Take Along A Spring



A tree wants peace, but the wind does not stop.    


Yang Fann wanted to keep a low profile, but the heavens wanted him to show off. While Yang Fann and Wei Xiaorou were drinking beer and toying with their kebabs, a video had already spread online.    


In the video, a young man with a steel pipe in one hand and a van in the other, was engaged in a fight with several burly men.    


There were also subtitles below the video describing the situation. A few kidnappers kidnapped a twelve-year-old little girl, and a hero who had done it bravely chased the kidnappers for more than ten minutes before finally catching up and fighting to the death with the kidnappers.    


At the end of the video, a courageous youth used a steel pipe, machete and brick to throw down all of the kidnappers. Before the police car arrived, he drove away on his motorcycle, leaving everyone with a lonely and blurry back!    


The video froze before the back of the figure disappeared. Then, a subtitle appeared, to the effect that the hero had left in low spirits. Police Uncle had appeared on stage and stirred up the crowd. The satire was also exceptionally sharp.    


In front of the kidnappers, little girl, who was only twelve years old, was a weakling. In front of the valiant Police Uncle, a hero who fought six kidnappers alone was also a weakling.    


For a moment, countless netizens were roaring crazily in rage. They were filling up the sky with articles like "Hello Police Uncle", "Goodbye Police Uncle", "Here you come", and so on, making the police fall into a whirlpool of public opinion!    


Even Wei Xiaorou, who was eating a barbeque, suddenly received a call from her superior, informing her that no matter what, she had to let Yang Fann stand in front of the flashing lights and let those netizens who didn't understand what was going on see it.    


"Yang Fann, you're in trouble now. Take a look. Are you still not coming out of the mountain?"    


Wei Xiaorou opened a video on the internet and showed Yang Fann her phone.    


After watching the video, Yang Fann only said one sentence: "Damn, if brother wants to meddle in other people's business in the future, I'll have to give myself a slap!"    


Although sometimes life is very fucking good, you still have to live your days day by day.    


Yang Fann was continuously tossed around by the reporters for several days. Finally, he calmed down and returned to his normal life. He continued to attend Sanjiang Vocational Training School class and continue his flirting with the beauties.    


That day, just as Yang Fann was about to go out with Jin Cuier and her daughter to enjoy the envious and resentful gazes of the pedestrians on the streets, he received a call from Lao Hu, inviting him to meet with them at Lao Hu's restaurant.    


Ever since he rejected Lao Hu's offer, Yang Fann had not seen him again. It was not that Yang Fann disliked Lao Hu, it was just that he did not want to sell any more Spatial Medicinal Wine.    


Once you drink too much, your body will be remoulded by the Spirit Spring and it will undergo a very obvious change. As long as you are a considerate person, you will definitely be able to tell that it is because of the Spatial Medicinal Wine. At that time, Yang Fann would definitely be in trouble.    


Especially when it came to Lao Hu, he used the Spatial Medicinal Wine to treat the patient. Once the effects were obvious, it would only be a matter of time before news spread; if that were to happen, it would be extremely difficult for Yang Fann to keep his secret any longer.    


As the saying goes, lust for profit and having medicinal wine that can cure all kinds of diseases, who knows how many people will blame it on Yang Fann!    


Yang Fann had also read a lot of novels, after getting the good fortune, the protagonists showed off in front of everyone, treating big figures, and crazily fumbling for money, thinking that this world was a pure land. If he were to try it in reality and not get swallowed by others until nothing was left of him, Yang Fann would write his surname upside down!    


The higher one's position was, the more one was afraid of death sometimes. If there was a doctor who was able to bring the matter to life, regardless of what illness it was, the consequences would be very interesting. He would either be nurtured by some important person, or be killed by the enemy of some sick person.    


In short, once he had revealed his abilities that were different from ordinary people, it would be impossible for him to live a peaceful life!    


"Brother Hu, why did you call me here?" Yang Fann asked despite knowing the answer. As he sat in a private room in Lao Hu's restaurant, he toasted with Lao Hu while asking the same question.    


"Younger Brother Yang, I can't do anything about this, last time there was a big shot who cured half of his disease after drinking your secret medicine. Now he is forcing me to make him some medicine, if I don't get it now, I won't be able to keep my little life!"    


Lao Hu's mournful face looked even worse than a dead mother. Yang Fann was sick of it. With his six senses, an average person wouldn't be acting in front of him. It was obvious that it was fake.    


Previously, Yang Fann thought Lao Hu was a good person, but ever since he bought his own medicine wine, he seemed to have suddenly changed. The last time he called him, he had mumbled something.    


Brother Hu, you know that my medicinal wine is all soaked in rare herbs, otherwise how could it be used to treat people's illnesses? Those rare herbs might not necessarily be bought just because I have the money, but some of them were taken from the mountains when I was young.    


"What kind of medicine can you not get? "If you can trust me, then tell me. I'll think of a way to get it for you."    


A light flickered in Lao Hu's eyes. It seemed that he was very interested in the medicinal ingredients for Yang Fann to brew the medicinal wine.    


"What did you say, Brother Hu? How could I not believe you? Telling you is nothing, but even if you know, you might not be able to find it."    


Yang Fann became more and more unhappy, he didn't expect Lao Hu to try to take advantage of his recipe. Although knowing a few of the ingredients might not be able to make his own medicine wine, but since Lao Hu is from an aristocratic family of traditional Chinese medicine, as long as he knows the main ingredients in the medicine, it wouldn't be difficult for him to get his own medicine wine with similar effects.    


However, Lao Hu's calculations were wrong this time, Yang Fann did not have any secret medicine wine formula, the reason why his medicine wine tasted good and cured diseases was entirely because of the spatial Spirit Spring. As for the medicinal ingredients added within, they were just a decoy, and the effect was minuscule.    


"Thank you for your trust, brother. I promise that I will never reveal the name of any medicinal herb!"    


The excitement in Lao Hu's eyes was even more intense than before. Yang Fann felt that he wasn't looking at him, but a golden man. In his eyes, he was like a pile of bills!    


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