Take Along A Spring



After the two women who were sent by Bai Mei studied the information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa provided by Yang Fann and heard Yang Fann's recruitment request, they did not immediately take action. Instead, they told Yang Fann that under the condition of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, they would either not recruit anyone, or recruit an excellent marketing manager.    


It was very possible that ordinary people would not have heard of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, but in Star hotels, or even in the entire Jiangnan and even the surrounding restaurants, it could be said that there was a thunderous sound and there was practically no Jade Spring Mountain Villa brand name.    


Since Yang Fann temporarily regarded the audience of Jade Spring Mountain Villa brand as high-end customers, hiring some ordinary salespeople was basically useless. A good marketing department definitely wasn't like a normal salesman, how to push goods into the market, how to find audiences for the right products, and how to do long-term marketing planning were all very profound knowledge.    


Without a good marketing management talent, without a certain amount of time to accumulate, it is impossible to establish a qualified and successful marketing team.    


Yang Fann was stunned for a moment by the two women's plans. When he was originally a salesperson, how could he know about these awesome knowledge? All he knew was how to find a way to treat his customers to drinks and great health care.    


As for the long-term plans for the products, as well as the audiences for the products, that was a matter for the company's boss. What did it have to do with him, a shop assistant?    


He wanted to be the boss and do everything personally. In the end, he probably couldn't do anything well, such as hiring a marketing staff, which he had to hand over to the professional marketing management to do. Only marketing management would know what kind of subordinates he needed, and only marketing management would be able to find the one he wanted.    


Thus, Yang Fann very straightforwardly invited the two female developers to the Old Oak Western Restaurant to rub their hands together. As a reward for the whole afternoon, Yang Fann originally wanted to give them money, but the two of them refused to take it.    


The two female developers said that Bai Mei arranged today's work. They were employees of the Crystal Palace, so it was normal for the boss to assign them their jobs. If Yang Fann was paid extra, it would mean that they violated the rules of the Crystal Palace.    


Yang Fann was a very easy-going person. Since the other party had already pointed out the violation of the company's rules, he couldn't make things difficult for them. However, it was still fine for them to have a meal.    


In fact, if it wasn't because of Yang Fann and Bai Mei's relationship, he really wanted to poach the two ladies. Bai Mei's ability to manage the Crystal Palace so well wasn't just based on luck, but also on a bunch of outstanding talents.    


Since he decided to find an excellent marketing manager first, Yang Fann didn't need to set up a stall in the talent exchange market like an idiot. That way, he wouldn't be able to find an excellent marketing manager.    


As for how to find outstanding marketing talent, the two women had already pointed out a clear path for Yang Fann, and that was to look for a headhunter company.    


A good head-hunting company has a lot of information about talented people, from general manager to ordinary office workers. As long as you need it, they can find it for you.    


However, if a talent was found, it was a matter of the company and its boss's decision whether they could retain the talent or not. However, the headhunter company would communicate with both sides in advance, and once the two sides agreed to meet, the chances of success would be very high.    


It was not far from the National Day, so Yang Fann decided to look for a headhunter company tomorrow. The headhunter company did not just say that they could find a talent, they needed a certain amount of time to operate.    


Although the headhunter company has a lot of information about the talented, the talented do not sit home waiting for the headhunter company to come, the headhunter company must use the effort to get the talented from other companies.    


The next morning, Yang Fann didn't go to class and instead drove directly to the most famous headhunter company in Jiangnan City — Jiang-Nan International Consulting Consulting Company.    


Jiang-Nan International Consulting and Consulting Company's brand was very bright. It was said that it was ranked in the top ten of China's headhunter companies. Its business spanned across the country, and it even opened up a part of the overseas market.    


The one who received Yang Fann was a pretty sister who was about 25 or 26 years old. Actually, she couldn't be called a little sister, she was two or three years older than Yang Fann. However, Yang Fann felt that it wasn't appropriate to call her a little sister, so it seemed more intimate to call her little sister.    


Before he came, Yang Fann had checked this company's details through the internet. It was said that this company had even trained an ordinary receptionist abroad, who was proficient in at least one foreign language, and could speak several foreign languages. It was so awesome that he couldn't stay in Jiangnan any longer.    


Yang Fann told her why he came here and was very happy to receive her. Just by hearing Yang Fann's request, this single deal was not small. Once he made this deal, he would have the commission for this month.    


The receptionist was very happy, and the service was very enthusiastic. She quickly brought out a thick stack of documents for Yang Fann. Yang Fann was stunned. Weren't all computers working now? How could there be so much paper material?    


The receptionist didn't care what Yang Fann was thinking. Starting from the top, she introduced the materials to Yang Fann one by one.    


"Sir, you see, this Dr. Ha Lu, who graduated from the United States University of Haffer, was once CEO of 11 famous companies in the United States and China. He has a lot of experience and contacts, if you can get him into your company, it will definitely bring your company an unexpected harvest!"    


There were photos on the documents. Yang Fann only took a glance at them and was able to see the Dr. Ha Lu whom his younger sister was talking about.    


Originally, Yang Fann thought that Dr. Ha Lu had been CEO of more than a dozen famous companies before. He should be around 40 or 50 years old, but the person in the photo was unexpectedly young, at most 35 or 36 years old.    


"Excuse me, this person …" "Which country is Dr. Harrow from?" Yang Fann interrupted the receptionist girl's blabbering. He didn't know how her small mouth looked like, but it looked like a machine gun. It really could be said.    


"Ugh …" It's Dr. Ha Lu, not Dr. Hailo. He's our Chinese, a genuine Chinese. He only graduated from university.    


"Then this Harrow …" "No, it's Dr. Hark. How old is he this year?"    


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