Take Along A Spring



Soong Bowen was a rich man from Southeast Asia, and he was unimaginably wealthy. He wasn't sure how much he actually had, but the official figures alone were more than 20 billion, and it was even US dollars!    


Everyone knew that the numbers announced by the officials were not trustworthy. Who would reveal their entire family background to the public? Not only did Chinese understand the principle of not revealing one's wealth to others, he was also a smart person.    


Furthermore, Soong Bowen was a Chinese. Even though his nationality wasn't Hua Xia, his bones still flowed with the blood of the Chinese, and his way of thinking and doing things were naturally the same as a Chinese. His real assets were probably only known by himself, and even his family may not know it all.    


Soong Bowen had kept a low profile and did not let the Chinese authorities know, at least not the Jiangnan City officials. As for the higher-ups, they would definitely not know.    


On a rainy morning, a longer Rolls Royce quietly stopped at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa entrance, followed by an off-road car. The off-road door opened, and six bodyguards wearing suits and sunglasses jumped down from the car and stood on either side of the Rolls Royce.    


The longer Rolls Royce's door opened. Two equally dressed bodyguards jumped down, followed by two Staff. Finally, a white-haired old man came down.    


Soong Bowen waved his hand and had a Staff take away the umbrella that was supporting his head. He wasn't an old man that was weak like the wind, even though it was drizzle, he didn't need an umbrella.    


"Hello, Old Song. Welcome to Jade Spring Mountain Villa. Just drive the car in. There is no need to get off so early."    


At the Jade Spring Mountain Villa gate stood a group of people to welcome Soong Bowen. The one who spoke was the General Manager of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Lin Xiaoling.    


As for the true boss of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Fann, he wasn't part of the crowd that welcomed Soong Bowen. He was still in Jiangnan University class and didn't take any notice of the arrival of Dafu in Southeast Asia, Soong Bowen!    


That day, even though Soong Bowen and Wang Dafu did not do anything to Yang Fann, they still used their power to force him to return to the Poplar Gully, and wanted to investigate Yang Fann's secret of planting Top-grade Orchid. Although it was cleverly resolved by Liu Tie, saying that two orchids were dug from the mountains, and that Rakshasa Woman was the one causing trouble, that was how they managed to deal with them.    


Furthermore, after Wang Dafu used his power to seize the recipe of Yang Fann's Spatial Medicinal Wine, Yang Fann's impression of Wang Dafu fell by leaps and bounds. Subsequently, his impression of Soong Bowen was also very bad, thinking that this old man did not come with good intentions, and the good ones did not come, so he definitely did not have any good intentions.    


To be able to get Lin Xiaoling to welcome Soong Bowen on his behalf, it was already Yang Fann giving Soong Bowen face by allowing him to visit Jade Spring Mountain Villa from a distance of thousands of miles.    


Soong Bowen was very amiable and did not have a shred of arrogance on his face. Accompanied by Lin Xiaoling, he visited the Jade Spring Mountain Villa once in the rain and then moved into one of its suites.    


The driver's bodyguard and Staff opened a total of four rooms. As Office Director was also the manager of the guest room, Yang Sanmao was not courteous at all and directly accepted the deposit of 100,000 yuan, preparing to pay more when Soong Bowen left.    


What? Soong Bowen was an esteemed guest, so why was he alone?    


No matter what, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would not exempt anyone, those who visit are all guests, there is no longer a question of who is more expensive than who, and who is more lowly than who. Yang Fann had already told Yang Sanmao, no matter who, to come to the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, one must pay for the lodging, if they want to use their status and status to stay here for free, there is no door!    


At that time, the conversation between Yang Fann and Yang Sanmao was like this:    


"Brother Fan, if the county magistrate comes, do you want money?"    


"Yah, not only does the county magistrate need to collect money, the Staff he brought with him has to as well."    


"Where's the mayor?"    


"Same here."    


"The governor is here?"    


"I'll keep it."    


"Where's the country's leader?"    


However, if he is willing to take a photo of the two welcoming pine trees at the door and give Jade Spring Mountain Villa a reminder, then we can forget about it, just treat it as the calligraphy fee that was paid to him.    


Thus, when Soong Bowen came to visit the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, Yang Sanmao did not even ask for permission and directly accepted the deposit. As for whether Soong Bowen would be unhappy or not, whether he would come again next time was not Yang Sanmao's concern.    


In Yang Sanmao's mind, as long as he carried out Yang Fann's arrangement perfectly, it was only outside of Yang Fann's arrangement that he could play his part.    


Yang Sanmao adhered to the two common principles, which was that whenever Yang Fann made a decision, he would resolutely uphold it; whenever Yang Fann instructed, he would always follow it!    


Yang Sanmao received the deposit of one hundred thousand yuan from Soong Bowen. Not only did it shock the eyes of everyone in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, even Soong Bowen's follower was very dissatisfied.    


He had never seen a place like Jade Spring Mountain Villa where he couldn't wait to invite Soong Bowen to stay. Not only did he have to charge for lodging fees, he even charged a deposit in advance, as if he was afraid that Soong Bowen would go back on his word. Wasn't this humiliating!    


With Soong Bowen, no matter how dissatisfied he was, his Staff would not dare to argue with Jade Spring Mountain Villa in front of him. That way, Soong Bowen would lose a lot of face, as the rich and powerful people of Southeast Asia did not abide by the rules and did not pay for lodging in a Chinese resort, which meant that there was a market for this piece of gossip. As long as it was announced, it would immediately become the headline of many news reports!    


However, Soong Bowen's Staff did not expect that, what made them unhappy was yet to come. Not only did Jade Spring Mountain Villa accept their lodging deposit, they also did not care about meals, they only wanted to eat. Sorry, Jade Spring Mountain Villa were not provided.    


"Mr. Song came here specifically for the delicacies of your Jade Spring Mountain Villa. So what if we made an exception? We'll pay, but can't we pay? "    


While Soong Bowen was resting in his room, his subordinate, Staff, was not as polite and started quarreling with the waitress at the reception desk.    


The waitress was hired by Bai Mei. She might look young, but she had worked for many years and was very experienced in dealing with Southern customers that said they would "let's apologize, sir. Our rules are always the same here, I'm just a working girl and I don't have any way of breaking the rules.    


"Hey, Zi. Where's your manager? Call your manager over, I'm telling him."    


"It's Maozi. Our manager has something to take care of. Wait for him to come back. I'll tell him when he comes back, okay?"    


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