Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann didn't guess wrong. Wei Xiaorou went to the Tianhao Building to do some makeup and scout, and Wei Xiaorou didn't know the specific reason that led her superiors to secretly investigate Zhang Hao. She was just a criminal police officer, Squadron Leader.    


Wei Xiaorou didn't know, but Yang Fann did, because he was one of the masterminds behind this.    


The reason was a call that Yang Fann received half a month ago.    


The one who called Yang Fann was Wang Kun. On the phone, Wang Kun's voice trembled as he told Yang Fann that Fuqiang was dead.    


At that time, Yang Fann had already told Wang Kun that the strong man would not live, and he did not even need Yang Fann to act, Zhang Hao would take his life.    


As one of the four great King Kong under Zhang Hao, Zhang Hao was his most trusted confidant. Wealthy and strong people knew too many things. When it was useful, it was still fine. Now that he had become a cripple, Zhang Hao could not let him live.    


Leaving behind a person with a high paraplegia, a person who had nothing to live for and also holding many secrets that he could not see the light of day, Zhang Hao probably wouldn't even be able to sleep peacefully. If he was rich and strong, who would die?    


Wang Kun was not stupid. After receiving Yang Fann's reminder, he had often paid attention to the situation of the strong and rich.    


Just half a month ago, the strong guy living in the hospital suddenly died. The reason for that was due to sudden cardiac death, but Wang Kun, who had been paying attention to the strong guy, knew that the strong guy's death wasn't due to sudden cardiac death.    


There were many ways to kill a patient with high paraplegia whose limbs and body could not move. It was the simplest and most effective way. Moreover, it was not easy for people to tell that he was the one who killed them.    


If it was a normal person, they would not be able to block his nostrils with their fingers. He would struggle, resist and leave behind traces.    


However, Fu Qiang could not even move his fingers. At most, he could only slightly twist his neck. As long as he used two fingers to block his nostrils, he wouldn't even have the chance to resist.    


Of course, a strong man could breathe through his mouth, or shout for help. However, Zhang Hao was the one who wanted to kill him. No matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to do anything!    


With the death of the strong and rich, Wang Kun was scared. He was even scared. For someone like him, who was considered a beast among flowers, death was a little scary.    


As one of the four great King Kong, the death of the strong and powerful men had made Wang Kun understand Zhang Hao's essence and the position these men held in Zhang Hao's heart.    


If Zhang Hao could kill the useless rich and strong today, then he could also kill Wang Kun tomorrow. Compared to the strong and strong, Wang Kun knew quite a lot more about Zhang Hao because he was also one of the four great King Kong.    


Therefore, Wang Kun, who was scared out of his wits by the death of the rich and powerful, hurriedly called Yang Fann. He treated Yang Fann, who thought that the strong and powerful would die, as a savior and a prophet, begging Yang Fann to save his life.    


Yang Fann didn't say much to Wang Kun, but said to him, "If you want to survive, you have to knock Zhang Hao down."    


What do you mean by toppling Zhang Hao? How to knock down Zhang Hao?    


Yang Fann didn't even say a word to Wang Kun. As a beast among flowers that could win over hundreds of girls, if Wang Kun didn't even think of this, he would have been killed by the women he had tried to seduce or their families for a long time.    


Wang Kun was indeed smart. It only took him one night to make up his mind. Compared to the possibility of him going to jail or losing his life, Wang Kun chose the former.    


Wang Kun summed up a lot of Zhang Hao's criminal evidence that he knew and made copies. He sent a copy to the public security law at the central level and a functional department such as the disciplinary committee.    


The reason why he didn't send it to the departments of Jiangnan Province and Jiangnan City was to prevent the matter from getting exposed. Zhang Hao was capable of eating both black and white, and had stayed in Jiangnan City for such a long time without falling. If he said that he didn't have any connections, even idiots wouldn't believe him.    


However, who knew how much reporting material the central government received every day. Things like this would usually be sent back to the locality to be dealt with by themselves. In Wang Kun's eyes, things that were bigger than the sky and in the eyes of the departments dealing with all kinds of cases, were just ordinary jobs like eating and drinking.    


Logically, the Jiangnan City Public Security Bureau received Wang Kun's report from Yanjing. Since the higher-ups already knew about Zhang Hao, then the Jiangnan City Public Security Bureau couldn't ignore him, which was why they had Wei Xiaorou's disguise today.    


Based on what he knew, and listening to Wei Xiaorou mention that she was going to the Tianhao Building to put on makeup and scout, Yang Fann suddenly felt a deep sense of deceit.    


Yang Fann felt that Zhang Hao's case was bigger than the orphanage case and involved more people than the orphanage case. For such a big case, a small girl like Squadron Leader to investigate it, if there was nothing fishy here, Wu Tie dared to take off his head and use it as a stool!    


"Girl, listen to this bro's advice, Zhang Hao is not someone you can afford to offend, nor is it something that you, Squadron Leader, can afford to offend. Quickly go back and rest, you can't go to the Tianhao Building, you might not be able to come back."    


Yang Fann obviously wouldn't tell anyone about the relationship between Wang Kun and him, nor would he tell Wei Xiaorou that he knew the truth, but he couldn't just watch her jump into a fire pit. Even if Yang Fann didn't want to turn Wei Xiaorou into his wife, he didn't want to see a police officer with a sense of justice like Wei Xiaorou die in vain.    


Therefore, Yang Fann could only persuade Wei Xiaorou earnestly, hoping that she would understand how powerful Zhang Hao was. Let alone Squadron Leader, even if she was a few levels higher than her, she probably wouldn't be able to do anything to Zhang Hao.    


However, as a police officer with a sense of justice, Wei Xiaorou had long wanted to investigate Zhang Hao, who had a backer in the underworld. However, without her superior's order, she couldn't act rashly.    


Now there was finally a chance. His superior trusted him, so he decided to host Zhang Hao's case. How could he just listen to Yang Fann's casual words and retreat out of fear?    


Wei Xiaoroufei wanted to go to the Tianhao Building, but Yang Fann refused to send her there no matter what. Wei Xiaorou's stubborn temper rose, "Didn't you, surnamed Yang, not send me? I'll take a taxi. Let's see how you're going to manage me this time!"    




Seeing that Wei Xiaorou dared to mess with him, Yang Fann's stubborn temper came up. He pulled Wei Xiaorou, who was about to get off the car, and pressed her hand on his leg to give him a good beating. "F * ck, I don't believe that I can't control a little girl like you today!"    


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