Take Along A Spring



Director General Wang was full of confidence and determination. He must take down the Jade Spring Mountain Villa and give Shen Tianlin a satisfactory answer so that Shen Tianlin could take him to Night Paradise to find that ignorant girl again.    


However, the other person's Jade Spring Mountain Villa didn't care about it at all. Even if he, Director General Wang, personally got off the car to negotiate, the two security guards still shook their heads like rattle drums, and refused to open the door for them no matter what!    


Director General Wang brought along a notification, and there were two of them. One of them notified the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to be examined within a time limit, and the other informed the Jade Spring Mountain Villa to stop operations for rectification.    


However, Shen Tianlin wasn't here to stop Jade Spring Mountain Villa from operating. He wanted to get the technical information on Jade Spring Mountain Villa as well as the seeds cultivated by Jade Spring Mountain Villa. If Director General Wang threw down a notification, he wouldn't be able to explain it to Shen Tianlin.    


He couldn't explain to Shen Tianlin that there was no point in continuing to dilly-dally here. He couldn't possibly be like last time, where he would be killed at noon when he went to the farmhouse for lunch!    


In the end, just like that, an hour had passed. Just when Director General Wang couldn't resist anymore and was about to leave with a notice, a Chinese bus suddenly arrived from outside the village.    


This made Director General Wang and Shen Tianlin very curious. Furthermore, they directly arrived at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa entrance, which made them even more curious, as they didn't know what the 20-30 people on top of the Chinese bus were doing. From the way they were dressed, it seemed like they were tourists.    


Just as Director General Wang and Shen Tianlin were about to take a look, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's door automatically opened. The Chinese ba directly opened the door, and then the Jade Spring Mountain Villa's door slowly closed up.    


Almost all of them had cameras and were taking pictures of the place. There was a person who looked like a tour guide leading them around while introducing them to the sights of various places on Jade Spring Mountain Villa. These people were actually here for a tour!    


He was a dignified bureau chief, yet he was stopped at the door by two security guards for an hour and was not allowed to enter. For a group of tourists, they didn't even get off their cars and went straight in, which meant that Jade Spring Mountain Villa didn't even take him, the bureau chief, seriously!    


What do officials care about the most? It was just a matter of face. Director General Wang's face was nothing but a bark. Not to mention losing it in front of an outsider like Shen Tianlin, he couldn't even raise his head in front of his two lackeys!    


At this moment, Director General Wang had already forgotten the main purpose of this trip. He forgot about the heavy thanks Shen Tianlin said he would give after he had completed the mission, and forgot about that ignorant girl whom he ruthlessly broke. He rushed towards the door with passion in his blood, thinking that he would die today if he didn't pick up the face he lost!    


"Shutdown!" Business was closed! Today, you will have to close down and rectify yourselves! "    


Director General Wang was like a mad dog, wailing like two security guards rushing over, opening the backpack that he carried with him, rummaging through it. Finally, he found the notice that told Jade Spring Mountain Villa to stop business and rectify the situation, and threw it out!    


However, Director General Wang forgot that he was not some martial arts hero who picked up Ye Feihua. He had the aura of someone who could not throw a throwing knife on a thin notice. The notice fluttered in the wind and did not fly to its proper place.    


Looking at the notice that was still rolling in the wind seven or eight meters away, Director General Wang once again fell into a dilemma. If he ran to chase after the notice, the momentum that he had built up would completely disappear. If he let the notice roll in the wind, who knows where he would be blown to!    


Shen Tianlin felt that as a professor, he should not do something that would lose his identity, not to mention, Shen Tianlin's goal was to get the technical information and nurtured seeds of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, so that the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would not close down and rectify itself.    


As for Director General Wang's two lackeys, they wanted to chase after the notice, but a large dog blocked their way halfway.    


Black Bear and Xue'er were wandering around Jade Spring Mountain Villa, taking care of the vegetables and fruits as well as the pheasants. Yang Sanmao found it and told it to come to the gate to chase away a few uninvited guests.    


Yang Sanmao didn't know exactly how high the IQ of Black Bear and Xue'er were. They could understand most of the words anyway, as long as it wasn't too complicated, they would definitely be able to give it to Black Bear and Xue'er.    


The black bear ran to the door like a gust of wind, just in time to pass through the door, it took the opportunity to leave the front door, and saw a stranger Director General Wang shouting and jumping at the two security guards, but there was no threat, so the black bear temporarily didn't move, ready to wait and see.    


Black Bear only stood in front of Director General Wang when he threw out the notice to stop business for the day and the two lackeys were ready to pick it up. Black Bear knew that it was not a good thing to let Director General Wang throw it out aggressively even though he didn't know what that paper was used for.    


Seeing a giant dog blocking the way, Director General Wang's two lackeys immediately stiffened, and almost sat down on the ground. Black Bear had fought with wild boars in the mountains, and the power he emitted was terrifying.    


Black Bear's appearance not only intimidated the two lackeys into not moving at all, but even the howling Director General Wang shut his mouth and didn't dare to make a sound, especially when he saw Black Bear's pair of fierce eyes. Director General Wang was very sure that if this big dog was angry, the four of them together wouldn't be its match!    


Black Bear was very smart, he could tell at a glance that Director General Wang was the leader of these four people. He walked slowly towards Director General Wang, and with every step he took, his momentum increased. When he was less than 5 meters away from Director General Wang, Director General Wang could no longer hold on.    


As for Shen Tianlin, who was still under the car, and his two lackeys, that was none of his business.    


Seeing Director General Wang run without any hesitation, Shen Tianlin's teeth started to itch. At this moment, he thought of the gifts he gave Director General Wang and the ignorant girl he personally sent into the room.    


What a good girl, she had let this bastard, Director General Wang, get away with it. But how was this guy going to deal with her? He left her and ran without a word. What happened to the promise he made to complete the mission? What happened to the trust between people? Would he be able to send gifts in the future?    


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