of his sentence was stuck in his throat.    


"Yang..." Yang Fann, I'm warning you, if you dare to use your dog to commit murder, the law will not forgive you! "    


Yang Tieliang couldn't even speak properly. Who wouldn't be afraid when facing two hounds that were as big as calves? Yang Tieliang wasn't some special material made revolutionary warrior so it was normal for him to be afraid, and it wouldn't be normal for him to not be afraid.    


"Haha, Secretary Yang also knows how to use the law to protect yourself. Since you're adamant on law, quickly take your people away, we can sit down and have a good talk. If you act according to the contract, then hand over all my penalty payments to me, I'll hand over the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to you, what do you say?"    


Yang Fann did not want to beat Yang Tieliang up to the point where he could not take care of himself, so his policy today was to use deterrence. If he could solve the problem according to the law, then it would not be too late.    


As for settling the score with Yang Tieliang, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future. It would also be troublesome if he crippled Yang Tieliang in front of so many people.    


Yang Fann was not stupid, nor was he drunk. He would not be like those hooligans, regardless of everything and rush forward to beat Yang Tieliang half to death, then he stood up and ran.    


The contract you signed with Yang Guoqing is not legal at all. Cut the crap, hurry up and get your two dogs away. Hand over your Jade Spring Mountain Villa to everyone.    


Yang Tieliang shouted while acting fierce, but he was still waving his arms around without moving because he was afraid of angering the two Mountain-guarding Dog s. Dogs are easy to anger, and if his actions attracted the attention of the two Mountain-guarding Dog s, he would die unjustly.    


"Very well, I have done my best. Since you insist on not realizing your mistake, then come. I want to see who dares to rob my personal property."    


After saying that, Yang Fann patted Black Bear and Xue'er's huge heads: "Both of you watch carefully, whoever steps foot into the Jade Spring Mountain Villa will bite off ruthlessly for me!"    


Seeing that Yang Fann was pretending to talk to the two dogs, Yang Tieliang revealed a sneer of disdain. The villagers behind him started laughing out loud, thinking that Yang Fann was trying to scare everyone. In fact, his actions were just a sign of guilt.    


Some dogs could understand simple human speech, but what Yang Fann said was too complicated. If the two Mountain-guarding Dog could understand it, then they wouldn't be able to!    


Unexpectedly, some people's cold smiles were still hanging on their faces, and before some people's laughter had even stopped, Black Bear and Xue'er seemed to have understood Yang Fann's words and actually nodded, walking back and forth along the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's gate as if telling everyone that whoever dared to cross this line would have their own consequences!    


At this moment, many of the villagers behind Yang Tieliang were shouting in their hearts. They all had a sense of disharmony. Since when did dogs become this smart to be able to understand such complicated human speech?    


Feeling the awkward situation, Yang Tieliang started to use his sharp tongue to agitate the crowd behind him: "What are you guys afraid of, it's just two dogs, the guys in our hands are not weak, if those two dogs dare to show their teeth later, we can beat them up and kill them myself!"    


Yang Tieliang had brought more than 100 people with him. Among them, there were more than a dozen guys. Although they were all ordinary farm tools like hoes and shovels, they should be more than enough to deal with the two dogs.    


That was why Yang Tieliang was so confident. Those ten people holding hands were all his trusted aides. With these people leading the charge, he would encourage them from the side. As long as everyone rushed forward like a swarm of bees, it would be useless for Yang Fann to get even a few more dogs!    


This time, Yang Fann did not say anything, he had already lost his interest in playing with Yang Tieliang, a little smart ambitious person, instigating a bunch of short-sighted foolish married women, just wanting to scheme for the Jade Spring Mountain Villa that he spent millions on. Yang Fann did not know whether they were stupid or ignorant people who were fearless, he did not expect that there would be such a ridiculous thing in the world.    


Yang Tieliang warned Yang Fann a few more times, but seeing that he still did not say anything, he thought Yang Fann was afraid, and suddenly became even more arrogant: "Fellow villagers, we have already said what we should say, and we have given all the face we should give, it's not early yet, let's not dawdle any longer, everyone make a move, the first moment you take back the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, we will make the decision a moment earlier!"    


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