Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann only stayed in the new Dispersive Flower Courtyard for two days before he left with all the ripe vegetables and fruits there. He embarked on a long journey to Jiangnan, preparing to start his new studies.    


When they separated in September, Yang Fann had already processed his listening card at the Jiangnan University Medical Academy. He was waiting for the freshmen to finish their military training and start a new life of study with them.    


Yang Fann also used this time to learn a Spanish. With the foundation of English and French, Yang Fann was able to learn Spanish much faster, but in just a short month's time, he could complete a general conversation in Spanish without any problems.    


Jiangnan University was a comprehensive type of academy, and medicine was one of its strong points. With Yang Fann's current abnormal thinking and reaction speed, learning from an ordinary freshman was not too easy.    


Therefore, Yang Fann didn't plan to listen to every class one by one. He just wanted to see the subjects that he needed to learn first, and then choose to listen to some parts that he didn't really understand. It wouldn't be as taxing as it was back in college, and he wouldn't waste any time at all.    


After listening to the autopsy for the whole morning, Yang Fann's mind was filled with all kinds of human anatomy drawings. The teacher taught two classes and Yang Fann had already finished reading half of the "Human Anatomy".    


Yang Fann found out that after going through the space Spirit Spring's transformation, his learning speed now was even faster than a rocket. According to his current learning speed, in less than a week, he could master the entire《 Human Anatomy》.    


Yang Fann found it very easy to learn anatomy, physiology, pathology, and pharmacology, which only required memorization and didn't need to be understood. Yang Fann found it very easy to learn, because he had a very good memory right now.    


If Yang Fann had had his current memory when he was in middle school that year, it would have been easy for him to enroll in any university in the world, and it would have been with a full scholarship.    


Compared to Western medicine, which only looked at data, Chinese medicine was much more difficult to learn. Traditional Chinese medicine was not based on memory alone, and without sufficient clinical experience, it would be useless to memorize it.    


For example, Yang Fann could memorize all the characteristics of the pulse diagnosis in a few minutes, such as the floating, sinking, sliding, string, and so on, but to make him do it himself, to let a person know what kind of pulse diagnosis he was, Yang Fann was definitely shocked and couldn't say it out!    


There was a saying that if one wanted to know the taste of Riko, they had to taste it for themselves. Even if they described it as something that they had never tasted before, they did not know the true taste of Riko.    


The reason why traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is so magical is because of the lack of practice. No matter how well one learns in the classroom, without a good teacher to teach one, one would at most be a semi-doctor who talks about military affairs. If one wants to become a famous doctor like Zhang Zhongjing, Sun Sinian, even Bian Que, Hua Tuo, one can't say that it's just a pipe dream.    


To take a pulse diagnosis, no matter how proficient the theory was in memorizing, it was still just the basics. The teacher could only check it himself, first letting the student take a pulse for the patient, then the teacher could let the student explain what the patient's pulse was like, see if he was right, where he was right, and where he was wrong.    


Only through repeated practice and guidance from the teacher could the students truly experience the characteristics of the various meridians. Zhang Guanli and Li Dai would not talk about the floating meridians as the flood meridians and the sinking meridians as the astringent meridians.    


In the past, an ordinary Chinese medicine could easily decide whether a woman was pregnant or not, and could even determine whether the baby was male or female. But now, these things that could be easily accomplished by ordinary Chinese medicine in the past had become legendary abilities in movies and TV dramas.    


Therefore, if Yang Fann wanted to learn western medicine, it wouldn't be difficult. But if he wanted to learn traditional Chinese medicine, then he would have to put in a lot of effort.    


Have you ever seen a person with a urinary calculus who can be taken out by taking a pulse?    


Have you ever seen a patient whose son had a small bowel hernia by taking a pulse?    


Have you ever seen a pulse that can cause a man's father to die of any disease?    


Yang Fann had seen all of these miraculous Chinese medicine techniques when he was young. It was just like the Qingshan Town, a white-haired, white-bearded, old Chinese doctor who often set up stalls to treat people when they were rushing to the market. He didn't charge a lot, he really didn't have any money, so he could just give him a few eggs.    


Yang Xiangdong's internal injury was seen by that old Chinese doctor. Although it was not treated well, it was much better than before.    


According to the county hospital's doctor, Yang Xiangdong should not have lived past forty years of age, but after that old Chinese medical treatment, and until Yang Fann's Space of Jade Pendant was activated, Yang Xiangdong did not show any signs of wanting to die first.    


Unfortunately, that old Chinese doctor died later on. When he was halfway through treating Yang Xiangdong, he suddenly stopped coming back to visit the Qingshan Town. When Yang Fann heard that he died in an accident, he fell off the cliff while picking herbs.    


Yang Fann was very impressed, because not only had he heard his parents sigh once, saying that if that old Chinese doctor was still alive, Yang Xiangdong's old wounds would definitely be cured.    


Actually, Yang Fann wanted to learn medicine when he was young. He wanted to become a good doctor like that old Chinese doctor and cure his father Yang Xiangdong's disease.    


However, Yang Fann later heard that studying medicine was difficult. Considering his family's condition, he gave up on the idea of studying medicine and changed to another major.    


It would take five years for a medical major to get an undergraduate degree, one year more than a normal one, and the degree was far from enough. If he wanted to survive in the hospital, he would need at least a master's degree, or even a doctoral degree.    


Don't look down on the hospital title. If you don't have one, it means that you have to stand aside. It's not a big deal if you can't get a promotion or raise your salary, but it's hard to even get a chance to study outside the hospital.    


Failure to learn more about advanced medical knowledge often means falling behind and soon forming a vicious circle that leads to a worsening of the level of business.    


As for obtaining more surgery opportunities and visiting specialists to check out difficult cases, there was no need to even think about it. There were plenty of vice directors and leading physicians, so who could stand up to such a small doctor or attending physician!    


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