Take Along A Spring



While a huge earthquake was happening in Jiang-Nan province, Yang Fann was calmly continuing his days at Jiangnan University with no worries at all.    


These few days, Yang Fann was very troubled because the little beauty he teased on the first day of school actually started to pester him. Yang Fann even said that he would make Yang Fann prostrate under her skirt within a month.    


Other people thought that Yang Fann was out of luck and actually had a little beauty who took the initiative to touch him. Yang Fann, on the other hand, used his keen observation skills to discover that the little beauty wasn't taking the initiative to touch him; this girl was here to take revenge on him. First, he was tricked by her, then he was kicked away.    


If it was in the past, Yang Fann would be happy to play with a little beauty and play around with a little kid since he had nothing to do. It was just that he was not in a good mood these days and didn't want to cause trouble.    


The reason why Yang Fann was in a bad mood was because of Bai Mei's sister, White Snow. He didn't know where Bai Mei found out that he was listening beside the Jiangnan University, but this girl actually took the initiative to come up to him, blocking Yang Fann's classroom. She wanted Yang Fann to treat her leg.    


If it was anyone else, Yang Fann would have slapped her earlier. So what if she was pretty, pretty or not a meal, Yang Fann hated women who just relied on her looks to think that all men should follow around her. There was one such woman, so Yang Fann wanted to spank her when he saw her.    


Yang Fann's impression of White Snow was not very good, not because her legs were disabled, but because Yang Fann felt White Snow was too arrogant. When he first met Yang Fann, he had already interfered in the matter between him and Bai Mei without any reason and commented on Yang Fann without even coming into contact with him.    


Healing the legs was an easy thing to do. If Yang Fann was in a good mood, or if White Snow was his sister, Yang Fann could try using the Spatial Spirit Spring.    


However, the Spatial Spirit Spring was related to Yang Fann's life and death. Even if Snow White looked like a fairy, Yang Fann would not risk the safety of him and his family.    


Unless White Snow was willing to marry Yang Fann as his wife, but that also required Yang Fann to be willing to marry her. Even her elder sister, Bai Mei, had not been able to completely enter Yang Fann's life, let alone a little girl who had only met Yang Fann a few times.    


However, although Yang Fann didn't agree to treat White Snow's legs, his attitude wasn't too bad. After all, White Snow was Bai Mei's sister, so Yang Fann still had to give her face.    


This time, every time Yang Fann appeared in Jianghai University, two beauties would follow beside him like he was a humph general, attracting the attention of countless people.    


Snowy, in particular, was a well-known figure in the Jiangnan University. With a broken body, outstanding learning, and a positive personality, she was the role model for many university students in the river.    


In the past, no one had heard that White Snow had a relationship with any boy. However, this idiot who jumped out of some remote corner and captured Snow White's heart, and even went as far as plying a boat and hooking up with a new beauty to play Double Fly!    


"Well, you two can go play alone. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first." Yang Fann threw the two bubble gum to White Snow and Er Nizi, then turned and walked towards his Ford Raptor.    


Er Nizi was a nickname Yang Fann gave to the little beauty. As for her real name, Yang Fann was too lazy to remember it. It was more than enough to give her face if he didn't call her a passerby.    


Watching the leaving Ford Raptor, Snow White and Er Nizi stomped their feet at the same time. The two little beauties glared at each other and turned to leave without looking back. As for helping each other, attacking and defending an alliance, that was definitely nothing, Beautiful ladies' enemies can only be the same kind of beauties.    


Yang Fann didn't know, nor did he have the mood to know, that the two beauties who acted like sisters in front of him would act like enemies after he left without even saying a word.    


Even if he knew, Yang Fann wouldn't care. He was very good right now, so what if he had two beauties? As long as he wanted, he could pick a lot of beauties as he liked.    


Of course, these were all Yang Fann's self-righteous thoughts. He would only know the truth when the time came, since he was pestered by Snow White and Er Nizi to the point that he wanted to push them down and give them a good spanking to vent his anger.    


This guy had failed at a plan, and then came up with another. After Alcalde Chen broke his leg, Yang Tieliang did not know how he did it, but he had actually grabbed County Governor Officer's thigh, inciting County Governor Sun to make a move on Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Officer was probably used to working at Xincheng County, and upon hearing that Yang Fann was classmates with Lee Dagang, many buildings in Jade Spring Mountain Villa were built by Yang Fann for Lee Dagang to do. Lee Dagang was furious, because he had already let out the news, who would dare to let Lee Dagang's company take over the project, even if it was going to be against him, they shouldn't even think about living in Xincheng County anymore!    


To think that there would be someone who was unafraid of death. A small country bumpkin actually dared to stroke the tiger's whiskers of his county governor, Officer. He had been speaking for so long, why hadn't Lee Dagang's company gone out of business?    


The company that helped Lee Dagang was small, and it denied that Officer's face was big. For a small farm and sideline company, it was as good as squashing a ball, squashing it as it wanted. Killing him would be no different from killing an ant!    


Besides, Yang Tieliang also said that Yang Fann's Jade Spring Mountain Villa is very strong, the fruits and vegetables grown can be sold for at least 100 yuan per jin. With such a big place like the Pear Ridge, there are so many thousands of mu of land.    


With these two reasons, how could Officer still sit still? He immediately brought a group of his subordinates to rush to the Poplar Gully.    


Other people couldn't cross the road, so Officer wasn't so troubled, because he did build this road. If he didn't want to cross it, who would dare to stop him?    


As for how to pass through the potholes in the road, that was simply not a big deal. He had not done much on this road and was only putting on an act. All he needed to do was to widen the narrower areas.    


As for the national level two highway that Alcalde Chen promised Yang Guoqing, that was Alcalde Chen's business. What did it have to do with County Governor Officer? If Yang Guoqing wanted to find trouble with him, it was Alcalde Chen's business.    


After getting the road repair workers to move away from the roadblocks, County Governor Officer led a large group of his subordinates, including many officials from related departments, to the Poplar Gully in a majestic manner. They were prepared to make a move against the Jade Spring Mountain Villa and get the money tree that Yang Tieliang had talked about!    


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