Take Along A Spring



Now that the road from Qingshan Town to Poplar Gully had been repaired, not only did it bring convenience, it also brought trouble.    


The provincial Academy of Agricultural Sciences professor, Shen Tianlin, who went through thick and thin when he left the Poplar Gully the last time, brought along Deputy Chief Wang from the Xincheng County Agriculture Department and two of Vice Chief Wang's lackeys to the Poplar Gully once again.    


This time, Vice Chief Wang drove a car from the Agriculture Bureau, while Shen Tianlin drove a new car. However, Vice Director Wang didn't let him use the car, so he still drove a car from the Agriculture Bureau, saying that the car had momentum and was more useful than Shen Tianlin's new car.    


Shen Tianlin didn't understand. A lousy Santana, how could it compete with his brand-new Honda Accord?    


That's right, Shen Tianlin bought another Honda Accord, which was exactly the same as the one he lost last time. This great professor of Academy of Agricultural Sciences and famous doctoral teacher of Jiangnan City loved Japanese cars, so he had no reason not to explain.    


At the mention of the Honda Accord, Shen Tianlin gritted his teeth. The new car he drove last time didn't even have a license plate, it didn't even have time to buy insurance.    


To a super stingy person who saw a penny as the size of a millstone, losing a new Honda Accord was equivalent to taking half of Shen Tianlin's life. However, he still had to live his life, and he couldn't not buy a car, he had already tried to contact the Xincheng County police, but the case could not be solved at the moment, he could not wait forever, so he bought another car.    


"We are from the Xincheng County Agriculture Bureau. Last time we came, we wanted to check the safety of your Jade Spring Mountain Villa's seeds, and ask your boss to come out!"    


Director General Wang did not get off the car, he had one of his lackeys get off the car and negotiate with the security guard at the Jade Spring Mountain Villa entrance, and this time, he came here with an ultimatum. If Jade Spring Mountain Villa did not cooperate, he would not mind giving Jade Spring Mountain Villa a big unsafe seed hat, so that his Jade Spring Mountain Villa would not be able to escape its fate of closing down and reorganizing itself.    


Shen Tianlin, who was sitting beside Director General Wang with his eyes glowing with a cold light, asked Director General Wang to come again. This time, he did not ask Director General Wang to do a big care job at Night Paradise just for him, as the gifts he gave Director General Wang were enough to do a big care job at Night Paradise ten times.    


Furthermore, other than giving gifts, Shen Tianlin had also given Director General Wang an open package event at Night Paradise, which would cause the old tree, who was over a hundred years old, to sprout and the old cow to eat young grass, completely ruining an ignorant girl who had just entered the city!    


Of course, this ignorant girl was not completely ignorant. Even though her body was very pure, her heart was already tainted by the people from Night Paradise, and using all sorts of examples to brainwash her, allowed her to see how luxurious the lives of those big health girls from Night Paradise were. The money they earned every day was equal to the money she earned in her hometown!    


Therefore, ten thousand yuan, the ignorant girl gave her first night to Night Paradise, making the Night Paradise be sold to Shen Tianlin for fifty thousand yuan. Shen Tianlin himself wasn't willing to enjoy the price and passed it on to Director General Wang.    


Therefore, this time Director General Wang came to the Poplar Gully again. Even though the last time was a bad memory for him, but compared to the ten big health gifts and the open packages, the previous time was nothing. If possible, he hoped that this time he would not be happy again.    


"Aiya, so it's the head of the Agriculture Bureau. I'm so sorry, but my boss went to Jiangnan City and isn't home. Can you come back next time?"    


The guards of Jade Spring Mountain Villa were not idiots. Ma Wensheng's comrades were all veterans, and they had all seen blood before. It was not easy to deal with a small employee.    


"It's okay if the boss isn't here. We can check for ourselves, and let your temporary supervisor come out. Hurry up, our leader is still waiting!"    


"Sorry, Leader. Our Jade Spring Mountain Villa is on vacation today. With just the two of us on duty, we don't have the means to receive everyone here. How about you guys come again next time!"    


No matter what Director General Wang's lackeys said, even if he had to shout it out, Jade Spring Mountain Villa's security guards still maintained that smiling expression, and did not get angry at all. In any case, the gate was already closed, and as long as they did not open it, unless they flipped over it, no one could enter Jade Spring Mountain Villa!    


As for the tourists that were touring in the Jade Spring Mountain Villa, the security guards had already informed the tour guide with their walkie-talkies. They would come out after the people from the Agriculture Bureau left and let the tourists play inside for a while.    


Seeing that the security guards of Jade Spring Mountain Villa did not buy into their agricultural bureau's account, Director General Wang immediately lost all face. Shen Tianlin was still watching from the side, if he couldn't even pass through the gate of Jade Spring Mountain Villa, then it would be hard to explain.    


Thinking about the girl's soft body and the red flowers on the pink bed sheets, Director General Wang couldn't help but feel hot blood rushing to his head. He had lived for most of his life, but this was the first time he opened his bag.    


Director General Wang really didn't want to go home again. Back then, when he married his wife, she was already three months pregnant, and the saddest part was, the child in his wife's belly wasn't his!    


However, if the Deputy Chief's daughter didn't have broken shoes, she would have been pregnant before getting married, and there was no way for him, a temporary worker from the countryside, to get lucky.    


It was precisely because of Director General Wang that the temporary worker married the daughter of the deputy chief at the time of his marriage. That was why he became the official director of the agricultural bureau.    


Therefore, in Director General Wang's heart, the fact that he was unable to open it for the rest of his life became a knot in his heart. Therefore, in Director General Wang's heart, the fact that he was unable to open it for the rest of his life became a knot in his heart.    


Therefore, Director General Wang felt that he had fallen deeply in love with that beautiful, young, pure, and ignorant girl who had just come from the countryside.    


Director General Wang did not need to thank him anymore, as long as Shen Tianlin could take him to Night Paradise to find that girl again. He wanted to relive last night's dream and then think of a way to redeem that girl and treat her as his canary!    


There were many reasons why Director General Wang did not go to Night Paradise to find that girl himself. The most important reason was that he did not have any money in his pocket.    


Since the day of the wedding, Director General Wang's financial authority had been taken away by his fiancée. Even after he became the deputy director, his financial authority had not been retracted. Even if someone gave him a gift, Director General Wang's wife would take away every single cent in his pocket!    


Director General Wang's wife could get pregnant before marriage. Of course, she knew how to prevent things from happening too soon. As long as Director General Wang didn't touch the money, he wouldn't be able to raise a mistress outside!    


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