Take Along A Spring



The road was not easy to walk at night. Lee Dagang originally wanted to stay for dinner, but he was afraid that something would happen, so he drove away with Shen Yun and his accountant while the sky was still bright.    


"How is it, President Bai? Do you want to stay here for the night and experience the life of the ladies in the mansion?" Yang Fann and Lee Dagang's car disappeared at the entrance of the village. He turned around and said to Bai Mei, who was standing beside him.    


"That's fine, but what identity do I have to be able to live there? You're not going to let me stay in the guest room, are you? " Bai Mei was graceful, without the slightest bit of hesitation on her part.    


"Hehe, west wing. Didn't I already say that you live in the west wing?" Yang Fann was a bit embarrassed. He didn't even dare to joke around with Bai Mei anymore. It seemed that he was afraid that Bai Mei would pester him.    


"West wing? Isn't that just a guest room? "Alright, I am only a customer. It is not really appropriate for me to stay in the master's room. In that case, I will just stay in the west wing. At least, I have stayed in the mansion once."    


Bai Mei wouldn't tell Yang Fann that she knew that the west wing should be where Yang Fann lived. Since Yang Fann dared to play around with her, she would pretend to be real. If she really wanted to live in the west wing, what would she do about Yang Fann?    


Yang Fann was really speechless this time. He felt like he was caught in a trap. It was not easy for him to explain to Bai Mei that the west wing was actually not a guest room. It should be his eldest son's room.    


Since Bai Mei wanted to live in a courtyard, she had to follow the rules of the older generation. Although Yang Fann was not a rigid old man, he definitely wanted to celebrate living in a new house in countryman. Since he had not yet lived in the house, what would happen if he let a woman stay for the night?    


If his father, Mom, found out that Bai Mei was a widow, Yang Fann would know how serious the consequences were without even thinking about it. Superstitious people knew that widows had to avoid widows on many occasions because they were unlucky and brought bad luck to others.    


For example, a new widow who was under three years old could not be married. For example, a new family could not be moved to another house, and the first person to enter the house could not be a widow.    


This kind of rule that had been passed down since god knows when had still been passed down until now. Not only in the countryside, but even in the city, many people believed this without a doubt.    


Previously, when Yang Fann rented a house at Urban Village, one of the neighbors who rented a house with him miscarried. After the landlord heard about it, he blocked out the neighbor who came back from the hospital, saying that he wouldn't let her in no matter what, for fear of bringing misfortune to the house and worrying that he wouldn't be able to rent it in the future.    


Yang Fann never believed that it was a poison left behind by a feudal superstition. But after activating the Space of Jade Pendant, forget about the rules left behind by the older generation, Yang Fann didn't even deny that there were ghosts in the world because he could tell that there were a lot of things in the world that he had never heard of before. If he didn't know, then he would say that it was impossible.    


If he let Bai Mei be the first person to live in his new home, his father would be better off. If he found out that Bai Mei was a widow in the future, he would probably blame and hate Bai Mei for the rest of his life.    


Yang Fann didn't know if he could be with Bai Mei in the future, and he didn't want to think about it in that way either. But even as a friend, he couldn't let the conflict between Bai Mei and his parents develop.    


Therefore, Yang Fann had to stop Bai Mei from staying in the courtyard tonight. Earlier, he was only joking with Bai Mei, but he didn't expect her to be serious. Now, it was too awkward for Yang Fann.    


"Forget it, President Bai, it's better if you stay at my house tonight. According to our Poplar Gully rules, you have to choose a good day to move. Before moving out, you can't live in a new house, otherwise it's unlucky."    


"Is that so?" Bai Mei was a little disappointed. She did not know Yang Fann's real thoughts. She thought that Yang Fann did not want her to live in the west wing. She felt that her position in Yang Fann's heart was not enough.    


This girl was hopeless. She was so pretty and so rich, what kind of man couldn't she find? She wanted to hang herself on Yang Fann, who had a crooked tree, to death!    


In order to make up for not letting Bai Mei stay in the new house, Yang Fann cooked a huge meal at night. In fact, most of the food had already entered his stomach, so he wouldn't find an excuse.    


That night, Yang Fann said he was going to sleep at Yang Sanmao's house. In fact, he just went for a walk and sneaked back. Once again, he slept through the night in the kitchen.    


When he sneaked back from Yang Sanmao's home, there was an episode. Yang Fann thought that the ones who were squatting near his house tonight were still the same people as last night, so he sneakily approached the two guys who were squatting behind him to scare them.    


In the end, when Yang Fann patted the shoulders of two guys from behind, he found out that the guy had changed. It was still two Tough Man of Northeast. But if it was the other two guys, Yang Fann had also seen them at the Happy Bar.    


Needless to say, the two men who had been slapped on the shoulder were indeed frightened. They knew Rakshasa Woman's fame; they thought that Rakshasa Woman had sneaked up on them, but before they could even look back, she had already stabbed them with her dagger.    


There was nothing he could do. The man had already sneaked behind him, yet he didn't even notice. What else could he do if he didn't try his best? Since Ye Xiao could reach behind him without making a sound, it would be easy to kill him.    


The overreaction of the two agents scared Yang Fann. He had never been stabbed before, his Space of Jade Pendant was activated after being stabbed by a knife, but he had never met such a ruthless and decisive guy. If he dodged slowly, his life would be in danger!    


Yang Fann, who was also scared, didn't have the time to hide his strength anymore. He grabbed the wrists of the two men holding the sabre with two hands. The two of them knew that they were no match for Rakshasa Woman alone, so they squatted together.    


The two agents were shocked. They themselves knew how powerful the daggers they swung backwards in a panic. Not to mention Rakshasa Woman was a woman, even their companions couldn't catch the daggers that were swung up empty-handed.    


Shocked, the two agents didn't care about being killed by Rakshasa Woman anymore. They turned their heads to see what Rakshasa Woman looked like. If she could even catch a dagger empty-handed, then killing them would be a piece of cake!    


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