Take Along A Spring



Dabin wanted to ask him why, but Yang Fann also wanted to ask him why. Why not do it properly and instead go and be a scum inferior to animals?    


Since the scum had been formed, it was obviously too late to reconstruct it. The only thing Yang Fann could do now was to try his best to save the innocent life that was crippled by that scum, Dabin.    


Yang Fann's whip techniques were very particular. Each whip was one after another, and formed many criss-crossing whip marks on Dabin's body. If someone used a goniometer to measure them, they would be surprised to find out that these criss-crossing marks were very perfect. Each cross was exactly 90 degrees, as if it was carved with a mold.    


Dabin was a second generation ancestor who lived like a prince and only used his whip to whip others, how could he have suffered like this? Wu Tie whipped him, and Dabin's face was covered in tears and snot as he desperately begged for mercy, not appearing to be as ferocious as before.    


"Speak, tell me all the bad things you have done. If you dare to say one less word, I will draw you until you regret being born into this world!"    


Yang Fann felt that it was about time. If he continued to smoke Dabin, there was a possibility that he would turn him into a retard. Therefore, he turned on the video recording on his phone and prepared to collect first-hand evidence.    


"Speak …" "Say what?" "Ahhh!"    


Before Dabin could finish his question, he was lashed by dozens of whips, causing him to cry for his parents. It was better to die than to live.    


"Speak!" Yang Fann's whip stopped and he roared.    


"What do you want me to say …" "Ahhh …    


Dabin felt that his skin was no longer his own. Every time the whip hit his body, it was like a burning thread of fire, the burning sensation was followed by an excruciating pain. His body involuntarily spasmed like a prawn out of water, jumping up and down desperately on the ground.    


After another dozen lashes, Yang Fann stopped his actions: "Speak of all the bad things you've done. If you dare to say another word, I'll whip you one hundred times!"    


As he said that, Yang Fann lashed out with more than ten whips, which made Dabin faint from not being able to catch his breath.    


Crash! *    


Yang Fann used cold water to wake Dabin up. Without saying anything, he first greeted Dabin with a whip, and then repeatedly whipped him a dozen times. Then, he repeated what he just said.    


Dabin's mind almost collapsed and went blank. The severe pain had made him lose his ability to think. His instinct told him that as long as he didn't get whipped again, he would do anything!    


This was also the reason why there were so many cases of grievances. Even though they knew that they didn't kill the person themselves and that they would be shot if they admitted to it, many people would still admit that this was the power of pain. In the face of endless pain, many people would feel that it was better to just die.    


There weren't so many brave warriors in the world who didn't care about death. There were only a few heroes like Sister Jiang who was still fearless even after being tortured in Red Cliff. Dabin, who grew up in a honeypot and enjoyed abusing women, was obviously one of them.    


Knowing everything he wanted to know, Yang Fann felt that he came tonight right. If he didn't come tonight, who knew how many innocent girls would be destroyed by Dabin, this pervert.    


Not only did Dabin have a feminine appearance, in reality, he was a heaven's castration, which made him an immoral man. This was also the reason why he became a perverted person that liked to abuse women.    


He clearly had the money and status to play with women, but because he was a castrator and couldn't do it himself, he could only look and touch him for a long time. It was the suppression and resentment that he couldn't pinch, which gradually twisted Dabin's character until he became like this, enjoying the abuse of women, proud of the painful struggle women had to put up under his abuse!    


If it was just abusing women, Yang Fann wouldn't be this shocked. Dabin's abnormal behavior had far exceeded Yang Fann's imagination.    


Every woman that Dabin abused, he would leave a tattoo on the most private part of her body, indicating that she was his woman. Any man that had sex with her would be picking up his broken shoes.    


It was precisely to satisfy this abnormal pleasure that Dabin spared no effort in trying to catch pretty girls, especially the younger ones. It was more likely that virgins would appear among the girls, and every one of them that had the right to be tattooed by Dabin had to be virgins.    


Before leaving tattoos, Dabin still needed to control their bodies and souls. Under the constant torture, these pitiful women gradually lost any thoughts of resisting and didn't dare to disobey him.    


Then, Dabin would let these women who had been tortured to the point of losing their courage to fight back to the scene he opened for himself to receive customers. While earning money for him, he would also satisfy him to admire the silly faces of those men who had to wear his broken shoes even after spending money.    


In order to appreciate those idiots who paid to wear his broken shoes, Dabin even installed pinhole cameras in many of the boxes. He would appreciate them whenever he had something to do and even cut some of the more exciting scenes into videos, saving them for remembrance.    


As for those pitiful victims in the orphanage, they were just a small part of the women who had been harmed by Dabin. As for those pitiful victims in the orphanage, they were only a small part of the women who had been harmed by Dabin.    


Yang Fann really did not expect the Friendship Hotel in Jiangbei to have such a dirty service. Luckily, he had the foresight to terminate the cooperation with Friendship Hotel, otherwise, he would really become the accomplice of this bunch of scum!    


As Dabin gave out more and more information, Yang Fann felt that tonight's actions were worth more and more. If Dabin had merit value points like in the fantasy novels, Yang Fann believed that his actions tonight would give him a lot of merit value points.    


Previously, he was still thinking about how to hand over the evidence to Lee Mingxuan. With Dabin's confession being safe, he could still turn it over afterwards, and now, as long as Yang Fann could get those videos of Dabin and the photos he left behind when he tattooed every poor woman, no one would dare to cover Dabin's crime anymore. Who would dare to have anything to do with this kind of pervert?    


In the past, the reason why Dabin was able to survive was not just because of his father. A vice head of the Civil Affairs Office did not have that much of a reputation, one that could cover the three families' dark spots that were counted in Jiangnan City.    


Dabin's so-called success came from the clips he had made, because many of the videos had people who were well-known in Jiangnan City as the main characters. There were many powerful officials among them, and now that Dabin had the evidence of these guys, they dared to not protect Dabin's safety!    


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