Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann also came and went in a hurry. He came without a present and he left without a cloud. Anyone could see that it was Lin Xiaoling's delinquent who had asked him to help drive Director Hou away. He was not her so-called boyfriend.    


Three minutes after Yang Fann left, Lin Xiaoling's Mom finally recovered from her shock. She was so angry that she didn't even know how to speak anymore. She pointed at Lin Xiaoling and let out a long sigh.    


Lin Xiaoling's father actually wanted to teach this lawless daughter of his a lesson and target her out with good intentions. Lin Xiaoling's father actually wanted to teach this lawless daughter of hers a lesson and give her a lesson in good intentions.    


However, when the words came out of her mouth, Lin Xiaoling's father swallowed it back because he saw that his precious daughter was about to cry again. Lin Xiaoling's crying had made his heart ache, so if he cried again, it would kill him.    


Lin Xiaoling didn't want to cry at all, she didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. She remembered that Yang Fann wouldn't come, or to pretend to be her boyfriend and politely explain to her, or even try to curry favor with her father.    


He didn't even say hello to her father. This trick was pretty good, not only did it avoid the embarrassment, but it also solved the problem for him and he also didn't want to get entangled by his father, Mom. It was simple, crude, but effective.    


He didn't know how Yang Fann's brain worked, but to think that he could come up with such a clever plan, this guy was really hateful, hateful to the extreme!    


Lin Xiaoling suddenly felt all sorts of emotions. She didn't know what to feel, nor did she know how to explain it to her father, Mom. She still wanted to pose a problem for Yang Fann.    


Yang Fann was in a pretty good mood. He felt that he was pretty smart. It was such a sinister situation. He had solved everything with just a few slaps. How could it be pleasant? That was perfect!    


Since Yang Fann was in a good mood, he decided to continue being a good person because he saw Chairman Hou, who was gritting his teeth at him, sitting in a Passat not far away from him.    


The brat was quite unreasonable. After taking so many slaps, he still didn't run away and even bared his teeth at her. He didn't know whether to say that he had the balls or to say that he was stupid.    


So, Yang Fann started up the Ford Raptor, and with a "ga" sound, he blocked Director Hou's car before it started, leaving his Passat in the parking space. If Director Hou's car wanted to leave, Yang Fann had to make way for him.    


Director Hou followed the usual practice and wanted to curse, but when he thought about the slap mark on his face and the scolding that was about to reach his mouth, he forcibly repressed it.    


Yang Fann wasn't in a hurry, he just sat in the car and played on his cellphone. He played Landlord, Dafuung, and even played a few rounds. Even though he lost miserably, but when he saw Director Hou's angry gaze from the car behind, Yang Fann's heart was as happy as if he had drunk a bowl of iced plum soup, ice-cold, and filled with joy!    


At the beginning, Director Hou's eyes were still spitting fire, but the more he thought about it, the more scared he became. To a certain extent, he began to feel aggrieved, so angry that he even had the urge to kill!    


He was a dignified university professor, and many people were trying to curry favor with him. Yet Office Director was bullied to this extent by a little hoodlum. What a disgrace, what a disgrace!    


"Hello, is this manager Zhang? "I am an old marquis from Polytechnic University. I have something that I need your help with, find a few nimble people from the construction site and help me teach a hooligan a lesson."    


Although Director Hou did not follow the underworld path, he did manage the infrastructure, which was the construction project for the Polytechnic University. Many of the architects had semi-black backgrounds, so it would be too easy to find a few hoodlums who could fight.    


Thus, after Director Hou made a call, Manager Zhang immediately took action. He pulled seven or eight hoodlums with a van and rushed to Lin Xiaoling's house. He was prepared to show off in front of Director Hou so that he could further consolidate his relationship with him.    


Director Hou swallowed his anger and could not hold it in any longer. After seeing that the helpers had arrived, he couldn't hold it in any longer, so he opened the Passat's car door and got off. He stood behind the hooligans, pointed at the Ford Raptor in front of Passat and started to curse!    


Manager Zhang also came. He stood beside Director Hou and asked humbly: "Director Hou, how do you think we should deal with this? Should we just smash the car or pull them down for a meal?"    


Manager Zhang was actually a contractor. He was not a big developer. It was just that he had become bigger and had the reputation of a builder.    


Three years ago, manager Zhang was still doing odd jobs at the construction site, but his eyesight wasn't fully trained, so he couldn't tell that Director Hou was pointing at a Ford Raptor worth millions and was cursing at it. He thought it was just an ordinary pickup truck, and his originally somewhat worried heart was already in his stomach.    


Thus, after Director Hou said the word, manager Zhang waved his hand to have his group of hoodlums start to take action. Who cares if they were in the right or in the wrong. Let's first destroy the pickup truck!    


Yang Fann originally wanted Director Hou to smash the car. In any case, he would have to compensate sooner or later, even if he sold the watch, it would be useless.    


But, when manager Zhang told a bunch of hoodlums to start smashing the cars, Yang Fann changed his mind, after all, this Ford Raptor had created a relationship, it was a pity that it was destroyed, so he decided to save some money for Director Hou.    


Therefore, Yang Fann didn't let any of the hoodlums touch a hair of his car. He jumped off the car and beat them to the ground before they could even get close to him.    


Not only was the gang of hoodlums exhausted, Yang Fann also cleaned up Director Hou and manager Zhang. In the end, he even made a phone call to Xiong Baiwan to get someone to lock them up for a few more days.    


Yang Fann was not breaking the law. On the contrary, he was defending himself. He only fought back because Director Hou and manager Zhang ordered a bunch of hoodlums to smash his car. It was absolutely reasonable and legal.    


As for the reason why he did not call the police but had Xiong Baiwan find someone to arrest Director Hou and the rest, it was even simpler because Yang Fann was familiar with Xiong Baiwan.    


If they fought 110, maybe Director Hou and manager Zhang could find a connection to get rid of the crime, but if they found Xiong Baiwan, then it would be different. Even if Director Hou and manager Zhang were related, Xiong Baiwan wouldn't dare to let them go easily.    


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