Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann didn't even need to guess, he already saw her face when he entered the door. She was very beautiful, very cold, very indifferent. She was none other than the trump card who was defeated by Yang Fann, Bing Feng!    


Yang Fann also did not expect Bing Feng to appear in front of him. Could it be that the people who grabbed him were not the weird siblings, but the ace agent named Bing Feng?    


Yang Fann was a bit confused and didn't know why Bing Feng appeared in front of him, but he wasn't too surprised. The army would come, the water would come, and it didn't matter if the person who wanted to deal with him was the weirdo brother or the ace agent Bing Feng.    


"Don't you think you can fight? "How can he be tortured like this when he can't even handle two kids? Tsk tsk, this is so interesting."    


Bing Feng taunted Yang Fann as she walked a few steps forward. She stood in front of Yang Fann and looked down at him with the powerful flashlight in her hand.    


"Why aren't you talking? Are you scared? "If you're scared, then beg me. As long as you beg me, I can let you go right now!"    


Not only did Bing Feng have a cold expression, her words even seemed to carry ice. However, Yang Fann found it funny the more he heard about it. "This little girl is still holding a grudge. It seems like the lesson last time wasn't enough!"    


Yang Fann didn't wear handcuffs. Although Wei Xiaorou was angry at him for fooling around at home with Sofia, she didn't lose her mind. Even when she locked him in the Quiet Room, she didn't mention anything about handcuffs to Yang Fann.    


Since the team leader didn't mention it, of course the police officers below would not talk too much. The leaders above also didn't think so carefully, so Yang Fann's hands and feet were still free.    


Yang Fann squinted at Bing Feng's incredibly beautiful face and suddenly shot out from his chair. With lightning speed, he grabbed onto Bing Feng's waist!    


Before the arm wrapped around Bing Feng's waist, Yang Fann gave her a hard kiss on the cheek. Although he didn't kiss her lips, it still stunned Bing Feng. For a moment, she forgot to resist and became completely dumbfounded!    


Bing Feng might have felt that Yang Fann had become a turtle in a jar, but she never expected him to dare to resist at this stage, so she wasn't very vigilant. It was also possible that she didn't treat Yang Fann as an enemy, otherwise, with her ace agent's vigilance, she shouldn't be so arrogant.    


"Ah!" I will kill you!     


She instinctively wanted to resist, but her waist was tightly held by Yang Fann and even after several times of exertion, she was still unable to break free. On the contrary, with Yang Fann's added force, her entire body softened down and her waist felt like it was about to break.    


The last time they met, Bing Feng was infected by Rakshasa Woman's aphrodisiac. If it wasn't for Yang Fann saving her in time, her famous trump card would have become a joke in the world's secret service.    


Of course, Bing Feng refused to admit that Yang Fann was her savior, because Yang Fann beat her up badly. After that, Bing Feng also thought of taking revenge on Yang Fann, but when she thought about how her innocence was preserved, she couldn't make up her mind.    


However, every time she recalled that she had been drugged with aphrodisiacs, making those unsightly movements in front of Yang Fann and making those unsightly sounds, Bing Feng would have the urge to go crazy. She wanted to kill Yang Fann and make him, the guy who had seen her ugly behavior, disappear from this world forever!    


At the beginning, Bing Feng would always grind her teeth in anger every time she thought of Yang Fann. She couldn't wait to eat the meat and drink the blood. No one would ever know how she looked like after she was drugged with aphrodisiac.    


But as time passed, Bing Feng suddenly realized that her hostility towards Yang Fann wasn't as intense as before. Furthermore, from time to time, she would think of that hateful guy.    


Don't think that a woman who has never been in a relationship wouldn't have a dream. Modern social media are highly developed, whether it's movies, TV or novels, and everything is filled with pornography. As an ace in the hole, it's impossible to know nothing about these things.    


Especially since Bing Feng had been training frequently, her body's functions were much better than that of an ordinary person's. The amount of hormones in her body was only bigger than that of an ordinary woman, and her thirst for the opposite sex was also stronger than that of an ordinary woman!    


This was only related to the instinct of a normal woman, not Bing Feng. Even a pure virgin who had never come into contact with pornography would instinctively have an impulse towards the opposite sex. Otherwise, how could a race continue to exist?    


When a man repeatedly appeared in a woman's dream, especially when it was a virgin's dream, this woman would unconsciously change her attitude towards him. This was a very complicated psychology and was difficult to explain in a short period of time.    


Now, Bing Feng was fiercely hugged by Yang Fann and felt the heat coming from his body. She smelled the masculine scent coming from Yang Fann's body and Bing Feng's mind suddenly went blank. This was something that had never happened to her since she successfully trained!    


Bing Feng could only struggle in vain. How could she have the power of a trump card agent? Yang Fann wanted this kind of effect. No matter what plan you had, I will mess up your tempo first!    


Yang Fann wasn't trying to take advantage of Bing Feng. At this moment, he actually didn't have any thoughts of taking advantage of her. His brain was rapidly thinking of ways to deal with this possible crisis!    


He was locked in the dark room for a day and a night out of nowhere, then he met this National Trump Card. If he said that Yang Fann didn't suspect that the real mastermind was the higher-ups, then his brain got flooded.    


Yang Fann hugged for a while longer until he felt Bing Feng had completely given up struggling. Then, he turned around and put her on the chair he just sat on, picked up the flashlight on the ground, and aimed it at Bing Feng's eyes, asking fiercely: "Speak, why did you set me up? Who sent you? "    


Bing Feng snapped out of her daze after being hit by a powerful flashlight. When she thought about how her hands and feet had given up on resisting, even though she was in the arms of a man, Bing Feng couldn't help but want to slap herself a few times.    


"Yang Fann, you actually dare to …" How dare you do that to me, I... I … I'm going to kill you! "    


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