Take Along A Spring



It was said that Yang Tieliang was sick, it was unknown if he was scared or angry, but the National Day in Poplar Gully was lifeless, and most of the villagers' heads were listless. Other than the people who stood together with Yang Fann that day, everyone else hid away when they saw Yang Fann.    


Why did the tyrants of some places run amuck for years or even decades with no other reason but their fists?    


Yang Tieliang felt that he was just a villager who had taken the public's will into his own hands. Thus, he thought that he was strong enough to try and seize Yang Fann's Jade Spring Mountain Villa. The result proved that his fist was not as big as Yang Fann's, so he had no choice but to hide at home and recuperate.    


Now, everyone knew that Yang Fann's fist was bigger than Yang Tieliang's, so in terms of Poplar Gully, what Yang Fann said was more effective than Yang Tieliang.    


As for the law that Yang Tieliang kept saying, it was only based on personal feelings. Yang Fann didn't injure Yang Tieliang, so even if he went to sue, he wouldn't win.    


As long as Yang Fann did not break the law, the law could not do anything to him. Offending Yang Fann, if he was thrown around a few rounds on the road, there was no proof that they caught him.    


If Yang Fann really came and wrestled with Yang Tieliang, then Yang Tieliang would have to leave the Poplar Gully in the end. What else could he do, his fist was not even as strong as Yang Tieliang's, and he didn't have any background. Furthermore, he was not in the right, so no one would sympathize with him if he was forced to scram.    


The reason why the villagers were willing to follow Yang Tieliang and attack Jade Spring Mountain Villa was only because of the bounty he drew. Right now, it was clear that Yang Tieliang had no other choice but to take Yang Fann, and could not force him to use his Jade Spring Mountain Villa, so the benefits he had promised everyone previously could not be fulfilled. Therefore, Yang Tieliang was now everyone's benefactor and had become everyone's enemy.    


Now, the villagers were no longer thinking about how to seize Yang Fann's Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but how to prevent Yang Fann from taking revenge.    


They regretted it so much that their intestines turned green. Originally, they thought that they would benefit greatly by following Yang Tieliang, but now that they had lost their jobs, whatever family members went to work in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa or earned dividends at the end of the year, it all went down the drain.    




There was no medicine for regret in the world, without Yang Fann's order, Yang Sanmao had already dissolved the labor contract with these people who betrayed Jade Spring Mountain Villa, and they didn't even have to pay a single cent of the penalty fee, the reason being that they had colluded with outsiders to rob their own company.    


Yang Fann let one of the five employees who fought side by side with him choose from each family to enter the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to work. He first dealt with them, and after the holidays, he would go out and recruit a group of people. Compared to the villagers who were unsatisfied and grateful, the people who were recruited from the outside might be better managed.    


Originally, Yang Fann thought that the five employees who followed him that day, as well as Yang Sanmao, who firmly supported him, and their families would be ostracized by the other people in the village, but he never thought that not only were they not ostracized, but they even became popular in the village. Many people in the village came to visit them at home for only one purpose: to ask them to apologize to Yang Fann and not let Yang Fann take revenge.    


Through this incident, Yang Fann fully recognized the fact that being big is the truth. Talking about righteousness and morality in front of benefits is nonsense, and having the strength to protect oneself is the real ability!    


What? How come no one poisoned Black Bear and Xue'er? Or perhaps he could think of a way to kill the two old eagle, Xiaoming and Xiaohong, with his spear?    


Who would dare to do it?    


Now that Black Bear and Xue'er were in the village, every villager would hide far away, not daring to come close to them and poison them. If the poison didn't work by then, they would be bitten to death by the two Mountain-guarding Dog.    


As for killing two old eagle s, Xiaoming and Xiaohong with guns, whoever wanted to do it would do it, in any case, the normal villagers would not do it, because that was a flat fur animal that could only catch the living people in the sky. At that time, with Wu Tie's presence, they could still control their wild nature, and if someone dared to hit them with a gun, then it would probably be difficult even for Yang Fann to do it.    


If ordinary citizens had the determination to die generously, then even hundreds of thousands of golden constables wouldn't have been able to take over the Central Plains. They had brought hundreds of millions of Chinese s under dark rule for hundreds of years, resulting in the stagnation of the advanced Chinese civilization for hundreds of years without any progress.    


So, don't expect a bunch of commoners to do anything. Just beat down the leader and the rest of the motley crew would be useless.    


The only person who could take revenge on Yang Fann was Yang Tieliang. Right, there was also Yang Dun's old mother.    


If not for Yang Tieliang instigating the villagers to charge into Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann would not have known that Yang Dun's parents hated him so much. He felt that his parents should have thanked him for letting him go at that time, but Yang Fann's grasp of people's hearts was still not accurate.    


However, even though Yang Dun's parents were a hidden danger, Yang Fann didn't have any good methods. The old couple were both over fifty years old, and there wasn't anything wrong with it. Yang Fann couldn't just kick them out of the Poplar Gully, right?    


As for getting rid of them, Yang Fann wasn't as ruthless as he thought. He couldn't just get rid of anyone who might threaten him in the future, and that would be too crazy.    


Yang Fann didn't think he was a good person, but he wasn't a homicidal maniac either.    


Yang Fann himself was still okay, with the power bestowed to him by Space of Jade Pendant, even an abnormal person like Rakshasa Woman couldn't do anything to him. Yang Fann was worried about his parents, as they didn't have any worth in terms of martial arts.    


Helpless, Yang Fann could only tell Yang Xiangdong and Zhong Runjuan to go out less often these days. Even if they did, it would be best if they brought Black Bear and Xue'er with them. Even if it was just one of them, Yang Dun's parents couldn't do anything to them.    


Black Bear and Xue'er didn't just grow big, they also had a lot of strength. Although there wasn't any actual test results, Yang Fann believed that even if they met a real black bear, they wouldn't be at a disadvantage. They really couldn't beat it, and with their speed, the black bear simply couldn't catch up.    


If Black Bear and Xue'er could coordinate well, killing a Black Bear would not be a problem. Compared to the two of them, Black Bear's only advantage was its strength; no matter if it was speed or agility, Black Bear and his two Mountain-guarding Dog were on completely different levels!    


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