Take Along A Spring



I don't know which 250 years old said that life can't be smooth sailing. When you feel that it has been especially smooth, perhaps unhappiness is already quietly approaching.    


When Lin Xiaoling was feeling complacent because she was working in Jade Spring Mountain Villa, she called her back with a phone call.    


Most of the people in the world have parents, and there aren't many who can jump out from the stones like Sun Wukong. With how beautiful Lin Xiaoling is, if it wasn't for her parents' help, the geneticists would probably be able to argue with you for half a year.    


Unfortunately, Lin Xiaoling's parents were both ordinary people, and although their looks were very high, in their youth, their looks weren't as useful as they were now. Therefore, they were just ordinary employees of institutions, and to be able to make Lin Xiaoling into a university student was already their biggest achievement, unlike some other parents, they couldn't make their children into a director or even a director.    


As a result, Lin Xiaoling's parents were relatively lax in their treatment of her, allowing her to freely move forward at the age of 25 or 26 without having found a target.    


But this time it was no good. Lin Xiaoling's parents couldn't bear the thought of their daughter being twenty-six and not even having a boyfriend. This was the problem with her adopted daughter. She was in love early, her parents were worried, she was in love late, her parents were just as worried.    


After a long inquiry, they finally found a pretty good man. No matter what, they had to let Lin Xiaoling meet him. A professor at Jiang-Nan University of Science and Technology, a well-prepared intellectual, heard that he was still in charge of infrastructure.    


Lin Xiaoling didn't know why Mom called her back. She thought it was because she was too engrossed in her work and hadn't been home for a long time, so her father Mom thought about her and happily brought home a few kilograms of fruit and vegetables from Jade Spring Mountain Villa.    


Don't misunderstand, Lin Xiaoling isn't a person who is a stingy person, taking something from Jade Spring Mountain Villa for free is the benefit that Yang Fann gives to Jade Spring Mountain Villa executives. For positions like General Manager, Marketing Director, and Office Director, every month, they would give out Spatial Vegetable and melon fruits as benefits.    


As the general manager, Lin Xiaoling had free vegetables and fruits of at least 10 catties per month. No more would do, even if she had to pay for them.    


Although there were only three people who were eligible to receive benefits right now, for the long term, even the executives of the company couldn't casually buy Jade Spring Mountain Villa products. This was Yang Fann's type of protection for them, Yang Fann didn't want to be punished because someone was selling the products of the company, it would be very uncomfortable that way.    


Lin Xiaoling's family lived in Jiangnan City, in a normal family courtyard in the old district. There were no tall buildings here that were usually thirty to forty floors high, and practically all of them were six-story old buildings.    


If she wasn't busy with work, Lin Xiaoling would love to go home. Although it was a bit shabby here, she had her carefree childhood and beautiful youth, which carried with it too many beautiful memories.    


Even though most of the people living here were middle-aged and elderly, and most of the young people had gone to the new district to buy houses and properties. Lin Xiaoling still liked this place, even though most of the people living here were middle-aged and old, and the young people had all gone to the new district to buy houses and properties.    


However, this time, it was destined that Lin Xiaoling wouldn't be happy because she, Mom, had given the absolute order that she must meet a man she didn't know.    


Lin Xiaoling was depressed. She was depressed to the point that she was almost depressed.    


Being driven to a blind date by his parents, didn't that prove that he was old?    


In fact, Lin Xiaoling's thoughts had already far exceeded her parents' imaginations. Her parents were busy helping her clean up for her first blind date, but Lin Xiaoling actually thought about how old she was and whether she was worthy of Yang Fann!    


Of course, in order to not anger her parents, Lin Xiaoling still decided to follow Mom. As the general manager of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, what kind of big scene had she not seen before?    


The meeting place was set by the male side and was very unique. When Lin Xiaoling heard that the matchmaking location was in the Crystal Palace, she almost burst out laughing at the hotel where Jiangnan City was so popular that she didn't want to buy it.    


Worried that her daughter was scared, Lin Xiaoling's Mom accompanied her to the Crystal Palace. Even though she knew the relationship between her daughter and the boss of the Crystal Palace, Bai Mei, it didn't stop her daughter from going on a blind date.    


The guy's surname was Hou, and the person who introduced him called him Director Hou. Lin Xiaoling was puzzled by this title. Shouldn't you call him Professor Hou? Why is it Director Hou?    


Lin Xiaoling had always been like this. Anyway, she didn't want to have any development with Director Hou or Professor Hou, so she wasn't afraid of leaving a bad impression on him.    


Professor Hou, no, it was Director Hou who told her that he was now in charge of the Jiangnan University of Science and Technology, so he could no longer be considered as a pure teacher.    


While talking, she glanced at his wrist. Lin Xiaoling thought that he was hinting to her that he didn't like her, so she tactfully said goodbye to Director Hou. As for eating, there was no need at all.    


Director Hou didn't seem to be stupid. He immediately understood Lin Xiaoling's meaning and apologized to her, saying that he wasn't hinting at anything. It was a job habit and he just liked to grasp the time.    


Lin Xiaoling was very smart, how could she not see Director Hou's real purpose? This grandson was not a professional habit, he was showing her the Rolex on her wrist, afraid that she would not see it, so she kept looking at it.    


Therefore, in order to satisfy Director Hou's vanity, Lin Xiaoling took the initiative to ask what kind of watch he wore on his wrist and how much was the price?    


Director Hou was indeed very proud. He knew that his method of picking up girls had worked. As the manager of a small company in the countryside, what kind of market could he possibly have seen?    


Next, it was Director Hou's show time. He started from the origin of Rolex and talked all the way to the forefront of technology today. Just a watch was taught by him for over half an hour.    


After he finished talking about Rolex, Director Hou started to talk about the Dunhill Tie he was wearing. Before he could make Lin Xiaoling lose her mind, he had already made Lin Xiaoling's Mom lose her consciousness.    


"Little Hou, your family's conditions must be very good. One look at your clothes and it's clear that you're wearing something different. Furthermore, you're very knowledgeable, much more knowledgeable than our family's Xiaoling!"    


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