Take Along A Spring



The reason why Yang Tieliang wanted to get close to Yang Tiezhu and even did not hesitate to use his influence to wipe his butt was because of Yang Tiezhu's beautiful daughter-in-law, Mother of Cuier.    


Just when Yang Tieliang felt that he was ready to make his move, something happened to Yang Tiezhu and he was sent to jail. That beautiful wife of his also disappeared.    


This made Mother of Cuier's Yang Tieliang, who had plotted against him for a long time, regret wanting to smash his head into a wall. If he knew that this would happen, he would have already taken the initiative to attack.    


Unexpectedly, the road had turned for the better. Yang Tieliang thought that Mother of Cuier had left him because Yang Tiezhu was in prison, but he didn't expect her to return with Yang Fann and even bring a beautiful daughter.    


Beautiful mother, plus beautiful daughter, a pair of mother and daughter to Yang Tieliang, after tasting the female director Chen Hua's sweet taste, Yang Tieliang had a great interest in women's beauty. Just when he had become a village branch and was in high spirits, the heavens sent him this pair of mother and daughter, they were really kind to him!    


Fortunately, when he ran for election, he gave Yang Tieliang a blow on the head, allowing him to calm down a little after becoming a village student. That was why he didn't try to steal the girl in broad daylight.    


Yang Tieliang was a typical example of this. Before becoming a branch of the village, Yang Tieliang was still able to be careful and hide the filth in his heart, but as soon as he became a branch of the village, he used his power to vote for his old girlfriend Chen Hua.    


That was why he created a series of rumors about him, spreading it around the village with all his might. His goal was to make Yang Fann stink, and it would be best if he could tie him to the shame of history and never be able to stand up again for the rest of his life!    


After digging in the grass with Chen Hua, Yang Tieliang would associate the men and women of the village with each other as soon as he saw them talking together. Whether they had anything to do with him or not, Yang Tieliang would be so jealous that he would want to replace the man and the woman.    


In this kind of extremely unbalanced state of mind, when Yang Tieliang saw Yang Fann and Jin Cuier return to Poplar Gully together, it was obvious how much jealousy he had. If it wasn't for the fact that he still had a sliver of rationality and knew that Yang Fann was not easy to mess with, he would have brought his men to the door a long time ago.    


Yang Tieliang believed that as long as he could mess with Yang Fann, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa of Yang Fann would be in his pocket. Yang Tieliang was very clear that the vegetables and melon fruits grown by Jade Spring Mountain Villa could be sold at a sky-high price, and it was not just one or two days since he had had an idea about Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and there had never been a chance for him to be promoted to the position of a village branch. Yang Tieliang could not wait any longer, as long as the Jade Spring Mountain Villa was in Yang Fann's hands, he would feel that he would earn less by a day!    


So, Yang Tieliang started to spread rumors nonstop at Poplar Gully. In the beginning, it was still okay, it was just about the rumors between Jin Cuier's mother and daughter and Yang Fann, but after spreading it for a few days, Yang Tieliang controlled the rumors and started to level up, and actually swapped Zhong Runjuan's mother and daughter with him. As long as he could prove that Yang Fann was related to Mom, even if Yang Fann jumped into the Yellow River, he wouldn't be able to wash away his reputation.    


Due to various reasons, the rumors Yang Tieliang created spread out in a short amount of time. In order to drag down the employees of Jade Spring Mountain Villa and their families, Yang Tieliang didn't mind splitting up and finding them, promising that as long as they could help him take back his Jade Spring Mountain Villa, not only would they still enjoy the treatment they had now, their families would also be able to work in it.    


Most of the people he talked to were family members of the employees. Those family members of the employees were basically rural old women with no education, shallow knowledge, and very easy to fool. With Yang Tieliang's promise, they became obsessed, became the promoters of the rumors, and became the accomplices to Yang Tieliang's conspiracy!    


Yang Tieliang's method sounded like it was very difficult to succeed, but it wasn't difficult at all. Furthermore, it was very easy to succeed.    


Or it could be said that jealousy was the original sin of humans. Yang Tieliang simply settled the scores for the targets he selected, and almost everyone he interviewed immediately agreed to cooperate with him.    


Yang Tieliang told everyone that Jade Spring Mountain Villa had a profit of at least 10 million a year, but Yang Fann only paid a mere few hundred thousand to the village. Including the wages he gave to the workers, the most he earned was no more than 1 million.    


The ten million yuan in profits was only given to the big families with a little salary. From this, it could be seen how black-hearted Yang Fann was as a capitalist, if they did not want to be exploited again, they had to work together and take back Jade Spring Mountain Villa. As long as Jade Spring Mountain Villa was a collective enterprise, then all the profits would belong to the big families, right?    


10 million and 1 million, which one was more or less? Yang Tieliang confidently struck his chest and guaranteed that as long as everyone worked together, everyone in Poplar Gully would be able to lead a comfortable and comfortable life in less than two years!    


He thought that Yang Tieliang would first decide the match with the newly elected Director of Village Committee and Yang Ren, and then only then would he have the chance to strike at Jade Spring Mountain Villa. He didn't think that this guy wouldn't even be able to sit firmly on his butt, and had already started to extend his hand towards Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


In fact, it was still Yang Fann who lacked experience in battles. Otherwise, he wouldn't think like this, Yang Tieliang wouldn't need to fight to the death with Yang Ren, as long as he held the Jade Spring Mountain Villa firmly in his hand, Yang Ren would forever be under him, and his position as the leader would never waver!    


However, Yang Tieliang also miscalculated a move, he didn't think that he would be exposed so quickly.    


Although many of Jade Spring Mountain Villa's employees' families were coaxed by him to join in the spreading of the rumors, all of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's employees were not as rigid as one another. Some agreed with him, and there were also those who opposed him.    


However, Jiang Wei was still the wisest. When the Jade Spring Mountain Villa employees and their families surrounded Yang Tieliang's home, making him admit to spreading the rumors, Yang Tieliang used his impassioned speech to garner the support of many people.    


The content of Yang Tieliang's speech was the same as before. At the same time, while accusing Yang Fann of being ugly and unsightly, when the benefits that Jade Spring Mountain Villa s brought to everyone were announced, many of the people who were just hooting for him to step down immediately turned their backs on him and passionately discussed how to take Jade Spring Mountain Villa s back to the village!    


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