Take Along A Spring



Dragons had reverse scales, but those that touched them would get angry.    


Yang Fann's family was his main concern. The moment he heard Bing Feng say that his family could be in danger, he immediately calmed down and stopped playing around with Bing Feng. His gaze towards Bing Feng was full of cruelty, and if Bing Feng dared to threaten his family, Yang Fann would immediately attack!    


Fortunately, Bing Feng didn't threaten Yang Fann, but rather said that Lingnan King might threaten the safety of Yang Fann's family members. This slightly eased Yang Fann's manic mood, otherwise, Bing Feng would be in danger.    


"Lingnan King? You said that the bald woman and the explosive man are Lingnan King's sons and daughters? "And who is Lingnan King? Why didn't you arrest him and instead let a mere commoner like me catch him?"    


Bing Feng was more patient this time, she answered all of Yang Fann's questions one by one. She told Yang Fann that Lingnan King was the largest leader of both the black and white Lingnan, and not only did he eat both black and white, but he also had a lot of power. Normal people could not afford to offend him.    


Yang Fann was noncommittal to Bing Feng's words. He didn't believe Lingnan King was as awesome as Bing Feng. If the bureau chief's men couldn't deal with him, then how could the trump cards that represented State Machinery like Bing Feng couldn't deal with him?    


In Yang Fann's eyes, no country could not deal with them. As long as the country was willing, even Yang Fann would be crushed into fine powder, not to mention the King of Northwest Lingnan King.    


Seeing that Yang Fann didn't believe her, Bing Feng knew that he didn't believe her. She didn't blame Yang Fann for not believing her, even when she first heard about it.    


What Lingnan King? In Bing Feng's eyes, he was just a slightly more difficult person to deal with, he didn't even need to be attacked by trump cards like them to be able to capture him easily even in the Lingnan's local public security department.    


However, after Bing Feng looked through all of Lingnan King's information, she no longer had the original thought. It was because she realized that Lingnan King was not only powerful, but also a martial arts master.    


Martial arts experts, in the eyes of many, were synonymous with boorish warriors. As the saying goes, no matter how high one's martial arts level is, once you kill them, even Bing Feng herself would not have the ability to fight against the State Machinery.    


However, Bing Feng overlooked one point, although martial arts could not compete with State Machinery, but martial arts could still be used to execute beheading operations and precise scalpel strikes.    


After all, the State Machinery were controlled by some people, such as if they wanted to capture Lingnan King. According to the law, before capturing Lingnan King, they had to first investigate him, and only capture him after they knew a certain amount of evidence.    


However, Lingnan King had power and background. When the investigation started on him, he would know about it and then find a way to topple or kill the person who ordered the investigation.    


Why didn't his successor continue to investigate Lingnan King? If it were you, would you dare?    


The former was still in prison, or in the hospital, or even in the morgue. Later on, people would want to get as far away from Lingnan King as possible, so who would recklessly provoke this God of Slaughter?    


It's not like there are no righteous people, who have already vowed to eradicate Lingnan King's tumor from the very beginning of their duties. However, this type of martyr usually wouldn't work for long, either because he made a mistake and left the office, or because he was transferred to another job to retire due to an accident.    


Some said that he was merciless and merciless, some said that his luck was explosive, and anyone who wanted to deal with him would be met with misfortune, while others said that he would commit murder by releasing evil spirits and releasing evil spirits. There was always a difference between the two, but there was only one main idea, and that was that Lingnan King could not be easily moved, and whoever touched him would be in trouble!    


Most of the top-secret information that Bing Feng had obtained was just speculation. What Lingnan King was a martial arts expert? Who would want to deal with him and be beheaded? It was just speculation and speculation and not accurate evidence.    


If there was conclusive evidence, the country would have used the powerful State Machinery and captured Lingnan King. There was no need for Bing Feng, the world-famous trump card, to investigate in secret.    


Bing Feng was in the same group as the demoness, but when the two of them were on a mission abroad last time, the demoness was injured, so Bing Feng could only act alone. In the eyes of some upper management, it was not worth wasting any energy to deal with Lingnan King, who was just an incompetent guy, and the trump card Bing Feng. The country had a lot of things to do, and one Lingnan King was just a scabby disease.    


However, some of the higher-ups could ignore Lingnan King. Bing Feng, as the person carrying out the mission, could not ignore Lingnan King. Even if she did not, she could not ignore her own life.    


Ever since she started her cultivation, Bing Feng had carried out numerous missions, many of which had brushed past the Death God. Therefore, Bing Feng was naturally alert of the dangers, and when she finished reading all of Lingnan King's information, she immediately realized that she had accepted a very thorny mission, and might even lose her life!    


Bing Feng wanted to know what Yang Fann was doing by taking advantage of the opportunity to take on a mission. Yang Fann had become her mental demon and appeared in her dreams several times. Bing Feng was worried that if this went on, her mind would have problems.    


In the end, Bing Feng had called the Director General Qian of Jiangnan Security Bureau and asked around. Director General Qian quickly told her a shocking piece of news: Yang Fann had actually been locked in the Quiet Room because he had offended a pair of Lingnan King's children!    


Bing Feng's eyes immediately lit up. She remembered the terror of Yang Fann's skills, remembered how Yang Fann once saw her in a bad mood after being infected with aphrodisiac, remembered how Yang Fann violated her in her dreams, and immediately flew to the Jiangnan City. She wanted to see what kind of bad luck this guy had now, so that he could cut off her inner demons, and never let Yang Fann appear in her dreams ever again.    


Of course, cutting off the heart demon was only one of the reasons why Bing Feng came to see Yang Fann. The main reason was that Bing Feng wanted Yang Fann to help her deal with Lingnan King.    


However, Bing Feng was used to being overbearing. She wanted to show him her might the moment she saw Yang Fann. She felt that as long as she could subdue Yang Fann in terms of aura, then she would be rid of her inner demon and would never be like Yang Fann in her dreams again!    


Unexpectedly, Yang Fann was still dishonest even after being locked in the Quiet Room. Not only did he do it in her dreams, he also did it to her in real life. Now, sending a sheep into a tiger's den and a man and woman being locked in the Quiet Room, even if Yang Fann did something to her, she had to grit her teeth and endure it!    


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