Take Along A Spring



Yang Sanmao Wan did not expect that such a perfect plan would actually make such a big mistake. Not only did he not manage to create the rumor, he was even manipulated by Yang Tieliang, causing most of the people to be distracted. He accused Yang Fann and the former village chief Yang Guoqing of colluding together to usurp the collective rights and interests of Poplar Gully and squeeze the remaining value of the villagers!    


Before Yang Sanmao could react to the shock, Yang Tieliang struck the iron while it was hot, using the excuse of responding to the crowd's call to hold an emergency general meeting of the whole village, preparing to hold a vote to retract Jade Spring Mountain Villa!    


Yang Sanmao kept stumbling along the way and barged into Wu Tie's house. He told Yang Fann everything in a panic, telling him to quickly come up with an idea, otherwise, Jade Spring Mountain Villa would very likely be taken by the Poplar Gully group!    


After listening to Yang Sanmao's story, Yang Fann calmed down after a short period of shock. He patted Yang Sanmao on the shoulder and did not say anything. He just told him to go back and rest.    


"Brother Fan, hurry up and come up with an idea. The Jade Spring Mountain Villa has cost you so much, if it was taken back by that bastard Yang Tieliang, your painstaking effort would have been in vain!"    


Yang Sanmao was close to tears. If he knew it would turn out like this, he would have told Yang Fann all the rumors, but now, because of his hesitation, it caused Yang Fann to be tricked by Yang Tieliang, and even the Jade Spring Mountain Villa that he painstakingly built was taken back. Yang Sanmao was full of self-blame: "Brother Fan, it's all my fault, I did not manage my Jade Spring Mountain Villa well, I'm sorry for your trust in me!"    


"Sanmao, you think too much. Go back and rest, it's no big deal. A single Jade Spring Mountain Villa is nothing. There will be more opportunities in the future."    


Yang Fann really wasn't trying to comfort Yang Sanmao, he felt that Jade Spring Mountain Villa was good too. Since the villagers were not willing to enjoy the benefits he gave, why bother thinking about them with all the effort.    


Yang Tieliang wanted Jade Spring Mountain Villa, so he gave it to him. Didn't the villagers want to share the profits of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, then let them share it?    


Yang Fann's heart was truly cold. He was always thinking for the villagers, but he never thought that these people were still not satisfied. For a little bit of benefit, they actually wanted to take away his entire Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


They really thought that Jade Spring Mountain Villa could produce a hundred dollars a catty of vegetable and melon seeds, and relied on the clear spring water from both eyes in the Pear Ridge. If it wasn't for Yang Fann using Spatial Spirit Spring for breeding, not even ordinary vegetable and melon fruits could grow on Pear Ridge.    


After today's farce, Yang Fann would no longer have to bear the responsibility of bringing good to the village. From now on, the main road would be the sky, everyone would walk on the side, whether the Poplar Gully people were good or bad, it would have nothing to do with Yang Fann anymore.    


At this moment, Yang Fann finally realized the mood of the village chief that was reported on the news a while ago. When a person became rich, everyone picked him as the village chief, and the first thing he did after taking office was to pay for himself and build a new village for the villagers so that they could live in a new house.    


As for the rest of the old village, the village chief was ready to transform it into a tourist attraction, with the income to be collectively owned and the village economy revived.    


Some said that he wanted to occupy the entire old village, some said that he wanted to be famous, and some even said that he found gold in the old village and wanted to trick everyone into leaving so that he could secretly dig mines and make a fortune!    


As a result, many villagers refused to move. Actually, it wasn't that they didn't want to live in a new house, but they just wanted some benefits. You are rich, aren't you building houses for free?    


To build a new house for free and to compensate for the old one, especially since the compensation was far higher than the market price, the village head thought that the expenses were too high and could not afford it. He could only discuss the matter with everyone else about moving to a new house later.    


This time, he had provoked Hornet's Nest. As the village chief, how could you not keep your word?    


Since you said you would build a new house for everyone free of charge, then you will have to do it for free. Now that you have said it, it is impossible for you to go back on your word!    


All of a sudden, public opinion began to boil with excitement. Many people began to ask the village chief for more things as they held onto the will of the people.    


However, the village chief could not afford the demands of the villagers, so he simply resigned.    


In the end, the furious villagers robbed him of all his property, including his factory, his car, and his daughter!    


The poor girl, who was only fourteen years old, was being tormented by a group of thugs. Because there were too many people involved, they couldn't even catch a murderer, so the authorities didn't dare to offend the villagers anymore.    


At that time, when Yang Fann saw this piece of news, he really looked down on that unlucky Village Head. Don't you know what it means to have enmity with Mi? Don't you know what it is to be a human?    


Despite knowing nothing at all, you still dare to do good deeds like the other party. Isn't it just courting death? It's fine if you court death yourself, but you even send your own family members in as well.    


At that time, Yang Fann was still feeling pleased with his own way of doing things. He believed that the idea of starting a company and letting the villagers work hard to make ends meet would not only prevent them from raising a bunch of parasites that would not be earned without hard work, but also help them understand that killing two birds with one stone was the only way to reap rewards.    


However, only now did Yang Fann realize that the method he was so proud of was not much better than the unlucky Village Chief. It could also be said that he was the unlucky Village Chief.    


Fortunately, Yang Fann wasn't stupid enough to share his secret with others. Otherwise, everyone's plot wouldn't be to obtain his Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but his Space of Jade Pendant!    


Yang Fann was in low spirits and didn't plan to make a claim under the contract. As long as the village could return his contract money to him, and then let him sell the vegetables and fruits on Pear Ridge, and take away the bass, pheasant and Spatial Bee.    


Of course, the Dispersive Flower Courtyard that Yang Fann spent a huge sum to build couldn't be handed over to the Poplar Gully, it was more than ten million.    


However, Yang Sanmao's next few words completely broke Yang Fann's dream, broke his calm state of mind, and made him explode with anger. He was determined to take revenge on Yang Tieliang in the most severe way!    


Yang Sanmao stammered and stammered as he told Yang Fann how Yang Tieliang had built Yang Fann's rumor, even including Yang Fann's mother. Even though Yang Sanmao didn't directly say that Yang Fann and Zhong Runjuan were related, the smart Yang Fann still understood what he was trying to say!    


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