Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann felt that for someone like him who had a big secret, it would be better to stay as far away from those violent traps as possible. If he spent all his time under the noses of the relevant departments, unless he didn't use his ability, the chances of him not getting discovered were almost zero.    


For example, as an agent of Bing Feng, she could complete every task she sent out. Once or twice, she could be considered strong and lucky. However, the more times she did so, the more people would pay attention to her.    


Especially when something special happened, or even certain death, Yang Fann couldn't just watch himself die, right? He would have to use his own ability, and once he used his ability, he would be easily discovered by his partner who carried out the mission together with him.    


What? Yang Fann can complete the task by himself without a partner?    


Stop teasing me, the possibility of revealing your secret like that is higher. You will complete such a difficult quest by yourself and you won't believe it even if you say that you don't have any special methods!    


Also, once you become a member of the relevant department, Yang Fann's plan of earning big money, buying raw materials for jade, and leveling up his Space of Jade Pendant will all be in vain. A public official in your country doesn't have anything to earn so much money for, why would you want to do business as a public official? Give the way to make money to the organization, serve the people, and talk about conditions!    


As for insistence on not joining the relevant departments, that was nonsense. Some things couldn't be done however you wanted. Someone up there had taken a fancy to you. If you didn't want to serve the country, what did you want to do? Do you want to betray the country?    


Therefore, it was better for Yang Fann to stay as far away from the bosses as possible. The bosses were very busy, as long as they didn't wander around in front of them, they wouldn't think of Yang Fann as a small fry.    


Furthermore, Yang Fann only went to Myanmar to help send Bing Feng back to Hua Xia. In fact, he didn't really do much. Even if he did, he wouldn't be able to tell that Bing Feng had any special abilities.    


As for the ancestral secret recipe, it was said that a single hug could cure a wound. Who would believe that a fool? The leaders of the relevant departments in China were firm atheists. They wouldn't believe that these kinds of words were used to flirt with girls.    


Actually, Yang Fann could have followed Bing Feng and flown back to Yanjing together, then returned back to Jiangnan. That might have seemed more normal, but his leaving without saying anything made people suspicious.    


However, Yang Fann had his own thoughts. He wasn't sure if there were any special abilities in the departments, and he could activate his Space of Jade Pendant, so why shouldn't he allow others to gain fortuitous encounters? If there were some legendary ability users, perhaps they would be able to see something from him.    


If it was any other person, no matter how careful they were, they would have never been too sure of such a treasure like Space of Jade Pendant. Foolish fools like them, who would brazenly show off everywhere after coming across fortuitous encounters, hoping that the whole world would know about them, would only exist in movies and novels.    


So, Yang Fann left, quietly left, just as he quietly came, he waved his sleeves, did not take a cloud!    


Alright, let's put it in a more noble way. Yang Fann's move was called a strategic shift, but in a more refined way, Yang Fann's move was called escaping. To put it more bluntly, Yang Fann just ran away!    


As long as Yang Fann didn't want to, even if there was a company of soldiers, they wouldn't be able to find him in the forest.    


Therefore, Bing Feng didn't say anything after she found out that Yang Fann had left. After all, Yang Fann didn't leave for good. Bing Feng knew Yang Fann didn't like to show off, so she didn't tell her second uncle Bing Jianwei too much.    


Bing Feng didn't say much, so naturally, the Witch and Nana didn't mention much. Furthermore, they didn't really know how to talk in front of the Great Sage Bing.    


Don't look at the fact that Bing Yizhi was just a lieutenant general. However, he was different from ordinary lieutenant generals. He was a lieutenant general who held real power. He was not someone that the demoness could compare to Nana or the other so-called Chinese Trump Card.    


Actually, the so called Chinese Trump Card also had different levels. trump cards like Yao Ji and Nana were at most similar to ordinary senior high school students, and they were still quite far from a lieutenant general like Bing Shouyi.    


Even Bing Feng was treated like a major general at most. The only reason she could warn and punish Tong Sandai was because of the family behind her.    


Tong Sandai's grandfather, Lao Tong, was almost at the same level as Bing Shouye, but in terms of actual power, there was not even a little bit of difference. Lao Tong was already in a half-recovery state, and there was no way to compare with the brilliant and brilliant Bing Shouye!    


If there wasn't such a big difference, why would Lao Tong give Bing Feng face and send his most beloved grandson, Tong Sandai, to the border? Even Tong Sandai, who didn't listen to Bing Feng's warning and secretly found someone to hit Yang Fann's black gun, couldn't do anything to the grandfather and granddaughter of the Tong Family just by relying on Bing Feng's own strength!    


Not long after Tong Sandai was sent to the southwest border, something happened to Bing Feng in Myanmar. Not only did she have the wrong information about the mission, but she also almost died, which made the Bing Family very angry. If they found out that Tong Sandai was the culprit, then all their jobs would be light.    


Bing Feng left, riding on the helicopter that came to pick her up and flew away with Witch Nana. Yang Fann didn't actually go far, he just hid in the woods nearby and watched. He only came out from his hiding spot after the helicopter had completely disappeared into the sky and couldn't even hear the engine.    


Yang Fann didn't return to the village, instead, he directly took out his golden baker van from Space of Jade Pendant. He first sat in the car and ate something, then turned on his phone to navigate.    


Yang Fann was not stupid, why did he not take the plane and drive all the way back to Jiangnan from the southern border. Even if he was physically sick, he would not get tired after driving for a few thousand kilometers, but he would get bored.    


Technology was really convenient right now. Yang Fann was still on his way to the airport, so he had booked a plane ticket online and just swiped his ID card at the place.    


If this was in the case of Yang Fann when he was young, he would never have imagined that if humans continued to get used to it, they would all suffer from the lazy syndrome!    


Didn't the Internet say that with the development of artificial intelligence, many of the human jobs could be replaced by robots? At that time, humans could be freed from the heavy work and live a comfortable life.    


However, Yang Fann felt that if that day came, mankind wouldn't be far from extinction. When a race loses the meaning and perseverance to continue fighting, then that race will reach its peak. Then, humanity will continue to decline until it is eliminated by other races!    


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