Take Along A Spring



"Mr. Song, I must emphasize one thing. The treasures planted by our Jade Spring Mountain Villa are not for sale outside the country. The reason why we, Boss Yang, have agreed to sell them to you is because of your contributions to our country's philanthropy over the years. Don't think that we want to earn your money."    


"Yes, then I'll thank Boss Yang. Director Yang, please name a price." Soong Bowen's nose was almost crooked from anger. That guy, Yang Fann, was really his goddam great-grandfather. Even though he earned his money, he still had to thank Soong Bowen. Damn it, damn it!    


"Hehe, Mr. Song is really a straightforward person, so just give me a few. Five million yuan per tree is fine, but Mr. Song is a kind person. I'll be taking responsibility for him if we, Boss Yang, are not around. I hope that when he returns, he won't blame me for selling the compensation, or else I'll be fired!"    


After Yang Sanmao finished speaking, before Soong Bowen's group could even react, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa Staff s almost burst out laughing.    


Director Yang is too outrageous. Previously, the welcoming pine sold to Half-city Lee was worth a million, but after just a short period of time, it already became 5,000,000 per pine sold to Soong Bowen. Isn't this just killing people?    


As expected, before Soong Bowen could say anything, his men began to clamor: "Five million each? Why don't you just rob them? Do you think this is redwood? There's even a price of five million per tree, not even selling it for a hundred thousand! "    


"That's right, that's right. This isn't Indian leaf sandalwood, nor is it Hainan yellow pear. Why are you selling it for five million? Your Jade Spring Mountain Villa must be really poor!"    


"Sly merchant!" Your Jade Spring Mountain Villa is a big evil merchant! "    


Facing the accusations from Soong Bowen's underlings, Yang Sanmao was not angry at all. He laughed and said to Soong Bowen: "Sorry about that, Mr. Song, I've scared you, since you don't like our Jade Spring Mountain Villa's welcome pine, let's continue walking inside. There are still a lot of good things behind us, which one do you want to buy, alright?"    


Honestly speaking, Soong Bowen wasn't as shocked as he was. He spent more than 1 million on the two orchids that he bought from Yang Fann. The welcoming pine was much bigger than the orchids, so selling it for 10 million was not expensive.    


The reason why Soong Bowen was so far away from Poplar Gully was not because he wanted to buy the plants that Yang Fann grew. He didn't want to buy these plants for appreciation, but to buy them for health. Since they were for health, there was no difference between an orchid and a receiving pine, which was more beneficial to his body, and which one should be worth a higher price.    


Not only was it not expensive, it was also very cost-effective. It was just that he did not understand it at the beginning, until his men let out a sound and Yang Sanmao prepared to skip the welcoming pine. Only then did Soong Bowen wake up from his daydream and knew what he should do!    


"All of you shut up!" Soong Bowen first turned around and scolded his noisy underlings, then turned around and smiled to Yang Sanmao: "Sorry for making a fool of you, Director Yang, but my underlings don't know the rules, I hope Director Yang doesn't mind, I think I can accept 5 million per pine, so give me 5 …" "No, ten!"    


When Soong Bowen said this, not only his subordinates, even the Staff of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were all dumbstruck!    


You f * cker!    


How could there be such a person in this world? He didn't even pay a price and only bought a pine tree for 5 million. Wasn't his head being crushed by a door board?    


Soong Bowen's men were all speechless. They looked at each other, thinking that Soong Bowen might already be old and muddled, or else why would he spend five million to buy an ordinary pine tree. Could it be that he had taken a fancy to the owner of Jade Spring Mountain Villa?    


It was very possible. Otherwise, how could he explain why Mr. Song always lived at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa and never left, and even insisted on meeting the owner of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa? Now, he was actually spending another five million, no, fifty million to buy ten ordinary pine trees, what was the boss if he didn't want to curry favor with the owner of the Jade Spring Mountain Villa?    


Yang Fann, who was in Jiangnan University class, suddenly sneezed a dozen times. His heart suddenly felt a chill, as if something bad was happening. Nothing!    


If Yang Fann knew what Soong Bowen's subordinates were thinking, he would definitely rush back into the Poplar Gully and throw them all into the Dispersive Flower Creek.    


However, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa and Soong Bowen's subordinate Staff were still in shock. Yang Sanmao didn't even think and directly rejected Soong Bowen's request to buy ten pine trees at once. He was only willing to sell him one, not one more!    


You are a monkshood!    


It was rare to see Soong Bowen buy 10 pine trees with 50 million, but now there was Yang Sanmao who didn't even want to earn money. 50 million, just 5 million, this mud horse was either crushed by a door, or its head was pinched by a door, or its anus was pinched!    


One insisted on buying while the other refused to sell. In the end, Soong Bowen eventually agreed to sell the pine trees to him for a total of 15 million.    


Yes, you're not wrong, it was fifteen million, not ten million.    


The reason was simple, the first welcoming pine was so "cheap", it was only five million, it was to thank Soong Bowen for his charity in the country, but because of the weak Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the second receiving pine could no longer be sold so "cheap", otherwise the Jade Spring Mountain Villa would not be able to bear it.    


Besides, Yang Sanmao had said that the boss only said that he would sell one to Soong Bowen. This was a decision he made without telling the boss in private, and he still didn't know how the boss would deal with him when he came back. He hoped that Soong Bowen would not make things difficult for him in the process of selection!    


Seeing this, the Jade Spring Mountain Villa Staff s all realized what was going on. No wonder Yang Sanmao could be Office Director, they could only be normal employees, with just this mouth of his, even Yang Sanmao had the qualifications to be a vice general manager!    


The people of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were extremely impressed with Yang Sanmao, while Soong Bowen's men were extremely disgusted with Yang Sanmao.    


This fellow is truly despicable. He bullied Boss Song for using two rotten pine trees to deceive him for fifteen million. It was a heinous crime, an outrageous act of shamelessness.    


Call Mr. Song's family. If you don't stop them, Mr. Song's entire fortune will be taken away by this country bumpkin!    


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