Take Along A Spring



As time passed by, the situation with Jade Spring Mountain Villa gradually faded. In fact, even the people with Poplar Gully knew that the matter was far from over. In the future, how the position of the village branch would be located would still need to be revealed.    


Yang Fann didn't go and find trouble with Yang Tieliang. If he wanted to make a move, he would knock Yang Tieliang down. Now that he's here to scold him, there's no point in beating him up.    


However, before Yang Fann could figure out how to deal with Yang Tieliang, Yang Tieliang's revenge came.    


Yang Tieliang used the excuse of recuperating from illness to quietly leave Poplar Gully. He found the Qingshan Town's Alcalde Chen and told him about the sudden profits from Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Alcalde Chen's greed was known to all, and Yang Tieliang was just giving it what it was worth. When Alcalde Chen heard that Jade Spring Mountain Villa's vegetables and fruits could actually be sold for one hundred dollars per catty, his eyes immediately narrowed into slits.    


Last time, Alcalde Chen heard from Yang Guoqing that the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's food was very delicious and was very popular in the Jiangnan City, so he let Yang Guoqing make him some food. If it was really like Yang Guoqing said, he would let Yang Guoqing wrap the vegetables and fruits between his house and the county governor's house so that they could get closer.    


Who knew that Yang Guoqing, who didn't know what kind of lunatic he was, would suddenly resign and give up. He would become depressed and commit suicide if he continued.    


Although Alcalde Chen was greedy for money and his hands were dark enough, he didn't want to get himself killed. If Yang Guoqing was crazy, it would not be a big problem for him to get rid of that trivial matter between them.    


Therefore, Alcalde Chen agreed to Yang Guoqing's resignation, because Yang Tieliang had also given him gifts before, so Alcalde Chen had a talk with Yang Tieliang, and after receiving Yang Tieliang's money of fifty thousand yuan, Yang Tieliang was directly appointed by the higher ups, becoming the secretary of the village branch office.    


He never thought that Yang Tieliang would actually bring him such shocking news. Turns out that the items from Jade Spring Mountain Villa were so good, they were actually sold for a hundred dollars per catty, and they were even more than what was required!    


How could Alcalde Chen not be tempted by such a treasure like Jade Spring Mountain Villa when it was his territory? If he could hold the Jade Spring Mountain Villa in his hands, not only would he be able to make a fortune, he could also use the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to grow something for himself.    


The more he thought about it, the more delighted he felt. Alcalde Chen praised Yang Tieliang and assured him that he would help Yang Tieliang get his Jade Spring Mountain Villa back, since Yang Fann only had two dogs and two eagles, so he will be charged with selling the animals that are protected by the state.    


As soon as Yang Tieliang saw the door, he revealed another piece of news. Jin Cuier was at Jade Spring Mountain Villa and even had an unclear relationship with Jade Spring Mountain Villa's boss, Yang Fann.    


At this moment, Alcalde Chen couldn't sit still anymore. Jin Cuier was his enemy. She had killed him drunk for Jin Cuier and Alcalde Chen's son, and they were still locked up in the prison!    


Alcalde Chen had once told the village chief of Jinjia Viilage to make a rumor about Jin Cuier, saying that she was the enemy of both father and husband, and wanted Jin Cuier to stay at home to vent her anger for his son.    


Afterwards, for some reason, Jin Cuier had disappeared, and Alcalde Chen was busy getting his son out of trouble. Thus, he didn't pay any more attention to the insignificant Jin Cuier.    


Today, when he heard Yang Tieliang mention Jin Cuier once again, and this time it was not because he was not aware of the owner of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the evil fire in Alcalde Chen's heart shot up with a swish.    


He had seen Jin Cuier before, she was a pitiful little girl. She looked really energetic. If it wasn't for the fact that his son had taken a fancy to Jin Cuier, Alcalde Chen would have done it himself.    


Now that his own son had been taken into prison by this little girl, and this little girl had actually hooked up with another man, how could Alcalde Chen endure this? Adding to the fact that Jade Spring Mountain Villa was in his pocket, Alcalde Chen couldn't wait a second and prepared to directly attack Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Ignoring the fact that he was still on holiday during the National Day holiday, Alcalde Chen immediately called a group of functional departments in the town to meet and study the food safety issues during the period of two festivals.    


Jade Spring Mountain Villa was the target of this sampling inspection on food safety. Alcalde Chen decided to take everyone on a surprise inspection!    


As a result, a bunch of fattened up guys went through the mountains, preparing to take a detour from Qingshan Town to Poplar Gully and then from Chenjia Ridge to Poplar Gully, catching Yang Fann by surprise!    


From Qingshan Town to Chenjia Ridge, the cars could still move. Although it was a little bumpy, in order to claim credit in front of Alcalde Chen, the group of people finally clenched their teeth and endured.    


However, after they passed the Chenjia Ridge, when they went towards the Poplar Gully, the cars became useless. They had just driven out of the Chenjia Ridge less than a mile away, but the cars could no longer drive in.    


However, under the temptation of the beauties and the huge benefits, Alcalde Chen gnashed his teeth and announced that for the benefit of the people, for the sake of the food safety during the period of two festivals, everyone should carry out the fearless spirit of the ancestors of the revolution, not afraid of being sacrificed.    


What was wrong with crossing mountains? Thinking back to the Industrial and Rural Revolutionary Army, which had marched for 25,000 miles all those years ago, could it be that as a servant of the people, he was representing the people?    


Alcalde Chen's impassioned speech made a bunch of fat subordinates want to curse in shame. This bastard didn't know what kind of disease he was suffering from, he wouldn't let him rest properly during the holidays, he would check the food safety at any point, was there anyone who would check the food safety in the mountain trenches?    


Alcalde Chen looked at his unlucky underlings, and silently cursed in his heart. A group of Old Turtle, when you guys see Jade Spring Mountain Villa later on, I'm afraid every one of you will get fired up, and no one will be able to get anything by running too slowly!    


After expending a great deal of effort and falling who knows how many times, the bunch of corpse diners, under the leadership of Yang Tieliang Di, finally made their way through arduous and arduous paths before finally standing in front of the majestic and imposing Jade Spring Mountain Villa gate.    


Looking at the gate that Yang Fann spent millions to build, at the exquisite Dispersive Flower Bridge, at the magnificent Dispersive Flower Courtyard on the southern shore of the Dispersive Flower Creek, and at the tall and ferocious Thorny Vines, Alcalde Chen couldn't help but suck in a breath of cold air.    


Alcalde Chen was not like bumpkins like Yang Guoqing and Yang Tieliang. Whether it was Yang Guoqing or Yang Tieliang, they only knew that Sun Tie had built a house and repaired a bridge, so he definitely had spent a lot of money. However, they never would have thought that just Dispersive Flower Bridge s and Dispersive Flower Courtyard s alone would cost more than ten million.    


When Alcalde Chen saw Jade Spring Mountain Villa, he already knew that the possibility of easily taking down Jade Spring Mountain Villa was very small. With his experience, even if one could build such a beautiful villa, the cost would at least be over ten million. A fellow who could build a villa with tens of millions wasn't someone he, a single mayor, could easily handle.    


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