Take Along A Spring



Yang Fann's powerful kick probably required a thousand cows to calculate. A thousand cows was a thousand newtons of strength. The specific calculation method was... Well, in short, the knowledge here was very profound, and not something that a big man like a drug dealer could understand.    


Whether it was crushed rocks or dried branches, under the effect of Yang Fann's kick, they immediately became dynamic darts. With the correction from Yang Fann's Spirit Body, these "darts" uniformly ravaged every drug dealer.    


The trafficker was ravaged to the point where he felt like dying. The most direct result was him fainting on the spot and not even being able to cry out, much less fire a gun.    


Bing Feng's eyes were filled with stars when she saw this scene. Only men who were stronger than her, especially super strong women like Bing Feng, would be able to subdue her without being stronger than her!    


The strong woman was very powerful, but she had her own merits. As long as he could subdue her, he would be more loyal than the gentle woman.    


If you don't believe me, you can carefully observe that the women who cheated in life were usually those who seemed gentle, while the women who looked carefree on the outside were not easily cheated.    


"Ugh …" "Comrade Bing Feng, hurry and put away the gun. It wouldn't be good if someone saw it."    


Suddenly, he felt two pairs of fiery eyes fixed on him. He turned around and realized it was Bing Feng, who was gazing at him affectionately, and he almost jumped up in fright. Oh, what the ancients said was right, every woman with a cold appearance has a sullen heart. Bing Feng looks very cold, but once she has set her eyes on me, I feel like my whole body is heating up.    


Amitabha, incredible, incredible! The woman at the foot of the mountain is indeed a tiger.    


Just as Yang Fann was debating whether he should leave Bing Feng here alone and escape by herself, Nana came out of the village.    


This made Yang Fann heave a long sigh of relief. It seemed that it was best not to be alone with Bing Feng in the future. Otherwise, it would be easy for him to lose his reputation.    


"Let's go. Witch has already told the family in the village that we can rest at their house tonight and leave tomorrow morning."    


Actually, according to Yang Fann's thoughts, there was no need to rest. Travelling through the night was the right way, and with his physical qualities, walking this way was nothing. Even if he walked directly from Myanmar to Jiangnan, Yang Fann wouldn't feel tired at all.    


However, considering that Bing Feng's injuries hadn't fully healed yet, Yang Fann decided to stay in the village for the night. He also had a hot meal, a hot bath, and a ride out.    


"What's going on with these people? Did the Mountain Leopard organization come all the way to China?"    


Nana noticed a few unconscious drug dealers nearby and immediately became alert. Just how much hatred did this mud horse have towards Mountain Leopard organization, making them want to chase and kill him even if they had to cross the national border?    


"It's not Burmese, it's a bunch of drug dealers. Handle the scene with Yang Fann. It's best not to let anyone find them for a short period of time."    


Bing Feng was the leader of the operation for their mission, so there was no psychological barrier when she issued orders to Nana. As an outstanding secret service agent, Nana naturally wouldn't be brain-dead enough to stand up to a leader like Bing Feng.    


"Dig in? Why dig? " Yang Fann expressed that he didn't understand, but he still dug with Nana.    


Nana was an outstanding agent, and Yang Fann was even more abnormal. The two of them worked together, and soon, they finished digging the hole.    


Crack! Crack! Crack …    


"Ugh …" Yang Fann was stupefied. He watched as Nana twisted the neck of a bunch of drug dealers into an exaggerated angle. He felt a chill down his spine. "Such a ruthless woman. Who would dare to marry such a woman?    


A bunch of drug dealers ended their lives while they were unconscious. Who was to blame for that!    


"Psychopath Yang, what are you waiting for? Hurry up and help!" Nana patted Yang Fann's shoulder with her hands that had just broken his neck, causing him to shudder in disgust. "Fine fine, I didn't say I wouldn't help. Why did you pat me?"    


Nana and Yang Fann even threw the dead bodies and their weapons into the hole and buried them. Even the pale faces of the drug dealers didn't leave anything behind.    


Of course, in order to protect themselves, they each carried a dagger. Bing Feng and Nana also carried a pistol in their waists, and all the other guns were buried. Yang Fann was not from the relevant department, so he didn't bring a gun.    


In fact, Yang Fann had a lot of weapons in his Space of Jade Pendant, such as pistols, rifles, submachine guns, grenades, detonators, tear gas bombs, a lot of bullets, and a few broken cars organized by the Mountain Leopard.    


Unfortunately, Yang Fann couldn't find the sniper rifle, even if it was just an ordinary sniper rifle. This made Yang Fann feel slightly regretful.    


If he had a sniper rifle and encountered the situation where someone hit Yang Fann's black gun, he wouldn't hesitate to launch a counterattack. With Yang Fann's nearly abnormal six senses and reaction speed, as long as he was in contact with a gun for a period of time, he wouldn't be afraid even if he was the best sniper!    


Carrying Bing Feng on his back again, Yang Fann followed Nana into the village. The village was very small, only having about thirty households. The houses of the villagers were all very dilapidated, so it was obvious that they were not from a wealthy village.    


The villager that Yao Ji and Nana found lived at the village entrance. Although the house was a bit shabby, there were a lot of rooms, enough for Yang Fann and the other two to sleep with.    


Amongst the trio of Bing Feng, Nana, and Witch, only the Witch seemed to be a man. If the rooms weren't enough, Yang Fann would definitely live with her.    


Honestly speaking, even if Yang Fann was living in the same room with Nana, the male nanny, he wouldn't want to live with the demoness. At the very least, he could be sure that Nana was a pure woman while the demoness …    


A sissy is always a scary thing. If something happens during the night, Yang Fann will cry himself to death!    


Of course, if he could share a room with Bing Feng … That... That won't do!    


Yang Fann didn't want to choose a woman as his wife right now, especially a fearless proletarian revolutionary like Bing Feng. She could even disregard her own life for the sake of the country, let alone her own husband.    


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