Take Along A Spring



Even though Yang Fann had been waiting for Xia Ji's call, in the end, he couldn't hold it in anymore. He decided to call his father, Yang Xiangdong, and ask him what exactly the debt he owed the Night Paradise Society was.    


Yang Fann was also worried that the Night Paradise Clubhouse would directly call his home. If Mom Zhong Runjuan happened to be beside his father, it would be terrible if she found out.    


With Mom's temper, how could she not have a ruckus with her father? All these years, her fierce shouting was not for nothing. It would be a wonder if the whole village knew about it!    


"That... What, is it Dad? "    


"Nonsense, who else could it be other than your father? Didn't you say that he went on a trip to Myanmar? Where is he now?"    


"Where am I, Mom? Is she by your side?"    


Yang Fann was very careful, afraid that Zhong Runjuan would hear and cause trouble for the family. Although Zhong Runjuan might not know the specific services of the Night Paradise s, what if she did?    


It was the legendary "Big Health Care". Although Yang Fann had never experienced it before, but when he was a shop assistant, his customers had rarely made that thing. It was called never eating pork, but he had seen pigs run around.    


"Nope, she went out. What happened? Why is she so mysterious? Did she do something shameful and not dare to let you, Mom, know?"    


Yang Fann twitched his mouth, thinking to himself, I haven't done anything shameful yet, but I think you must have done something shameful.    


"Just now, the Night Paradise Club called me and said that you still owe them three thousand. Dad, it's really you, play it, why don't you bring some extra money, it's just that you didn't bring enough money with you, come back and quickly make up for it. Why did you get people to call me? Fortunately, she called me here. If she called me on Mom's phone, it would be great! "    


"What?" Say that again, brat? What do I owe for Night Paradise up to three thousand dollars? Isn't this nonsense? When have I ever been to that damned Night Paradise Clubhouse and I still owe three thousand yuan? You can't be trying to trick your father, right? "    


"Ah?" Haven't you been there? "It's good that you haven't been there, but it doesn't matter if you have. I'll be fine as long as you take care of it. I'm fine, but the thing is, I can't let Mom know."    


"Brat, what kind of tone are you using? Do you not believe what I just said? Think about it, that Night Paradise place doesn't sound like a good place after all. Can I go to that place? "    


"Yes, yes, yes. Why would you go to such a place? I heard wrong. Then let's go like this. Goodbye."    


Yang Fann didn't believe Yang Xiangdong's explanation at all. Men, being fathers, always needed a bit of face, if they didn't admit it, then they just didn't admit it. As long as he quickly settled the debt he owed the Night Paradise Club, then it would be hard for him to explain it to Mom.    


"Bastard, stinking brat, if you dare hang up the phone, I'll tell you right away, Mom. Just say that you're not going to find a girlfriend, and ask her to arrange a blind date for you tomorrow?" I've never been to a place like that. Why don't you believe it? "    


Yang Xiangdong was really worried. This was the most disgusting thing to do; the more he explained, the more suspicious it would be. Now, even his own son obviously didn't believe him, let alone his wife.    


Yang Xiangdong didn't want to be the scapegoat. It would be fine if he went to some Night Paradise clubhouse, but he had never been there before. Wasn't this accusing someone of a crime?    


"Hearing that your old man is really worried, Yang Fann has no choice, he even took out such a killing machine like forcing me to go on a blind date, if I were to continue blabbering, I definitely wouldn't be able to do it. As his son, can I really come in front of my old lady and complain about my old man doing great care?    


"No hanging, no hanging, do you have any other instructions?"    


"Ah, forget it, don't tell me that no matter how I explain it to you, you would not believe it?" Don't you think that if I went to a place like that, I would still owe them three thousand dollars? If I didn't pay them back, how would they know your phone number? Why didn't they ask me for it when they called you directly? If I really went to that place, would I dare not to pay them back? "    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann Guang thought that after his father drank the spatial Spirit Spring, it would not be impossible for him to go to the Night Paradise Club with his strong body. Why didn't he think about how irrational it was, it was all because of Bing Feng's matter which caused him to be distracted. Otherwise, with Yang Fann's intelligent brain, he wouldn't have made such a low level mistake.    


"Damn, I got it. The person who called me was definitely a liar. Dad, don't worry about it. When they call again, I'll definitely scold them!"    


Then, without waiting for Yang Xiangdong's reaction, Yang Fann hurriedly hung up. It was too awkward, as his son, Yang Fann actually called to check if his father had taken care of his family.    


The more he thought about it, the angrier he got. Yang Fann really wanted to call the swindler and scold him. However, he was worried that his phone was busy, so he could only give up and wait for the swindler to call.    


Unexpectedly, just as Yang Fann thought of this, the other party called him. They agreed to call tomorrow, but they couldn't hold it back any longer. It seemed that he really was a swindler.    


"Hello, Mr. Yang Fann. I'm from the Night Paradise Clubhouse. I called you just now to find out how you are doing after checking. When are you going to pay for your father?"    


"I bought a watch last year!"    


"What did you say?"    


"You've been lacking in calcium since you were young, lack in love since you were growing up, no pain from your grandma, no love from your uncle, slaps on the left side of your face, kicks on the right side of your face, kicks on donkeys and tramples on pigs."    


"Mr. Yang, I'm from the Night Paradise Club. I just called you, your father …"    


"You are a cucumber by nature, you deserve a beating! It was a Houtian walnut, so it needed a beating! "Those who spend their lives on broken motorcycles, they deserve a kick!    


"Mr. Yang, you …"    


"Teach you how to practice the saber, you practice the sword, and you still refuse to practice the sword. Scoundrel!" If you do not practice the golden sword, practice the silver sword! "    


"Yang …"    


"I wonder who was it that revealed you?"    


Yang Fann, on the other hand, was not done yet. It had been so many years since he got scolded so happily, and as a young man of the new generation who loved everything, Yang Fann could not remember the last time he scolded like this. He never thought that after so many years of not practicing, the first words he said would still be dirty.    


However, while Yang Fann was still complacent over his excellent scolding performance, he didn't know that a big trouble was approaching him!    


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