Take Along A Spring



After being interrupted by Yang Fann, Lin Xiaoling was almost tricked by him. Putting aside her random thoughts, Lin Xiaoling said to Yang Fann seriously: "If you want me to go to Jade Spring Mountain Villa, I won't do it. I have to at least give a general manager. What do you think? Do you still want me to go?"    


"General manager?" Yang Fann was stunned, he pointed at his own nose and said, "As the general manager, what do you want me to do?"    


"You're the chairman, isn't that simple?" Lin Xiaoling acted like she was an idiot, and Yang Fann was so angry that he started to peek behind her butt again.    


"Excuse me, is there any difference between the chairman and the general manager?" Of course, he knew the difference between the chairman and the general manager. It was only because he thought that Lin Xiaoling might not know about it that he wanted to become the general manager and instead become the chairman.    


"The general manager is in charge of the company, while the chairman is in charge of fishing. OK!" Lin Xiaoling was very pleased with herself, as if she was already a general manager who had taken over the chairman of the board of directors.    


"Fishing?" Yang Fann felt that his university education was wasted. After all the theoretical studies, no one else could explain it as thoroughly as Lin Xiaoling, who studied how to manage hotels.    


Regardless of whether Lin Xiaoling was right or wrong, at least she was very intelligent. Before she became the general manager, she had already clearly divided the authority of the chairman and the general manager.    


"Alright, then the general manager, we've agreed that if you dare to not admit it, I'll definitely …" Humph … "Humph …"    


As Yang Fann said this, he glanced behind Lin Xiaoling. The area he was aiming at was above her legs and below her waist, making Lin Xiaoling feel a burning and itchy feeling coming from that place. It immediately reminded her of the feeling of being spanked by Yang Fann.    


"Those with the surname Yang, we are serious about this, you're not allowed to joke around!" Lin Xiaoling felt that there was something wrong with Yang Fann's attitude. He was not serious and had the suspicion to deal with her. It was more likely that he was joking.    


"Of course it's true. Otherwise, do you think I wouldn't have anything to do to play with you? When you resign, we'll immediately sign the contract."    


Yang Fann was no longer smiling mischievously, and became very serious: "The General Manager of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, is in charge of everything related to business, the salary is based on the annual salary plus the dry shares method, the first year's salary is 200 thousand, enjoy 1% of the dry shares bonus of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, after that, the annual dry shares bonus will increase by 1%, until it increases to 5%."    


When Yang Fann said this, Lin Xiaoling was dumbfounded. She couldn't believe her ears, thinking that Yang Fann was just acting, that she was just a department manager in Fuhua Hotel, how could he spend so much money to recruit her?    


Looking at the salary alone, 200 thousand was not a lot. In Jiangnan City, a company's general manager could earn 200 thousand every year.    


Even Lin Xiaoling's current Purchasing Department manager, although she was getting a monthly salary, if all of them added up, her annual salary would be around 200 thousand.    


To be honest, Yang Fann's annual salary of 200 thousand for Lin Xiaoling wasn't that attractive, it could be said to be average.    


However, what shocked Lin Xiaoling was not the 200 thousand yuan salary, but the annual dividend.    


Others might not know how popular the products of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were, but as the manager of the Fuhua Hotel, Lin Xiaoling was very clear on how many there were.    


Just from the ten thousand kilograms of vegetables and fruits that his Fuhua Hotel had brought into the Jade Spring Mountain Villa last time, the gross profit on Jade Spring Mountain Villa was already more than a million. With a gross profit of one million, even if half of the costs were deducted, the net profit on Jade Spring Mountain Villa would still be five hundred thousand.    


Fifty thousand, ah, and this is still the income from Fuhua Hotel's family, moreover it's only a week's worth of trading. What about that month, what about a year, how much would it be?    


Moreover, Jade Spring Mountain Villa was not just limited to one Partner. After this bidding war, there were now fifteen Partner s and most of these Partner s were well-known in the industry in the country. One could imagine how astonishing the profits of Jade Spring Mountain Villa would be in the future!    


In addition, through the competition, the sales price of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa products had increased greatly, so the profits obtained would definitely increase exponentially.    


Lin Xiaoling did not need to carefully calculate. With just a quick glance, one percent of her dividends was already an astronomical figure. Not to mention that her stocks would increase every year.    


Five years later, when Lin Xiaoling's share of the shares received 5% of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa total profit, how rich would he become? Other than Bai Mei, I'm afraid that amongst all the students, I'm the only one with money!    


Not only was it not wrong, it was actually quite low. The profits from the vegetables and fruits on Jade Spring Mountain Villa were not even 50%, and if one did not take into account the cost of the spatial Spirit Spring, the cost of those vegetables and fruits were not even 5%!    


Yang Fann also roughly calculated. According to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's annual net income of one hundred million, Lin Xiaoling's first year would have more than a million yuan in her account.    


With an annual salary of 200 thousand, and a dry share dividend of 1 million, Lin Xiaoling only needed to work at Jade Spring Mountain Villa for a year to become a millionaire.    


Don't look at how the millionaires of today are not as valuable as before, but that depends on who. As a worker, if you can become a millionaire in a year, you can probably be counted on even in China.    


Of course, Lin Xiaoling's annual earnings of more than 1 million was nothing compared to those of the CEOs who could easily earn tens of millions a year. However, if someone was compared to those CEOs, they would be kicked in the head by a donkey. The CEOs were not ordinary merchants, and as to what kind of background would make them the CEOs.    


Moreover, in the future, Lin Xiaoling's dry share dividends would increase by one percentage point each year. Even if Jade Spring Mountain Villa's income remained the same and the profits hadn't increased, her income would still reach an astonishing five million after five years.    


5 million! Most people wouldn't be able to earn this amount in their entire lives. Lin Xiaoling was currently 25 or 26, and five years later, she would only be 30. At that time, with a total income of 5 million per year, it shouldn't be a problem for her to shake off her classmates by a few streets!    


Lin Xiaoling was smart. Given the popularity of Jade Spring Mountain Villa Goods, how could the business income not change after five years? If the annual net profit could reach a hundred million, the net profit from Jade Spring Mountain Villa s after five years would very likely be a billion, or even several billions of billions.    


1 billion, what's 5% of the dividends?    


Ten billion, what was 5% of the dividends?    


F * ck, I don't even dare to think about it!    


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