Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann and Sofia had come to Happy Bar more than once to drink, but they have never met anyone who didn't know anything. Just like those watchers in the ordinary bars, Happy Bar didn't have any customers at all, it was very clean, just a place to drink.    


There were many kinds of bars. There were those that drank pure alcohol, those that sold some small pills, those that opened casinos, and even those that did porn.    


Like a massage parlor, there was a traditional Chinese medicine massage to treat neck, shoulder, waist, and leg pain. There was also a particularly indecent heterosexual massage. There was also a gun shop that didn't even know how to massage.    


Under normal circumstances, everyone would settle their own business and not collude with each other. Just like how people who wanted to shoot cannons would not go to a massage parlor, those rogues would not go to formal bars to drink.    


However, today, Yang Fann and Sofia met a guy who claimed to be a master and had an unknown background. He seemed very powerful, but he didn't have any henchmen with him, so no matter how you looked at it, he didn't look like a swindler.    


"Mister Bow Pig, can you explain in detail how I am unable to leave this place? I was also mentally prepared. " Yang Fann didn't mind using Sultry Man to divert his attention. There was no other way but to force himself to leave immediately.    


"Bullsh * t. Brat, you're very arrogant. I just don't know if your brain will be as tough as your stinky mouth." Sultry Man snapped his fingers and several guys stood up from the surroundings.    


Yang Fann's eyes narrowed, looking at the positions these people were standing, they were all prepared, after entering the Happy Bar, the earliest ones were almost all with Yang Fann. Yang Fann's eyes squinted, looking at the positions these people were standing, he had prepared before, after entering the Happy Bar, the earliest ones were almost all with Yang Fann.    


"Hmm, aren't you the head of these scum? Call out the master behind you, lest you suffer physical pain later on."    


Yang Fann only took a glance and saw from the eyes of the people around that Sultry Man wasn't the boss of these people. They didn't have any respect for Sultry Man at all. On the contrary, they looked at him with disdain.    


"Nonsense! What nonsense are you spouting? Do you believe that Lord Bow will cripple you right now?" Sultry Man screamed in anger like a cat whose tail has been stepped on. This made Yang Fann more convinced of his judgment. This guy is just a small fry, there must be someone else behind him.    


The bar was actually quite quiet, even the sound of the music was indistinct. Sultry Man's shout immediately attracted the attention of others. They just realized that something was wrong, as if someone was going to fight!    


Whether it was the older ones or the younger ones, the males or the females, the higher ones or the lower ones, as long as there was a fight, the Chinese would immediately surround them and enjoy it for at least half a year.    


Especially in entertainment places like bars and cabaret, fighting was the favorite thing to do. Every time a fight broke out, everyone would rush over. Even if they couldn't reach out, they would still have to get as close as possible, otherwise it wouldn't be fun.    


"My god, it's actually a group of people looking for trouble with a couple. Furthermore, that woman is a foreign girl. This is going to be a good show! Foreign girls, it must be interesting to bully her, right?"    


"Serves him right. Who told that brat to be so cocky with a foreign girl. He's such a good old Chinese and yet he wants to pick up a foreign girl. Truly useless!"    


"It can't be, these people even dare to touch foreign girls, aren't they afraid of the government taking care of them?"    


For a moment, everyone was excited, waiting to see a good show. If there weren't too many people around, many of them would have wanted to ask the bartender for a bucket of popcorn so they could sit down and enjoy it.    


Un, is your backer that guy? Let him roll over here and play the part of a hero saving the beauty. When we can't deal with you bunch of scumbags, he will jump out and pretend to be a good person. Then, he will win the heart of a beauty.    


With Yang Fann's sharp observation, he instantly locked onto a guy in a suit not far away. Everyone came over to watch the scene, even those that didn't come over peeked their heads over here. Only he was sitting there pretending to be a dog while drinking.    


Sultry Man was dumbstruck. He didn't expect to be seen through so quickly. Was there still any point in continuing to act out this play?    


Sultry Man's expression was equivalent to admitting that Yang Fann was right. The surrounding people were all shocked by Yang Fann. This kid was too amazing. He could see the whole story in such a chaotic environment. His observation skills were peerless!    


"Good!" Brother, good job, work with them! "    


"If this brat has the ability, then let me explain it to everyone!"    


"Friend, how did you discover the situation? Tell me about your experience!"    


A bunch of bystanders shouted excitedly. They were afraid that they wouldn't be able to fight today, so they tried their best to cheer Yang Fann on so that he could stand up and fight a bunch of hoodlums who didn't seem to be easy to mess with.    




Sultry Man turned around and slapped the face of one of the guys who shouted the loudest, throwing a five fingered mountain on the spot. Sultry Man turned around and slapped the face of the guy who shouted the loudest, and threw a five fingered mountain on the face of the guy who shouted the most, and hit the face of the guy on the spot.    


"Fuck, who else? "Who else wants to make a ruckus, stand out and let Master Gong take a look!"    


When Sultry Man got angry, the surrounding people immediately quieted down. Yang Fann gave him a thumbs up: "Old Bow is mighty, did you see that? That guy was shouting so ferociously just now, should I give him a few kicks too?"    


"Who?" Just him? " Sultry Man looked in the direction Yang Fann pointed and saw a sneaky guy hiding behind the crowd. He immediately took two steps forward and slapped him twice, giving him two big ears.    


"Good, this is great!" Yang Fann clapped his hands and cheered, "Old Bow, you sure are capable. Did you see that? That guy just gave you a middle finger. Do you want to give him a few too?"    


"F * ck!"    


The surrounding people secretly cursed Yang Fann ten thousand times in their hearts. Who exactly are you, why are you standing together with the guy that wants to take care of you, and even encouraging him to hit us honest people, are you even human?    


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