Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann rushed up to help Bing Feng. Lingnan King and his bodyguards did not take him seriously. No matter how courageous an ordinary person was, it would be useless in front of a trained bodyguard.    


Unexpectedly, Yang Fann was quite smart. He stopped rushing forward when he was halfway done. He picked up a trash can beside the tea table and smashed it onto the back of a bodyguard who was fighting with Bing Feng.    


The bodyguard who was hit was concentrating on dealing with Bing Feng. He never expected that there would be a sneak attack from behind and was hit in the face with a trash can. His smooth movements immediately became sluggish.    


As the trump card, how could Bing Feng miss this opportunity so easily? Taking advantage of the bodyguard's slight delay, a dagger pierced into his right chest. Although the dagger did not pierce through his heart, it still pierced through his lungs, instantly causing him to lose his ability to fight.    


After Yang Fann threw the trash can, he picked up another vase and threw it out. This time, it was a bodyguard on Bing Feng's right side that was preparing to ambush her. However, Yang Fann's accuracy was a bit low and he didn't hit anyone.    


However, coincidentally, the vase fell right at the bodyguard's feet. He was too busy attacking Bing Feng and did not expect a vase to appear under his feet. He stepped on a piece of vase and slipped.    


At this moment, Bing Feng had injured the bodyguard right in front of her. When she saw the bodyguard fall to the ground, she followed up with a kick to his temple. This unlucky bodyguard fainted without even making a sound!    


After Yang Fann finished throwing the vase, he picked up another sofa cushion and threw it over. The sofa cushion was very soft and couldn't hurt people.    


However, the sofa cushion just happened to be between Bing Feng and a bodyguard, and this bodyguard was stabbing at Bing Feng's back. However, the sofa cushion just happened to be between Bing Feng and a bodyguard, and this bodyguard was stabbing at Bing Feng's back.    


Bing Feng was startled by the sound coming from behind her. Without even looking back, she turned her hand and with a dagger, stabbed the bodyguard on her back in the stomach. Another one was seriously injured!    


Wu Junhu had been messing around with Bing Feng. Bing Feng had taken the opportunity to cripple three of Lingnan King's bodyguards. With the sudden reversal in offense and defense, Bing Feng had gained the upper hand in the battle from her previous dangerous situation, forcing the remaining bodyguards to retreat.    


This time, Bing Feng's aura rose. Others might not be able to tell how powerful Yang Fann was, but she knew that Yang Fann seemed to have thrown it around a few times just in time.    


There was a saying in the ring about Yang Fann's actions. It was called lifting something heavy as though it was light. It seemed like it was as light as a feather, but in reality, all of it had been thrown at the vital points.    




Lingnan King's bodyguards might not be able to tell much from the situation, but Lingnan King could clearly see from up above that Yang Fann's three random attacks had played a key role in turning the situation around. It was equivalent to turning the tides of the battle.    


Was it intentional or just a coincidence? Lingnan King was deep in thought. If Yang Fann did it on purpose, why was it that he didn't look like a practitioner at all? To say it was a coincidence, it was too much of a coincidence.    


While Lingnan King was thinking, Bing Feng seized the opportunity to stab another person down. As the bodyguards surrounding her became fewer and fewer, Bing Feng's pressure became smaller and smaller, and she became more and more adept at fighting. Her confidence slowly returned, giving her hope of catching Lingnan King again.    


However, the next moment, Bing Feng's hope turned to despair. At Lingnan King's order, more than a dozen bodyguards rushed down from upstairs. These bodyguards had been hiding upstairs all this time, so Bing Feng had no idea that they were coming out until now.    


Seeing the strong force rushing down from upstairs, Bing Feng started to think about how to capture Lingnan King and how to escape.    


However, Yang Fann was still like a madman, throwing out all the things he could throw at the bodyguards that surrounded Bing Feng.    


Bing Feng did not know that there were people hiding upstairs in the house, how could Yang Fann not know that Lingnan King was as cunning as a fox. He not only came and went with dozens of bodyguards, but also hid more than ten bodyguards in the mansion of the secretary.    


Previously when Yang Fann was circling around the villa, he had already checked the villa with his Spirit Body. Other than the dozens of bodyguards rushing down from upstairs, there were also two guys hiding on the second floor. They had sniper rifles in their hands and were pointing their guns at Bing Feng and himself. The moment Lingnan King gave the order, they would immediately shoot, turning Bing Feng's and his head into a rotten watermelon!    


However, in Yang Fann's eyes, whether it was a handgun or sniper rifle, none of them were worth mentioning to him right now. As long as he was prepared, Yang Fann's Spirit Body could intercept all the bullets.    


Ever since his Space of Jade Pendant levelled up this time, Yang Fann's Spirit Body could roll around no more than nine tons of items at a time, and he could roll around nine tons. From this, it can be seen how strong Yang Fann's Spirit Body was, as long as the Spirit Body could form a thick shield, it wouldn't be able to penetrate even the bullet from a sniper rifle!    


Of course, that was only if he was prepared. If it was a sudden attack, Yang Fann's Spirit Body would not be able to form a shield. Even with his current abnormal body, he wouldn't be able to take the headshot of a sniper rifle!    


The reason why Yang Fann didn't directly rush over to participate in the battle was to guard against ambushes from the two snipers on the second floor. If the two snipers were to fire during a chaotic battle, he should be able to dodge it, but Bing Feng might not.    


At the moment, Bing Feng was the only one fighting on the field, and Lingnan King was careless and wanted to catch her alive. For the time being, Yang Fann didn't have to worry about the two snipers firing, so he didn't rush forward.    


However, Lingnan King had more than a dozen bodyguards hiding upstairs rush down. Yang Fann felt that he had no choice but to give up. He was rather disappointed with this trump card and felt that it was completely not the same as when he split a building in his imagination and smashed a person apart with one punch!    


Yang Fann was prepared to kill the enemy if he wanted to, but he wasn't like Bing Feng, he already did it and showed mercy. After all this time, he didn't even kill a single person, either slashing his arm or stabbing his stomach, he was as gentle as a woman, he didn't feel good at all!    


Thus, Yang Fann picked up the big sofa in the living room and swung it towards the bodyguard who was rushing down from the stairs!    


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