Take Along A Spring



The bidding that Luo Zhiyuan prepared was in all directions. Not only the Partner who were looking for vegetables and fruits, even some of the precious commodities produced by the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, such as Top-grade White Truffle s, wild monkey mushrooms, were within the range of the bidding.    


Luo Zhiyuan told Yang Fann, why did he let Old Oak West Restaurant earn the difference in the middle price. Previously, Yang Fann didn't have the time or the energy to operate the restaurant, now that Jade Spring Mountain Villa himself has an operational team, why would he need a middleman.    


Yang Fann was right when he heard this. The operation team that he had spent so much money to maintain was not something to look out for. In the sales department, it was better to leave the work to the professional team.    


In order to make the operation team's work more convenient, Yang Fann rented over two hundred square meters of office space in Jiangnan City. As the office space for Jade Spring Mountain Villa, most of it was used by the operation team led by Luo Zhiyuan.    


Luo Zhiyuan's operation team was very efficient. The bidding started after half a month. Yang Fann thought that the business participants would all come from the nearby cities.    


The result was out of Yang Fann's expectation, there were more than a hundred merchants participating in the bid selection. Amongst them, there was no lack of industry heavyweights like Shencheng Guest House.    


This was the result of Luo Zhiyuan's restriction of participation in the event. Those qualified to participate in the event were at least 4-star hotels or large restaurants with an annual turnover of over 100 million.    


As for the Michelin restaurant, which was created by the tire seller Michelin, Luo Zhiyuan didn't buy it at all. He didn't bid for it even if he wanted to, instead, he had to follow the rules.    


Just like the officials in the relevant departments, they casually flashed their identification cards, saying that the purchasing staff of a certain Michelin restaurant was willing to pay a preferential price of 5 million yuan per year for admission and that Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be required to supply their restaurant with 5000 kilograms of vegetable and melon fruits per week.    


It was only after pondering for a long time did he finally understand the meaning behind the two idiots' words. It turned out that Jade Spring Mountain Villa had paid them 5 million per year to enter the restaurant, and also provided them with 5000 kg of fruits and vegetables per week free of charge.    


F * ck!    


Luo Zhiyuan didn't understand. Did the sun come out from the west, or did these two idiots have their brains cramp up? Or did they think that Jade Spring Mountain Villa people had their brains cramp up?    


In the face of Luo Zhiyuan's doubts, the two of them still spoke with confidence and confidence. They told Luo Zhiyuan that their Michelin restaurant's product that could raise Jade Spring Mountain Villa was a blessing that Jade Spring Mountain Villa could not even dream of. As long as they could become the supplier of Michelin's restaurant, the reputation of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would skyrocket!    


At that time, the profits from the huge fame that would come to Jade Spring Mountain Villa would come rolling in. Compared to the huge profits that he would soon get, what was the little benefit Jade Spring Mountain Villa had to pay?    


Although Luo Zhiyuan was unhappy with these two idiots, but as a subordinate, he still told Yang Fann about this matter and asked for instructions on what to do.    


After Yang Fann heard Luo Zhiyuan repeat it again, his answer was very simple. Our Jade Spring Mountain Villa doesn't need the rolling profits that they bring from Lun Tai's Restaurant.    


F * ck, a tyre seller wants to interfere in the catering industry instead of doing his job properly.    


Yang Fann was very disgusted with this kind of countryman who treated foreigners as incense. My Great China has thousands of years of resplendent civilization, with nothing good to show for it. If you want mud horses to get a foreign thing, you have to jabber on, as if you can't live without hanging a name on it.    


What's worse is that these kinds of foreign affairs are common in the country. If they really are the good stuff from other countries, then we can just study them humbly. But the key is that some of them don't even have the need to blindly pursue foreign things.    


For example, many new residential areas would have foreign names on them, such as Victoria International, Ewu Libai Garden and so on. With so many beautiful Chinese characters, why did they have to give out a meaningless foreign name and scold them as a bastard or a loser?    


Yang Fann wasn't purely a cynic. If there were good stuff in foreign countries, he wouldn't mind learning from them. However, if he blindly tried to attract the attention of foreign students, then Yang Fann would despise these guys.    


For example, the California beef noodle that was popular a few years ago attracted a lot of stupid people to come for it. However, after some people went to the United States, they found out that the person in the United States did not have that kind of thing. This matter became a joke on the entire world, and caused the Chinese to throw his face on the world wide open.    


And wearing a German hypotensive watch could cure high blood pressure. Even CCTV advertised for it, but when the reporter checked the number of the research institute in Germany mentioned in the advertisement, he asked if they had ever studied a watch that could lower blood pressure.    


Even though Yang Fann was willing to cooperate with a Western restaurant opened by foreigners like Old Oak, in fact, he had wild hopes. He hoped that one day, Jade Spring Mountain Villa's products would be sold overseas, where he would earn a lot of money from foreigners and salvage the money that those junk restaurants earned at home!    


When Ben Shaming saw Yang Fann, his expression was not good. The reason was because Yang Fann had stopped selling the Top-grade White Truffle under his charge, and changed it to an open bidding competition, which the highest bidder could obtain.    


With regards to Ben Shaming's unhappiness, Yang Fann could only helplessly express his embarrassment!    


He told Ben Shaming that the Europeans often proclaimed that they could completely separate private matters from official ones, and also ridiculed the Chinese for not having a fair commercial environment and being a backward country. Right now, he wanted to change this situation and let Ben Shaming, his old friend, see, our Chinese can also separate private relations from official ones!    


Ben Shaming was so angry by Yang Fann's theory that he almost vomited blood. He knew that Yang Fann's move of piercing his opponent's shield with his spear, in the words of the Chinese, meant that the enemy's techniques were useless against him.    


Damn it!    


Too despicable! Damn it!    


Ben Shaming was depressed. There was someone who was even more depressed than him. Lin Xiaoling was one of those who was more depressed than Ben Shaming!    


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